HjemForumCasinoerJet Casino – generel debat

Jet Casino – generel debat

 af mrlazzaj
20.186 visninger 88 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Jet Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

They have a wager requirement on deposits even without bonuses. You really need to downgrade this casino's rating and mark their T&C's as unfair.

Honestly its seeming like your reviews are not reputable.


Frankly, it's due to the AML rule (the anti-Money-Laundering rule) and you can most likely find more the terms and conditions. It's a business standard and we keep that in mind when we review casinos.

Read more on this subject here:


How much did you deposit and what was the wagering requirement, please?


Nah not really because none of the regulators require this as part of their AML regulations.

And 4x. For AML it’s 2x. (Which is still NOT a valid excuse).


I did not mention the regulators, I mentioned that this is a business standard.

But as Daniel wrote, this practice does not make sense in some cases. Anyway, I'd say that a deposit without a bonus is not the case if the amount deposited is high enough.

4x Wager Requirements on a $10,000 deposit may make sense due to the yes AML regulations. 4x Wager Requirements on a $0.01 and above deposit is not fair on the casino’s behalf.


I can't imagine deposit value $0,01.

Anyway, I gree with the first part.


I literally just meant any deposit of any value. $0.01 is the lowest balance an account could hold.


There's really no reason to decrease ratings because of wagering requirements on deposits. It's a standard procedure that you can't just deposit and withdraw money straight away from the casino. Such a behaviour would be suspicious for any decent casino.

I'd say 1-2x wagering requirement is alright. Anything above is a bit too much, but it depends on the situation. For example if you deposit 20 bucks with the wagering requirement 4x, you bet 1 dollar and win 20 000 on your second spin, then I understand you want to withdraw it immediately without wagering your initial 20 bucks 4x. It wouldn't make any sense.

UKGC sets the industry standard as 1x wager req. either change the rating or I’ll report this site for misinformation within the jurisdiction of your web servers.


Well, I truly can't understand what you hope to achieve. I can't imagine that we would change the casino's rating because you forcing us to do so.

I also find this part and I believe that you should consider that the casino is licensed under the GCB:

"I have had mixed results with management also and they require a 4x wagering on ALL deposits which is an unfair term as per UKGC and GIGC regulations.

It's actually a breach - but I'm unsure if their company has a UK or GI licence. No idea about CU licence regulations in detail."


feel free to check it out:



Er der nogen her, der ved, hvor lang tid udbetalingen tager? Så indtil pengene er på kontoen? Jeg ansøgte om en udbetaling i morges, og det ville være rart, hvis det var der i morgen.

Er der nogen der har erfaringer med varigheden?

Automatisk oversættelse:

We've thoroughly reviewed Jet Casino and gave it a perfect reputation rating, which is the best rating any casino can get from us. In our review, we've considered the casino's player complaints, estimated revenues, license, games genuineness, customer support quality, fairness of terms and conditions, See more information


Er der nogen her, der ved, hvor lang tid udbetalingen tager? Så indtil pengene er på kontoen? Jeg ansøgte om en udbetaling i morges, og det ville være rart, hvis det var der i morgen.

Er der nogen der har erfaringer med varigheden?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello there,

I'd say that the main question is whether your account has been fully verified.

Secondly, in what status is your withdrawal now, please?

Well, I noticed your review, so it seems that you already received the winnings, am I correct, please? 🙂


Den 7. december 2022 indsatte jeg 50 euro via hurtig overførsel. pengene blev trukket fra mig, men der er ikke kommet noget på min spillerkonto den dag i dag. Jeg har kontaktet live chatten flere gange, og de sagde, at vi måtte vente på svar fra betalingssystemet. Der er gået 21 dage, og der sker ikke noget. hver gang jeg skal melde og altid det samme svar venter vi på betalingssystemet. Da jeg spurgte, hvor længe jeg skulle vente, gav de mig ingen information, fordi det ikke var reguleret. så det kan tage år. Jeg beder om hjælp. online casinoet er jet.casino

venlig hilsen kevin kostic

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, when money was deducted from your account, then there must be some transaction ID. I would contact your bank first and ask them what could happen with your money and if is possible to track the money. Just try to find out where the error arises. Since it's been more then two weeks what you are struggling, and if you can't help yourself , then you can submit a complaint here on our website. But first I'd try to call the bank, If I were you.

Jeg har allerede modtaget alle detaljer fra banken, og de 50 euro er blevet trukket fra jet.casino, som det altid er tilfældet. kun denne gang endte pengene ikke på min jet.casino-konto. Efter hvert brev fortalte kollegerne på jet.casino mig, at det ikke var deres skyld, men deres betalingssystem som tredjepartsudbyder, og at de skulle diskutere dette med betalingssystemet. Men nu har jeg ventet 22 dage?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Sadly, the casino relies on the 3rd party payment provider services, and they can't come up with any result or progress unless this provider gets in touch with the casino. Basically, you are in the same position as the casino now 🙁.


Mine penge blev krediteret til spillerkontoen efter 29 dage uden nogen forklaring eller undskyldning. Fide at ikke kundevenlig blandt andet skrev jeg til live chatten og bad om en kompensation en erstatningsgave i det mindste en undskyldning. Svaret var det ikke vores skyld betalingssystemet var skyld i.

Synes du dette er kundevenligt?

Automatisk oversættelse:

That is quite harsh!

Of course, I don't. But I have not seen the original casino reply, on the other hand.

Even such a statement can be written with care, but it seems that this is not the case 🙁

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