HjemForumCasinoerHerake Casino – generel debat

Herake Casino – generel debat

10 måneder siden af SlotsWinner777
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Herake Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.
10 måneder siden

Is VPN friendly ?

10 måneder siden

Hello. It looks like no, the casino is not VPN friendly. It is always best to confirm this kind of information with the support, as well. 😉

5 måneder siden

tænk ikke engang på at tilmelde dig her


Automatisk oversættelse:
5 måneder siden

der er ikke engang noget at diskutere eller forstå....efter KYC-kontrollen (hvor de bad mig om et udenlandsk pas i stedet for mit sædvanlige), spærrede de skamløst kontoen og tog mit depositum....kontoen var i minus. ! Jeg indsatte mere, end jeg hævede!

kasinoet forklarede ikke engang årsagen.... bare support skrev, at deres risikogruppe besluttede at blokere kontoen permanent og beslaglægge midlerne...

Automatisk oversættelse:
5 måneder siden

You probably have good cause to believe that the casino has treated you unfairly. Would you be willing to allow us to assist you in this matter? Have you even had a chance to play any games or place a sports wager, just to be sure?

You are aware that the risk team may have closed your account for a variety of reasons, but if you would like, you are welcome to file a complaint, and our dedicated team of professionals will look into the matter. This, in my opinion, is essential: to determining whether or not it was a fair call to close your account and void your balance.

Are you in? Simply use this link 👈to submit your complaint against the casino.

5 måneder siden

Pointen i disse klager er, hvis pengene stadig ikke kommer tilbage til mig...bare spilder min tid...Jeg gav udtryk for resultatet af min erfaring med dette SCAM casino, og jeg tror, at kloge mennesker vil tænke over det. ..de tog mine penge uden nogen grund, De gad ikke engang skrive hvilken regel jeg kunne have brudt...de besluttede bare at lukke kontoen!!

at kræve et udenlandsk pas er en særskilt form for kynisme!! accepter ikke et kørekort...er dette et passende casino?

Jeg ville lukke øjnene, hvis de gav mig pengene....

Automatisk oversættelse:
5 måneder siden

Well, I do not think it is a waste of time to find out the reason for taking your money and hopefully receiving it afterwards.🤷‍♀️

Everyone can form their own opinion after reading your posts, but it is always better if this issue is explained and made clear to see what actually happened.

I believe that no casino would close the account of a player without any reason, and our complaint team would try to find that out if you decide to file a complaint.

I do not completely understand what they mean by "foreign passport," though.🤔 Could you maybe try to ask them? I believe that what they meant was an ordinary passport from your country, really.

Please let us know if you decide to get help from our complaint team; we'll wait for your reply.

5 måneder siden

De forlangte et internationalt pas...et almindeligt pas fra mit land passer dem ikke!

Automatisk oversættelse:
5 måneder siden

Please check out with them if they meant that it needed to be in English. Because if it is only in your language, it will make sense to me why they asked for an international one. You can always have it translated, if there is no other alternative document you can provide.

Let us know, please, and whenever you find the time, reply to Nick in your complaint, as he needs some additional information there.

5 måneder siden

stay away SCAM alert....they close my account after a big win

5 måneder siden

Hello, did the casino give any more specific reason why they closed your account ? Did you play here with any bonus ? 

Could you please tell me more so I know if we can try to help you ? 

5 måneder siden

They said that I used vpn but I didn't

Because in the review in the site is writing accept players from cyprus.

If not accept the will not let me make an acc.

Is simply scamers nothing les nothing more

5 måneder siden

Okay, so if you've been accused of using a VPN and you say you haven't used one, then I'd recommend registering a complaint with us. Our team would try to find out what's going on and help if we can. VPN is not allowed either from what I've seen, so I'm curious how this would eventually be resolved if you're of the opposite opinion.

Are you gonna come with us then ?

If so, just tap on this link ⬅️

1 måned siden

A lot of currencies for deposit but no Canadian currency.


1 måned siden

That's a shame. Right?

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