HjemForumCasinoerCocoa Casino – generel debat

Cocoa Casino – generel debat

3 år siden af ilanapendell
7.204 visninger 27 svar |
1 2
3 år siden
Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Cocoa Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.
3 år siden

I have played a considerable amount of different casinos in my short time as an online player, read hundreds of reviews and have found that as with most things in life there are positives and negatives. But this casino and it's three clones have won my trust completely. Payout is slower than some but it's consistent. But I read an article about how to spot fake casinos and a 7 days payout is standard for most TRUSTED casinos. I have won at others and was paid same day but only once and the games went sketchy after a while with obvious changes in last minute landings. That being said Cocoa and it's clones seem to be standup in this industry. Customer service is great once they warm up to you. Before that they seems to be pretty robotic in response but after a while they are more personable. Ryan is the greatest!! Bonuses are really fair although I usually deposit clean with no bonuses. They do have cash back however available next day plus regular loyalty tokens. The games are fun in my opinion and they are always adding more to their platform. I have cashed out around 5 or 6 times and always received on 7 the day. I can't say enough good about this set of sites! I am very grateful for the trust I can place here.

3 år siden

Thanks for the detailed review. Did you know you can even post your review here? https://casino.guru/cocoa-casino-review#tab=js-tab-reviews

3 år siden

youtube.com for helvede

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

Jeg er virkelig enig med Ilana, kakao er sensationel, super pålidelig og servicen er vidunderlig. Jeg er bange for at falde i problemer og i stedet for at have det sjovt ender jeg med hovedpine for at løse problemer, vente på betaling, frygt for bots, for at blive skruet på, alligevel ... det er noget, der skal undersøges meget, at have meget forsigtighed. Jeg er så glad for at have opdaget cocoacasino.com, det er mine to favoritter, og for nu vil jeg helst ikke risikere mere. Mange tak for den fremragende service, kram alle!

Redigeret af Daniel 3 år siden
Årsag: Forbudt link
Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

You mean the profile in Cocoa Casino? Have you contacted their customer support regarding this?

3 år siden

I have been waiting since 9/28/21 for a simple 50$ payout and nothing. I really don't see what takes so long to process such a tiny payment. They are extremely rude in the chat. I will not be playing here again. You don't have 3 weeks to take my money but wanna take a month to send it.

3 år siden

I'm just wondering, do you already have your account verified? Which payment method have you used to withdraw the winnings?

2 år siden

A very bad casino has been waiting for payment for 18 days, every time they only deceive that they will pay

2 år siden

Hello there,

If your account is fully verified by now, I'd say 18 days is a pretty long time for payment.

As far as understand, they have not given you any reason for this delay, am I correct?

In this case, I think you should submit a complaint, feel free to do so here:


2 år siden

They wrote to make a deposit of another 25 euros, I decided to just lose everything and forget about this casino

2 år siden

I understand you don't want to continue playing there.

But I'm wondering what is the purpose of this deposit?

Just an idea: Have you opted for a different payment option than you did originally? I can't think of any other reasonable reason.

2 år siden

At the beginning they said make a deposit of 20 euros in bitcoins, I did everything, they said everything is fine, wait for the payment, waited 18 days, then they write we need it again, your documents and another deposit of 25 euros, then we will start the payment) completely crazy.

2 år siden

It just comes to my mind, did you play with some bonus?

If so, did it have some max cashout? It happens that in order to meet the minimum withdrawal amount, you must deposit because the amount won is too low to meet the minimum withdrawal. I would love to find some explanation, but I can't figure out anything better.

2 år siden

So an update to my original post... I'm a bit more seasoned now and let me tell you their sister site Davincis Gold really did me wrong and I'm going to post about it on the appropriate place. The aforementioned casino guru page.

1 år siden

Hej! Jeg er ny og poster det her :)

Jeg anmodede om en udbetaling fra kakao casino den 19/11/23 efter at have vundet €100 med gratis spins.

For at påbegynde en udbetaling krævedes en indbetaling, som jeg lavede, og udbetalingen blev "initieret"

Dagen efter, den 20. november. Jeg havde en cashback på mit indskud, spurgte i chatten om cashback havde en grænse (svar: nej), vandt omkring €150 og anmodede om en anden udbetaling på €130.

Der gik et par dage, og der skete ikke noget, så jeg spurgte livechatten, som fortalte mig, at jeg skulle indsende det og det dokument documents@cocoacasino.com (Jeg håber, det er rigtigt, men jeg har stadig e-mailen.) send, hvad jeg gjorde. Efter et par dage uden svar spurgte jeg igen i chatten og fik derefter at vide, at jeg skulle sende dokumenterne support@cocoacasino.com sende, hvilket jeg gjorde efter tur. Efter endnu et par dage uden svar, spurgte jeg igen i chatten, damen fortalte mig, at hun ville kontakte økonomiafdelingen og give mig besked den følgende dag, hvilket hun gjorde.

"Hej Philip,

Jeg har fået svar fra økonomiafdelingen. De har tjekket dine dokumenter, og de er nu verificeret.

Jeg har kigget på din profil og har set, at du har anmodet om din udbetaling den 19. november. I henhold til vores vilkår og betingelser tager behandlingen mellem 14-18 dage, før processen er afsluttet.

Med venlig hilsen

Dit kundeserviceteam

Cocoa Casino, cocoacasino.com"

Denne nyhed kom den 1. december. og lige nu, mens jeg skriver dette indlæg, ser jeg, at den første udbetaling siden i dag, den 4. december. er nu angivet som "afventer" og ikke længere som "i proces" og er ikke længere markeret som reversibel. Jeg er spændt på, om den anden betaling vil blive opført som udestående i morgen, og om pengene rent faktisk kommer.

Jeg ville helt sikkert spille i casinoet oftere, hvis jeg kan være sikker på, at du vil udbetale, hvis du vinder.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hello, thanks for your description of the experience which is still ongoing in the casino. As for your withdrawals, I firmly believe that they will eventually arrive and hopefully without any additional problems. Could you please update us when this happens or when you have any new information about your case ? 

Anyway, I can't help but notice that the casino has a pretty low safety index and quite a few warnings and operates without a license. Have you seen that too ? I think I'd be more cautious about depositing here and I'm quite curious if your withdrawals will go through and you'll get your money. If they don't let us know. I'll be waiting. 

1 år siden

Hey there, thanks for your reply.

The status of the first withdrawal is now marked as "finished", the second one is still "in process", I will update if i have news on it.

I didn't know that they have a fake licence or no licence at all to be honest, i just used some free games and the first time i managed to wager and won the max amount i just tried to withdraw, you know?

/edit : The money from the first withdrawal was on my bank account today.

The second withdrawals status hasnt changed yet.

Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
1 år siden

It has been over 3 weeks now since the i ordered the 2nd withdraw on november 20th.

While the first one from november 19th was processed, the second one is still pending even though they have all my documents and i asked the livechat several times and the support via mail aswell...Chat said they would tell it to the finance department, mail support didnt answer at all.

what would you recommend me to do?

1 år siden

In this case I would recommend to file a complaint because 3 weeks are already quite a lot I would say. You can do so here on this link

Apart from what support says, do you have any other reason why this withdrawal has not been processed yet ? Only that they're moving it to the finance department ? 

1 2

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