HjemForumCasinoerCasinoin – generel debat

Casinoin – generel debat (side 8)

 af Lampros
62.333 visninger 265 svar |
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Godaften, jeg indsatte et beløb i går, og jeg havde en fortjeneste, de fortalte mig, at de har et problem med indbetalingerne til kortene, jeg fortalte dem, at de skulle gøre det via skrill, de sagde bare læg minimumsindbetalingsbeløbet via skrill 20€ og vi overfører pengene til dig til hævning!!! Tror klassisk, de lyver for mig, og nu beder de om identifikation, vi får nok aldrig pengene, for jeg kan ikke se, at identifikationen bliver foretaget til tiden, også jeg er en streamer. Jeg vandt beløbet, da jeg levede, så 400-500 folk har set det...hvis jeg ikke bliver betalt, vil jeg sandsynligvis miste en masse kunder

Automatisk oversættelse:


well if you're a streamer, you should know that it's pretty normal that every time a new type of payment option is used for withdrawal, it needs to be verified first - this is done by a minimum deposit. That's normal. Don't worry. It's also a usual thing that a player needs to successfully pass the account verification (the KYC).

I suggest you keep calm and cooperate with the casino. 🙂

Let me know how it goes and good luck.


well if you're a streamer, you should know that it's pretty normal that every time a new type of payment option is used for withdrawal, it needs to be verified first - this is done by a minimum deposit. That's normal. Don't worry. It's also a usual thing that a player needs to successfully pass the account verification (the KYC).

I suggest you keep calm and cooperate with the casino. 🙂

Let me know how it goes and good luck.

Yeah a know but my point is that they ask more despoits to get the money and when you request withdraw,they want to verify your account in the first day that you open ....never mind


Det siges, at problemet med korthævninger skulle være løst den 10/9.

Jeg fik pengene efter 5 arbejdsdage via SEPA

Automatisk oversættelse:

Det siges, at problemet med korthævninger skulle være løst den 10/9.

Jeg fik pengene efter 5 arbejdsdage via SEPA

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Yeah a know but my point is that they ask more despoits to get the money and when you request withdraw,they want to verify your account in the first day that you open ....never mind

Well, I do not understand why would the casino ask for more deposits to get the money, outside of verification. I read your complaint and to me, it seems, that to be able to use skrill other documents are necessary, well just guessing, of course, the casino should explain both of your points.


Ved vi, om vi beskattes disse penge fyre her i Grækenland eller beholder/betaler de skatten ??

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm sorry, not sure how taxes work in Greece.

May I know in what status or phrase your verification is, please?


I permanently delete the account but i am curious about taxes couse i think we gona have prhoblem here in greece!plus i dont get it why casinoin took fees in second withdraw


Well, I'll ask our casino testers whether anybody can provide further information.



Love you ❤3


That's very kind 😀

Let's hope you get satisfying answers soon.

Good evening Sotiris. May I ask how much was the withdraw? I'm from Greece and I can look it up for you about the taxes etc. If you want you can answer in Greek.


Sorry,I meant to reply here. 🙂

Good evening Sotiris. May I ask how much was the withdraw? I'm from Greece and I can look it up for you about the taxes etc. If you want you can answer in Greek.


From a research that I did I can tell you this. Every licensed casino keeps the taxes at the withdrawal (to our country at least). So I think you will be ok. If there is anything else I can help you with,let me know.


Sagen er, at jeg har foretaget en del hævninger og indbetalinger, men nettooverskuddet kan være tæt på 1500-2000 i alt

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg læste i forskellige artikler, at så snart kasinoet er licenseret i henhold til græsk lov, opbevares skatten af kasinoet, og vi behøver ikke at gøre noget fra vores side. Så jeg tror du er dækket.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Kasinoet har en sort liste fra hvad jeg har set 😕

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