HjemForumCasinoerBitStarz Casino – generel debat

BitStarz Casino – generel debat (side 7)

 af dearmonikam
46.215 visninger 174 svar |
1...6 7 89

Hej Jaro

Ja det er som du beskriver det. Jeg har indgivet en klage og håber da også på at casinoet kigger på den chat der har været mellem os.

Det undre mig også en del. Jeg valgte casinoet pga. deres høje sikkerhedsindeks.



Thank you for your reply. 

Nevertheless, do you or have you communicated with the casino how to withdraw your money when you have a closed account ? Did the casino advise you what you should do ? Did they tell you why they took your money out of your account ?

Let me know. 


Jeg skrev at jeg ville have mine penge 350 Euro som jeg havde vundet. Dertil svarede de at pga. en teknisk fejl var pengene desværre gået tabt. Så svarede jeg til chatten: Hvordan udbetaler man sine penge. Jeg vil gerne have dem udbetalt og lukket min konto pga. jeg synes det er uansvarligt at der opstår tekniske problemer og man ikke får udbetalt sine gevinster. Så skrev de tilbage på chatten: det var de kede af at hører og om jeg ville være interesseret i nogle gratis spin. Jeg nåede ikke at svarer og så var kontoen bare lukket og jeg har ikke modtaget mail eller andre beskeder om noget siden 🙁


Yes, it's a pity you haven't had any conversation with the casino since then. Maybe you would have come to some reasonable agreement eventually. 

However, if the money is just lost, I don't really understand. I guess I'd like to know more about the technical error that occurred. Did you also try to ask if it was on the game provider's side ? 

Of course, Tomas will continue to look into your complaint and hopefully will be able to help you without any problems. I'll be curious to see how this all ends up. 

I hope it will be fair. 🙂


Which game was it? How can that money be lost due to a "technical error"? Specially within a provider's game?? When a game is aborted, the money is reinstated to your balance, if the money was lost because it was discounted from your balance to place a bet on any game and if the game for some reason has shown a win that never took place, then the bet amount should be back into your balance.

There are many details missing and it would help a lot if you gave more details, like the game you were playing and the bet amount and if said bet returned a win


Hej. Det var hjulet ( funky time ) jeg vandt i Disco bonus spil.

Spillet blev ikke afbrudt jeg vandt 5 Euro gange 69 altså 350 Euro. Pengene kom bare ikke ind på min casino konto. Jeg tjekkede spillelisten hvor jeg kan se alle mine væddemål og her stod der også plus 350 Euro derfor skrev jeg til chatten hvorfor jeg ikke fik dem ? og her svarer hun at det skyldes en fejl muligvis pga. jeg har spillet flere spil på engang. Jeg har dog altid 2 eller 3 borde åbne når jeg spiller og det har aldrig været et problem. Jeg spurgte så om at pengene var tabt ? og der svarede hun : ja desværre. Så skrev jeg at jeg ikke havde tillid til deres casino system og hvordan man udbetaler det nuværende beløb for jeg ville gerne lukke min konto. Så svarede hun at det var hun ked af at hører og om jeg ikke ville have nogle free spins ? jeg nåede ikke at svarer før kontoen var lukket ! Og nu kan jeg ikke udbetale det jeg havde stående... Jeg synes bestemt IKKE at Casino lever op til disse anmeldelser de har. Jeg vil fraråde alle at spille på steder hvor man risikere ikke at få udbetalt gevinster ( det kunne jo have været 100.000 Euro eller mere ) og så kan de bare udtale at der er sket en fejl måske fordi du har spillet 2 spil 🙁

This seems a little strange to me, over the last couple of days I had a bad run at Bitstarz playing their black jack, and had lost 13k in a 1 or 2 k lots. Then I said screw it one more time, and managed to win 16k of my final 1k deposit. Now they need to check with the game provider ? It's bit starz original blackjack, and the max payout per round would be 3x for a black jack, or 2x for a normal round. Bet spread was from 100 - $1000. All Cash deposits no bonus nonsense. This seems a little weird to me.


Have you tried to ask the support about that? I reckon you will get some answers as soon as they will have all the information from the game provider. Unfortunately, for now, you just need to wait, and there is nothing much to do. Hopefully they will be able to get back to you in a short time. Please let us know about any development regarding this.

I noticed you addressed about ten players with this friendly recommendation. Pardon my manners, but could you support it with a screenshot showing your successful withdrawals?

You know, gambling is a very competitive industry, and even though I have no reason not to believe you, I prefer to be straight. Players usually don't act like this, so your cooperation is appreciated.

The last time I saw such a high level of quite similar engagement, no screenshots were provided.

I appreciate your understanding and upholding transparency. 🙏

Vennen der udgiver et kasino i flere emner af andre diskussioner med den samme sætning, uden noget bevis, jeg stoler ikke på det,

Automatisk oversættelse:

Yeah they've approved my withdrawl, so all is well. I just found it weird they'd need to go to such lengths for a net profit of 2k.

Vennen der udgiver et kasino i flere emner af andre diskussioner med den samme sætning, uden noget bevis, jeg stoler ikke på det,

Automatisk oversættelse:

Could you be more specific, please, what exactly are you pointing to? I really do not understand here.

Yeah they've approved my withdrawl, so all is well. I just found it weird they'd need to go to such lengths for a net profit of 2k.

That is really great. Well, I am not really sure, if it is about the amount, or they just really needed to check things out in your case. Let us know, please, whenever you will receive the money. Which payment method are you using?


I recieved the second 8k withdrawl into my bank today, actually pretty quick for a bank withdrawl.


Today you are one of the many who have already received money in some casino. I'm honestly delighted to see such players as many as possible. 

In this case, will you give the casino a chance and will you continue to play here ? 🙂


yeah it didn't drag out, I was a little worried as I've seen other cases where the casino was "checking with the provider" that dragged out for months, or was never paid at all. Bitstarz was quite prompt with their checking, and subsequent payment, so I'll keep playing here.


Thanks for your explanation. Sometimes checks can certainly be extended depending on several factors, so it is important to take that into account when looking at such cases. 

However, as long as you didn't have any significant problem, then I understand your decision. 

May you do well here. ☘️🤞🤗

Bitz star casino had this available but no more - to Au players - it’s called Bet along … a person is doing a sort of podcast live streaming and he’s playing a slot and you can either bet whenever you like on any spin or jump off any spin now they stopped offering it to you players. The casino told me to use a VPN but I just don’t understand how it picks it up that I’m from Australia and the game won’t load anyone knows either which casinos got this similar game or how is it that using a VPN? They still know what region you’re coming from?


Hi, I was looking for this game to see if we have it here so that I can recommend you another casino where it is, but I haven't found it anywhere. Is it called- Bet Along ?

As for the VPN, always take a screenshot if the casino offers it in case there are any problems. And as for whether they can see where you're playing from, I think IP addresses and things like that aren't hard to keep track of nowadays. Have you verified with the casino yet or not, or if you registered and had to enter your country or something like that they can have information form there.


you can try vegebet.com for sure, pg games are available

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