HjemForumCasinoerImmerion Casino – generel debat

Immerion Casino – generel debat

 af Proboteanumaria
10.917 visninger 206 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Immerion Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Hi ,i have waiting on my first withdrawl 3 days because they say they have tehnical issue,after i post reviews i got the money,in the same day i request another withdrawl 350 and they say to wait again after first day they say they need more time to verify and today 26th 3rd day they have again tehnical issue sytem problem ,i dont understand why they are not fixing this issue is fustrating waiting for your money


It surely is frustrating to wait for the money. Did they explain what kind of technical issue they experienced, at least? Sometimes it can happen that it is not even up to them to fix it, you know.🤷‍♀️

I hope everything will get solved soon and you will get your money. Let us know, please, any updates.

We are currently experiencing temporary delays in processing payments. We understand the importance of timely transactions and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please rest assured that we are working diligently to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. We are confident that this will be resolved soon, and we will ensure that all outstanding payments are made promptly.

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.

Then they say this We do not have a technical issue at the moment, just a delay, your request is in the processing queue, so kindly wait, please. Then this The updating of the payment system is still in progress, to my deepest regret. We apologize for the inconvenience and kindly ask you to wait a bit more ❤️It was a short time where we tested it, but now the tech department informed that some few more days is needed. Sorry for the misundestanding. They say was a missundertand and after I can confirm that your withdrawal request has been taken into the processing queue. Please kindly wait till it will be approved.Your withdrawal is being checked. I am waiting here with youThe updating of the payment system is still in progress, to my deepest regret. We apologize for the inconvenience and kindly ask you to wait a bit more,what shoult i belive 😐


Well, to me, it seems that they really experience some kind of difficulty, and it is very important that they inform the players about it.

Hopefully, soon everything will be over and they will really be able to process with your payment.

Please let us know about any developments.


En måned senere er jeg kommet for at fortælle dig, at jeg står over for det samme problem.

Min første tilbagetrækning tog 3 dage.

Jeg har ventet på min anden tilbagetrækning i 6 dage, og de daglige undskyldninger er altid de samme: tekniske problemer.

Vær tålmodig osv

Dette casino har problemer, og jeg anbefaler det ikke til nogen.

Jeg tror, jeg bliver nødt til at indgive en klage over dem

Automatisk oversættelse:

Greetings, it's starting to be quite unpleasant if it's been a week. I'd be getting nervous too, but on the other hand I'd be comforted by the fact that you've already said that you got the money in a pretty reasonable time before.

We give casinos 14 days to send money to a player, so I would still try to wait and see if the technical problems persist and how long I should wait. If nothing changes within that time, then we will intervene if you file a complaint.

What do you think, will you stick it out or decide otherwise?


Bemærk i kommentarerne ovenfor, at casinoet i sidste måned havde det samme problem.

Problemer med betalingssystemet, jeg tror, at casinoet står over for andre problemer.

Jeg ved ikke, hvem der giver licenser til denne type casino, at modtage indskud er øjeblikkeligt, men at betale, støder de på problemer.

Denne type casino fortjente spillere at spille og udbetale først efter et par dage.

Der er stadig mange uretfærdigheder i online casinoer.

Jeg skal nok indgive en klage

Men jeg venter et par dage mere

Automatisk oversættelse:

I've seen it and I've also said to myself that obviously they might have some problems, but your reasoning is appropriate. I would also try to give the casino some more time and if nothing happens then we will try to help you. But I hope that won't be necessary. 🤞


Jeg håber også, at det bliver løst på den bedst mulige måde.

Men dette casino fungerer på en tvivlsom måde

Automatisk oversættelse:


Jeg har nyheder

Kasinoet har foretaget betalingen.

Det tog en uge, men det betalte sig

Men årsagen til forsinkelsen er stadig et mysterium, da det tekniske problem ikke er indlysende for mig

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi there! I'm glad to see the payout made it through. Even though I imagine one remains quite confused when the reasons have not been resonably explained. Well, in any case, good for you!

I wonder if you have any advice you would like to give others based on your recent experiences 🤔


Hej Radka, hvordan har du det?

Jeg kontaktede casino support for at prøve at finde ud af, hvordan udbetalinger fungerer, men jeg fik ikke det svar, jeg ønskede, de fortalte mig bare, at min udbetaling i går blev foretaget af dem,

Jeg ved med andre ord stadig ikke, hvordan deres betalingssystem fungerer.

For mig er de et lille kasino, der måske afhænger af andre.

