Gutter, læs denne artikel, ejere af BetPlays kørte tidligere en stor fidus-/svindelaktivitet, især dette er hvad du skal læse:
"Hvor bliver pengene af?
Det er svært at spore, hvor IGP og andre ofres penge er havnet. Noget af det blev kanaliseret mod en online spilleplatform, drevet af et Curacao-selskab med en cypriotisk ejer.
Creative Alliance blev registreret på Curacao i 2022 med en cypriotisk statsborger Theano Andreou som direktør. Lækkede materialer identificerer hende også som den reelle ejer. Andreou kunne ikke nås for en kommentar.
Ifølge udgiftsregistreringer brugte netværket €40.000 på en Curacao-licens til at drive online-væddemålsmærket Betplays , €29.000 på affiliate marketing og betalte en månedlig lønsum på €70.000 i 2022.
Creative Alliance er nu licenseret i Anjouan, en lille ø i det sydvestlige Indiske Ocean. Betplays er blevet sortlistet af myndighederne i Grækenland, Cypern og Rumænien og er genstand for klager fra online-spillere, der hævder at være blevet snydt og ude af stand til at hæve deres indskud eller gevinster."
Fuld artikel:
Guys, read this article, owners of BetPlays were previosly running a big scam/fraud activity, escpecially this is what you need to read:
"Where does the money go?
It is difficult to trace where IGP and other victims’ money ended up. Some of it was channeled toward an online gaming platform, operated by a Curacao company with a Cypriot owner.
Creative Alliance was registered in Curacao in 2022, with a Cypriot national Theano Andreou as director. Leaked materials also identify her as the beneficial owner. Andreou could not be reached for comment.
According to expense records, the network spent €40,000 on a Curacao license to operate the online betting brand Betplays, €29,000 on affiliate marketer, and paid a monthly payroll of €70,000 in 2022.
Creative Alliance is now licensed in Anjouan, a tiny island in the southwestern Indian Ocean. Betplays has been blacklisted by authorities in Greece, Cyprus and Romania, and the subject of complaints from online players claiming to have been scammed, and being unable to withdraw their deposits or winnings."
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