HjemForumCasinoerLuckyBlock Casino – generel debat

LuckyBlock Casino – generel debat

 af Anonymized364
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til LuckyBlock Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Spil ikke i dette casino. Få black jack borde. De fleste over $50

slots giver ikke præmier. Et kasino at glemme. Livechatten er alt, hvad de fortæller dig, at du har uheld. Spil videre

hvad angår afkastet på 15 pct. Han har altid undskyldninger. Eller giv ikke datoen. Eller du vandt mere, end du tabte. Altid undskyldninger.


Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi and thanks.

Well, scammer means that the casino does not pay the winnings, based on your opinion I would not say it sounds like one. It's a fresh casino, the time will tell more, I'd say.

By the return of the 15%, do you mean cashback? What happened?


Cashback er løgn. De lover dig 15 procent og giver dig så ingenting. De har altid en undskyldning.

Hvis du lover og ikke holder det, er du en svindler.

Automatisk oversættelse:

What was the reason? Can you explain?

Very bad. The slots are empty. There is no return, it is not interesting to play. It seems to me that this is just a scam. Don't waste money there.


Hvilket altid er det samme med dette casino

de lover dig 15 procent cashback. Så overholder de ikke. Formålet med dette casino er at røve dig. altid har. undskyldninger.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm still missing the excuses. All players have to comply with all bonus terms and conditions.

If you breach any, there will be consequences. Can you share details?

If you feel that all casinos are designed to rob players, why are you still playing? I feel you should find yourself a new hobby. Don't you think? Until today, you've submitted 6 user reviews "awarding" the casinos 1 star only.

Have you ever played in a casino you actually liked?

For det første, om jeg bliver ved med at spille eller ej, er mit problem

Indtil videre er der ikke noget online casino, som jeg har fundet gennemsigtigt. Og vi er mange mennesker, der tænker det samme. Og hvis du har et problem med mine tanker, kan du udelukke mig som kasinoer gør. Indtil der er et tilsynsorgan for online casinoer, vil dette ske.

Vær hilset

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, I'm trying to understand your thoughts. Sadly, you always speak in general only and exclusively in a negative way.

Would you be so kind explaining to me which exact excuses you were given? What happened? Any other aspects of your issue? Can you be specific?

How exactly has the casino robbed you? One reason is a better understanding and the second is offering help.

Kasinoet stjæler ikke direkte fra dig. Men hvis du satser et stort beløb, og du er foran slots med mere end 300 spin, er det sjældent, at du ikke får en præmie.

for mig er de faste

Automatisk oversættelse:

Now I understand.

Have you ever tried to prove that slots are rigged? It's just that due to the mathematical advantage called the house edge, casinos don't need to manipulate games. In the long term, casinos always win, and the longer you play the higher the chance your balance will drop to zero eventually.

Derfor har jeg allerede slettet mig selv fra alle kasinoerne. Tak skal du have. Jeg spiller aldrig på online casinoer igen.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Eh, friend. God forbid that you do not break! I wish you good luck and do not climb into this swamp again.


Tak skal du have. Jeg håber ikke, at Gud tillader det.

Automatisk oversættelse:

That is a very brave and also wise decision!

Keep it up, wish you all the luck avoiding casinos 🙏

Hey CasinoGuru, have you done any due diligence before giving a very good reputation to luckyblock?

I trust CasinoGuru a lot but this miss is a big one.

This casino is directly or indirectly operated by Finixio, a content marketing company with a very bad reputation. Upon searching "luckyblock review" on Google, 7 results out of the top10 are sites they own or control. They have scammed millions of people in the past with fake ads, fake crypto trading robots, etc.


Hi, I don't think we have any information about their relation to Finixio. Anyway, the casino doesn't have any unresolved complaints yet, so everything seems to be fine for now.


Bare at de fusionerer med supremo casino, der siger det hele. Supremo konfiskerede 14.000 euro, som jeg vandt, og lukkede min konto. Jeg gav aldrig drikkepenge... Hold dig væk fra Curacao licenserede kasinoer.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey there.

I'm sorry it didn't go well with the complaint. For now, I'm interested in the "merge" you mentioned. Can you share the source of this information, please?

Since Supremo has been closed according to our review, we aim to keep an eye on the site just in case it changes into another one.

Well, LuckyBlock seems to be ok.

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