Jeg er så vidt muligt enig med dig, og det handlede slet ikke om at ville være ustøttende. Jeg ville gerne ud med en tryghed om hele situationen og derfor, at vi skulle forsøge at tænke positivt. Hvis du tog det fra den anden side, så er jeg ked af det, fordi det ikke var mit mål.
Spillerne skal bestemt ikke vente så længe på pengene, og det var det, jeg ville give udtryk for.
I agree with you as much as possible, and it wasn't at all about wanting to be unsuportive. I wanted to come out with reassurance about the whole situation and therefore that we should try to think positively. If you took it from the other side, then I am sorry because that was not my aim.
The players should definitely not wait so long for the money and that's what I wanted to express.