HjemForumCasinoerCusco Casino – generel debat

Cusco Casino – generel debat

10 måneder siden af kupertief1
5.526 visninger 41 svar |
1 23
10 måneder siden
Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Cusco Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.
10 måneder siden

Casino Cusco is also mobile friendly. You can play all games on your smartphone or tablet without having to download an app. The mobile website is as user-friendly as the desktop website.

Casino Cusco is very user friendly. The website is well-organized and easy to navigate. You can easily search for games by type, provider or theme. The games are available in several languages, including Dutch.

10 måneder siden

That's great! What about the other qualities, if you don't mind me asking?

Is support helpful, terms written clearly? KYC handled with care yet swiftly?

Thanks in advance 🙂

8 måneder siden

Cusco casino tager ulovlige penge fra hollandske problemspillere uden at samarbejde for at tilbagebetale en anmodning om tilbagebetaling, det er grunden til, at jeg for en måned siden vil have mine penge tilbage så hurtigt som muligt

Cusco casino e-mail og medarbejdere på live chat reagerer ikke på min anmodning fra sidste måned til min anmodning om at refundere mine penge, situationen har stået på i en måned, jeg gav alle mine detaljer og modtog intet tilbage, ikke via e-mailen og intet via live chat de er ikke villige til at samarbejde med min anmodning om tilbagebetaling fra en måned siden det drejer sig om et beløb på 580 euro som de ikke må acceptere fordi jeg er en hollandsk spiller de opererer ulovligt de har ikke tilladelse til dette og derudover er jeg opført i cruks, og jeg er kendt som en problemspiller, de kender til dette, de angiver via trustpilot, at de er villige til at samarbejde via e-mail, hvis jeg sender en e-mail direkte til dem først, de har udtrykkeligt givet den forkerte e-mailadresse, men Jeg havde allerede mailet den rigtige der før, jeg havde allerede sendt forespørgslen og sendt alt hvad angår data, så sender du dem et par mails mere på deres forespørgsel her via Trustpilot om at de vil samarbejde, men stadig intet svar på min e-mails overhovedet og ikke engang hvis du beder om det igen i live chatten, den er heller ikke villig til at svare via live chatten og har lavet flere print screens af dette den seneste måned, jeg har den dag i dag stadig ikke modtaget min pengene tilbage, ingen opdateringer modtog en refusion via e-mail og modtog ingen hjælp via live support. Den eneste løsning til at få mig til at stoppe med at rapportere dette er, at jeg hurtigst muligt får mine penge tilbage på mit bankkontonummer. Det drejer sig om alle mine indskud omkring 580 euro. den foregående marts måned, der blev deponeret, og de fangede derfor en problemspiller uden licens fra en cruks og ved dette, pas på folk, de er svindlere

Oplevelsesdato: 20. marts 2024

Automatisk oversættelse:
8 måneder siden

I am really sorry about this situation of yours. When exactly have you open an account at this casino, if I may ask? As far as I can see, the casino operates under the Gaming Curaçao (GC), but does not accept players from the Netherlands.🤔

I hope our team will be able to help out with this issue in your complaint, where they are actually waiting for some answers from you. Please update them whenever possible, so they can move forward with your case.

8 måneder siden

They answered only when everybody can read with the situation but nothing at my emails and nothing with my conversation at their live support and message what i leave behind they lied that they are willing to help me they dont wanna help me already a month nothing send me back at my emails or live chat file

8 måneder siden

I am really sorry about the whole situation. Hopefully, our team will get in touch with the casino soon to solve it.

8 måneder siden

Thanks to bad there still no answers not at live support not from their email also not in the 24 hours what i gived theme there s nothing from theme back to me from this cuscocasino i hope also you and your team resolve this thanks for your help

Redigeret af forfatter 8 måneder siden
8 måneder siden

Sometimes a delay can be caused by overloaded withdrawal requests or even when a casino is understaffed, so please try to be a little patient. We are always glad to help.

8 måneder siden

Yes ive wait already 1.5month almost and still not answers from cuscocasino i think they blocked me from support and email i hope they refund me soon in a couple days because i wait already long enough its time now

8 måneder siden

I surely understand your frustration here, but unfortunately, there is nothing much to be done right now. Just wait to see what our complaint team will be able to do about your case.

8 måneder siden

Still nothing back also no email nothing from cusco casino

8 måneder siden

But hold this private please theres my name on it this was from 20 march after the verification i never heard theme anymore by email or live chat

Redigeret af forfatter 8 måneder siden
8 måneder siden

file let see nick also please because he would shut the case and say that i did not have the right for my money back because i also not asked for self exclusion but here is proof please help me with my money back from 20 march its now 5 May it takes to long after my verification back than i not heard theme anymore by email and by support they not answering me only when everybody can read the say with trustpilot that i must take contact by email first they send there a wrong emailadress on purpose but i had already send to the good emailadress and after the verification in the beginning not response me anymore the only thing in the beginning was to look to it and should send me an update but never get an answer anymore and still not have my refund back from all deposits back than

8 måneder siden

Please do not post any screenshots on the forum with your name visible if you do not wish anyone to see your information. We are not able to control or hide what is visible there.

I am really sorry about the whole situation and our complaint team, together with Nick is surely doing whatever is possible to get your case solved. Please bear in mind that they can help everyone only if there is some possibility to do that, and they cannot change any events that happened there. I hope there will be the best resolution possible in your case soon.

8 måneder siden

I hope to they never respons me after my verification in the beginning anymore not by chat not by email

Redigeret af forfatter 8 måneder siden
8 måneder siden

Try to stay calm, please. I imagine you're quite stressed out, so try to focus on staying positive.

Nick will get to the bottom of this, but for now, I think it would be wise not to overestimate the possible outcome. 🙏

We must try to ensure the casino representative will respond to the complaint; that matters the most. Just let Nick do his part, and try to relax a bit.

8 måneder siden

I relax i wait almost 2 months thanks for your message

8 måneder siden

Sometimes, unfortunately, the case can take a bit longer to get solved, you know.

8 måneder siden

I still wait thank you

1 23

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