Nej, de har ikke givet mig nogen grund endnu. Sidste fredag sagde agenten "eva" at det ville blive behandlet efter weekenden. Tirsdag skrev jeg en mail til supporten og fik en e-mail fra dem i dag, hvori jeg sagde dette:
"Kære Prilipp,
Din udbetaling er blevet gennemført.
Med venlig hilsen
Dit kundeserviceteam
Cocoa Casino,"
Nu er jeg logget ind på hjemmesiden, kigget på kassereren og stadig "i gang" og tilgængelig for at stoppe udbetalingen.
talte med chatten igen, en anden agent fortalte mig, at hun kan se, at den stadig er i gang, hun ville fortælle det til sine ledere og undskylde for forsinkelsen, det var alt, hvad hun kunne gøre for nu, og hendes manager ville kontakte mig med en opdatering.
No, they didn't give me any reason yet. Last Friday the agent "eva" said it would be dealt with after the weekend. Tuesday i wrote a mail to the support and got an email from them today, saying this :
"Dear Prilipp,
Your payout has been successfully completed.
Best regards
Your customer service team
Cocoa Casino,"
Now i logged in into the website, looked at the cashier and still "in progress" and available to stop the withdrawal.
talked to the chat again, another agent told me she can see its still in progress, she would tell it to her managers and apologized for the delay, thats all she could do for now and her manager would contact me with an update.