HjemForumCasinoerGate 777 Casino – generel debat

Gate 777 Casino – generel debat (side 6)

 af Radka
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I tried to withdraw money, and they locked my account for 7 weeks, week 2 I was told account verified no one would reply, finally got it unlocked and they took all my money, I still have not had a email, Live surport was no help I asked for some complimentary free spins in the meantime and was offered a bonus in stead, I said I had no money, they asked why I said because you took it I'll have to wait until pay day and then excluded me for my replys still no email still no money, don't recommend at all, I did untill I tryed to cash out, took my money for months then do this


Hi, so the casino first blocked your account where you had funds and then unblocked it with the fact that you had nothing in it, do I understand correctly ? Was there any reason for the casino to take your money ? 

I think in this case it would probably be best to lodge a complaint because it is not right to block an account with money and then unblock it and take the money without a reason. You can find a link to the complaint here: https://casino.guru/complaints/all

Are you going to try it and go for it ? 

Hej. Jeg har et alvorligt problem med dette casino, da jeg anmodede om en udbetaling på 1.000.000 clp for 2 dage siden, og nu tjekker jeg min konto, og det ser ud til, at jeg ikke har nogen udestående udbetaling, og pengene forsvandt fra min konto. Jeg kontaktede support, og de fortalte mig, at de ville sende mig en e-mail, og der skete ikke noget.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, did the casino also tell you any reason why you can no longer see your withdrawal ? Isn't it possible that the casino has already sent you the money ? As for the email, you still haven't received anything from the casino ? 

However, I see that you managed to file a complaint, so our team will try to help you in your situation.

If you hear anything new don't hesitate to update us. 

Hej. Kasinoet svarede mig, at i morgen eftermiddag ville de sende mine penge til min spillekonto igen, jeg venter. Jeg fortæller dig det i morgen, mange tak.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I understand, so we will wait to see if the casino keeps its promises and you get your money. When that happens, don't hesitate to let me know.


Hej, kasinoet returnerede faktisk mine penge, men da jeg forsøgte at anmode om min udbetaling igen, blokerede de min konto med alle mine penge, jeg kan ikke komme ind. Jeg bad om de respektive forklaringer, men de gav mig dem ikke, de fortalte mig kun, at jeg skulle vente på en e-mail, der aldrig kommer. file

Automatisk oversættelse:

So you still don't have any explanation from the casino why they blocked your account ? It's quite strange if the casino told you that they will return the money to your gaming account and as soon as they gave it to you they blocked your account. 

However, since you have a complaint with us, our team will try to help you. 

If you have any further information, please do not hesitate to let us know. 


Hej, kasinoet holder stadig min konto blokeret, de fortalte mig, at når de bekræftede min adresse, ville de låse den op, de har allerede bekræftet den, og den er stadig blokeret. Jeg har allerede sendt flere e-mails, men der er ingen svar.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I get that this is certainly frustrating and I don't think it takes that long to verify the address. Especially when you say it's already verified but the account is still blocked. Of course the casino's response would be the best, but since they don't bother to answer, it's difficult. 

However, our team will try to help you and hopefully you will get your money back.

I will wait for the next update.


Ja, sandheden er, at jeg er ret frustreret, da de holder min konto blokeret, og alt er allerede bekræftet, de sendte mig endda en e-mail om, at det allerede var bekræftet. Men når jeg spørger, hvornår de vil fjerne blokeringen af min konto, svarer de ikke på noget og får mig bare til at vente. Jeg er meget bekymret, da mine penge er der, og jeg kan ikke se noget, fordi de ikke vil give mig adgang til kontoen.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I totally understand that you are frustrated because I would be too. The fact that the casino doesn't actually answer your question may be because they are still doing follow-up checks. If you are getting nowhere and the casino is not communicating, then since you have a complaint filed as I said, our team will try to help. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞


Hej, min konto er stadig spærret, jeg kommunikerer via chat og de fortæller mig at jeg skal fortsætte med at vente, de giver mig ingen løsning og mine penge er der stadig.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well, I'm sorry to hear that the only answer you get is just to wait. I don't think it's right when you have absolutely no idea what's going on. 

However, I also noticed that we have contacted the casino to respond to the complaint and so far they have not done so. I hope that they will provide an answer and a solution so that everything is resolved and you get your money. Good luck. ☘️

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