HjemForumCasinoerBetunlim Casino – generel debat

Betunlim Casino – generel debat (side 2)

 af Electroduende
3.940 visninger 54 svar |
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They say up to 14 days 😏

Jeg prøver at åbne en klage over dette casino, og det lykkes ikke. Jeg fremsatte en anmodning om tilbagetrækning den 17/01/2025, og de afviste den på grund af mine dokumenter.... så langt så godt. De siger, at de har 14 arbejdsdage til at foretage verifikationen.

Den 28/01/2025 sendte de mig en e-mail med anmodning om nye dokumenter. Okay, jeg sendte dem på e-mail samme dag.

Endelig, den 17. februar 2025, blev mine dokumenter analyseret og frigivet, så jeg kunne fremsætte anmodningen om tilbagetrækning.

Jeg var overrasket over at opdage, at jeg kun kunne hæve i kryptovalutaer !!!!. Jeg har sendt en e-mail til support om dette.

De svarede: "Der er midlertidige tekniske begrænsninger i resultaterne af Pix-metoden. Situationen vil snart stabilisere sig, og Pix-metoden vil være tilgængelig."

Jeg har logget ind på min konto i 3 dage nu, og PIX-metoden vises stadig ikke til udbetaling. Det er absurd!!!! Hvornår vil de tilbageholde min tilbagetrækning?

Detalje: Indbetalingen blev foretaget i PIX og den 17/01/2025 var PIX-udbetalingsmuligheden tilgængelig.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm sorry that there is some issue with the payment method you would like to use, but it maybe is not even the casinos fault, you know.

Aren't you able to use crypto, so you wouldn't need to wait any longer, perhaps?🤔

They say up to 14 days 😏

Up to 14 days, but no mention regarding the reason at all?


They say, it is the policy


So, let's see how it will go then. We'll wait for another update from your side.


Jeg kan ikke hæve/bruge kryptovalutaer. Derfor indbetalte jeg endda via PIX.

Hvorfor skulle det ikke være kasinoets skyld?

Automatisk oversættelse:


Well, if the payment provider is not cooperating with this casino right now, or if there have been some technical issues, etc. Please know that I'm just guessing here. Right?


For each document verification they need up to 14 days. Can you imagine?

That's really bad!! And God knows how long g for withdraw. Usually casino KYC same day and through support.


Jeg har lige tjekket deres vilkår og betingelser, og der står faktisk 14 dage for KYC.

Det er virkelig mærkeligt. Baseret på min erfaring har verifikation altid taget maksimalt en time på hvert casino, jeg har spillet på.

Automatisk oversættelse:


I was hoping to see you back yet under much happier circumstances...

So, asking how you have been is probably not the best start.

14 days for each document? Sounds like a very bad joke... What seems to be the reason for this quite horrific deadline? Did they give details to you?


I found it!

"BETUNLIM is entitled to request at their discretion any documents from the bettor substantiating their identity or other data they have provided (for example, passport details, residential address), as well as to cancel any payments until all such details have been verified. Verification of each document may take up to 14 working days from the date of its receipt."

Never seen such thing before...


No details, just their policy.

By the way when my balance was 0$ the skrill method was 3000$ max withdraw which the method i used to deposit, but when the balance has money $$$$ suddenly the max withdraw 100$ with same method.

I wonder how these types of casino got high rate!!!


I just found the rules. So, I presume no real reason is necessary from their side.

Honestly, we need players to push complaints in order to adjust Safety Index, so that's it. One thing is to compose terms, but the real thing is how these are applied to players.

Technically speaking, when your balance is zero, the withdrawable limit is higher that when you actually posses active balance. Hmmmm, I imagine casino support has a great explanation for that.

Yes. I have all documented and screenshot.

Jeg har lige sendt en besked til support om, at tilbagetrækningen kun har mulighed for kryptovalutaer.

Jeg bad dem ordne det... jeg har trods alt ikke kunnet trække i 5 dage nu. Support svar:

Tak fordi du kontakter BETUNLIM!

Midlertidigt utilgængelig, brug venligst andre metoder.

Har du spørgsmål, kan du altid kontakte os på .

Venlig hilsen. Team BETUNLIM!

Hvordan kan jeg hæve med andre metoder, hvis der kun er Cryptocurrency ????

Automatisk oversættelse:

This is just a game they play to delay withdraw.

Jeg har lige sendt en besked til support om, at tilbagetrækningen kun har mulighed for kryptovalutaer.

Jeg bad dem ordne det... jeg har trods alt ikke kunnet trække i 5 dage nu. Support svar:

Tak fordi du kontakter BETUNLIM!

Midlertidigt utilgængelig, brug venligst andre metoder.

Har du spørgsmål, kan du altid kontakte os på .

Venlig hilsen. Team BETUNLIM!

Hvordan kan jeg hæve med andre metoder, hvis der kun er Cryptocurrency ????

Automatisk oversættelse:

In my opinion, there is no way to find out whether other options are or are not available. So, I suggest taking the money right away using cryptocurrency and being done with it. If the casino says there is no other way, I have no idea how to investigate that.

This is just a game they play to delay withdraw.

I'd say it does not make sense. If you don't mind, crypto is considered the quickest way, so if the casino suggests a crypto transfer, they are, in my opinion, closing the way of stalling further. That would be a very interesting situation and I hope it's not the case.

What about if someone doesn't have crypto currency wallet to withdraw and used different method to deposit???


Du kan for eksempel prøve at bruge tilgængelige e-wallets til udbetalinger, da de også er næsten øjeblikkelige.

Automatisk oversættelse:
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