Hvad ville du sige til andre spillere?

Immerion komplicerer ikke spillernes liv med kontobekræftelse.

Den bruger ikke engang dette til at narre spillere, hvilket er en god ting

Men der er negative punkter

Betaling er forvirrende, du kan ikke forstå, om det tager en uge eller 3 dage 🤷‍♂️

Online chatsupport tager nogle gange et stykke tid at svare, men det gode er, at de ikke svarer automatisk.

Du får støtte fra en rigtig agent.

Jeg vil gerne tale om rtp af slots ved immerion, men det er kompliceret, fordi jeg ikke ved, om kasinoet selv har magten til at vælge sin rtp eller ej.

Men faktisk er præmierne i slots små, at få 100€ i en gevinst er meget vanskeligt uanset værdien af indsatsen.

Jeg ønsker ikke at forringe kasinoet, men jeg er ikke begejstret for præmierne.

Cashback bonussen er god, men der er ingen turneringer,

Det er op til hver enkelt 🤷‍♂️

Automatisk oversættelse:

I think you evaluated it quite objectively because you mentioned both pluses and minuses, I really like that. 

It's true that it's up to everyone whether to play in the casino or not. In some cases, it's a pity that you don't know the answers to the questions you had, and so it still gives you a feeling of the unknown.

As far as RTP is concerned, not every provider has this option but some do. Anyway, you can't just change it as the casino feels like and one day it would have a different RTP on slots than the next. It would probably be best to check with them, although I've seen that it's a difficult task.

Regardless, I firmly believe that it will improve in the future and you will have a better experience whether at this or another casino.

If you play here again, you can let me know how you did.



Jeg har haft 1 udbetaling afventende siden lørdag, og så vidt jeg kan se har casinoet et betalingssystem, der afhænger af andre.

De sender betalingsanmodningen med det samme, men jeg ved ikke til hvem.

Hvis de er afhængige af et andet stort kasinomærke eller noget.

Jeg ved ikke, hvordan det virker, men jeg tror, at små kasinoer er som forhandlere. Det er, hvad jeg tror.

Så det er en ulempe ved at spille på små kasinoer.

Jeg tror heller ikke, der er nogle store præmier i små kasinoer.

De store præmier, jeg har vundet, har altid været på store eller mellemstore kasinoer, og udbetalingen har altid været på mindre end en time.

Så min mening kommer fra fakta, ikke fornemmelser.

Jeg giver dig besked, når min tilbagetrækning er foretaget, så vi kan lave en mere konkret analyse

Tak for din feedback

Automatisk oversættelse:

I basically agree with you on most of what you wrote. 

Smaller casinos would probably tend to pay you out in smaller amounts and over a longer period of time. Maybe that's what the limits are for. When a player plays in a smaller casino I would check from various sources how they pay out players, how often and how regularly, whether they always pay out or stop after some time. Because with a smaller casino logically comes the fact that there are fewer players and therefore less money. 

As for the withdrawal, I will wait to see what you come up with and I firmly believe that it will be fine. 

If not, you know you can contact us. 


Tak for dit svar.

Jeg vender tilbage til dig, så snart jeg har noget nyt

Automatisk oversættelse:

Of course, I will wait, I believe, for positive news. 🙂


Jeg vil virkelig gerne vide, hvordan små kasinoer fungerer, ikke at jeg vil åbne et kasino 😁😁

Men jeg er nysgerrig og kan godt lide at vide, hvordan det fungerer

Automatisk oversættelse:

I understand, it probably varies from casino to casino and especially from time to time they operate on the market. It also probably depends on whether they focus on one country or several. I would say that smaller casinos usually have it so that they focus on one or few countries. 

I have already said something about this and there is not that much to add to it, but I also looked in our guides to see if I could find something and basically I found similar things. if a player wins a larger amount, it can disrupt the cashflow and therefore the casino can have some problems. That's what limits are for, to protect it somehow. It would also probably be important to say what is a bigger amount for the casino. 

Also, if casinos use third party providers, withdrawals can sometimes be affected by technical difficulties and the like, which the casino doesn't have much in its hands. Therefore, it is not always the casino that is to blame. In such cases, the choice of payment method and various other things are also decisive. 

However, I would say that smaller casinos have more disadvantages than advantages, because if they don't have a lot of players and therefore don't have as much money, there could be a problem with a bigger win as I mentioned above. 

So when you play in a casino like this, you probably need to take everything into consideration and not expect any big things. Then obviously the casino will not disappoint that much. 😀 🙂

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