HjemForumCasinoerMalina Casino – generel debat

Malina Casino – generel debat (side 11)

 af anapaul5023
24.814 visninger 369 svar |
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De gav mig pengene, efter jeg havde indgivet en klage, og de sagde, at de ville sænke scoren.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm sorry, but I find that hard to believe. It may be just a wrong interpretation, so I would like to step in:

The Safety Index may be adjusted due to a complaint, but only when the complaint gets closed. However, one complaint is usually not enough to lower the Safety Index that significantly.

Not sure whether I already posted it in this thread, but this is basically how it works:

"Black points are a form of penalty given to casinos in our database for the way they handle the complaints submitted to our Center. They are calculated based on the disputed amount and the severity of the complaint, and each black point directly influences the Safety Index of a casino. The more black points the casino has, the lower its Safety Index will be."

I hope the casino will work out the process fast.

På trods af spillernes dårlige oplevelser har den den højeste rating

Automatisk oversættelse:

Good catch!

It's because the experiences have to be proven through the complaints first. What may seem like a scam could just be a delay, and so on. For example, according to the user reviews, this casino is doing pretty badly in terms of support and is slow. So, if you expected something else, I think you should consider reading the user reviews too. What do you think?


Så problemet kan være, at folk ikke indgiver formelle klager på trods af at de ser de mange konflikter i dette casino?

Automatisk oversættelse:

At alle skal indgive en klage og dermed vide med sikkerhed, om casinoet fortjener den vurdering eller ej. I mit særlige tilfælde har de endnu ikke svaret, og de svarer ikke på mine e-mails.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Bare en forsinkelse?... De respekterer ikke deres vilkår og betingelser, de fremlægger ikke dokumenter som bevis for betaling. Og den har en anmeldelse på 9 ud af 10, det virker ikke fair for mig, og som du kan se, er vi ikke de eneste. Indtil videre har de ikke betalt mig, hvad jeg skal... det er meget frustrerende at gå til support hver dag og få besked på at vente, og at de vil sende mig et svar på mailen, hvorfor de aldrig svarer .

Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

Indgiv klagen

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg har allerede sendt min klage for to dage siden. Jeg venter på hjælp.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Perfekt ... der er gået to uger ... kasinoet har stadig ikke svaret , og det tror jeg ikke de vil .

Jeg gætter på, at det er sådan, de vil give den den score, den fortjener...hvad jeg ikke er sikker på, er, om det bekymrer dem.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Så problemet kan være, at folk ikke indgiver formelle klager på trods af at de ser de mange konflikter i dette casino?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Yes. That may very easily become the issue we need the players to realize. For example, complaining on the forum is good for spreading awareness throughout the community. Submitting the user reviews may also have a good impact.

Yet in order to investigate the casino's concrete actions, we need player's direct cooperation. Imagine how that would sound if we reached out to the casino representative, saying, "Many players have lately been posting on the forum about withdrawal delays. What is happening?" We would get a general response or a request for details to identify the players, which we could not provide for at least two major reasons:

  • no identification is required to post on the forum
  • without player's consent, we can't share details with anyone

Every time I spot a group of players posting about similar issues, I try to ask my colleagues from the affiliate team or Data Team whether they are aware of any issues regarding the casino. The truth is, however, that the officially submitted complaint through Casino Guru Resolution Center is a far better option; anyone can see it even if the conclusion has yet to come.

I hope it makes sense. I'll be here if you need me

At alle skal indgive en klage og dermed vide med sikkerhed, om casinoet fortjener den vurdering eller ej. I mit særlige tilfælde har de endnu ikke svaret, og de svarer ikke på mine e-mails.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Exactly. Using the worst and most succinct description possible, I would say:

More ignored or unresolved complaints with the highest disputed amounts is the fastest way to ruin a casino's Safety Index.

Bare en forsinkelse?... De respekterer ikke deres vilkår og betingelser, de fremlægger ikke dokumenter som bevis for betaling. Og den har en anmeldelse på 9 ud af 10, det virker ikke fair for mig, og som du kan se, er vi ikke de eneste. Indtil videre har de ikke betalt mig, hvad jeg skal... det er meget frustrerende at gå til support hver dag og få besked på at vente, og at de vil sende mig et svar på mailen, hvorfor de aldrig svarer .

Automatisk oversættelse:

May I ask you kindly to read this thread, please?

Or at least the last page. We had this discussion just before you joined. It actually continues. I believe we are far beyond terms and conditions, and I understand your frustration. On the other hand, despite the terms and conditions of any casino, we provide casinos with 14 full days to pay out players. We believe it is enough time to resolve KYC, additional checks, or any other struggles within a reasonable scale. Of course players expect casinos to comply with their own rules, and I could mention that online casinos usually have that covered in the terms and conditions too. But that is not necessary to bother you with that now.

It is not a good sign if the support is not sufficient enough, leaving players uninformed and helpless. I keep saying honest explanation may prevent such situations quite well.

Hypothetically, if, for some reason, any casino decides, without informing anyone, not to address the issues. How would you find out? Something like this is highly unpredictable. I bet you would not keep palying there if you knew better.

I empathize with you. Let's give the complaints the time needed, please.


Helt enig....

Automatisk oversættelse:

Dit svar er meget informativt, som altid. Jeg håber, at brugerne forstår og gør det. Hvad sker der i øvrigt, hvis kasinoet ikke reagerer på min klage?

Automatisk oversættelse:

In this case the complaint will be closed as unresolved and the casino will receive black points reflecting its Safety Index. It has already been said that the more serious the situation is and the higher the amount, the more the casino will receive.

Of course, if the casino fails to respond in one week, then we give them another chance for another week to do so. Occasionally it happens that it gets resolved after that time, so it's not a bad thing.

So in simple terms I would describe it like this.


Tak for dit svar. I betragtning af Malina casinos arrogance tvivler jeg stærkt på, at det vil blive løst, og at hun bekymrer sig om de sorte punkter.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg har klaget i næsten en måned, og jeg har ikke fået noget klart, og jeg har min anmeldelse afventende.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej, jeg har ventet i 5 dage på 3 betalinger på 800 euro, og jeg har stadig ikke modtaget dem. Kundeserviceprocessen siger, at man skal være tålmodig, fordi beløbet bliver behandlet. Kan du hjælpe mig?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Tak for dit svar. I betragtning af Malina casinos arrogance tvivler jeg stærkt på, at det vil blive løst, og at hun bekymrer sig om de sorte punkter.

Automatisk oversættelse:

If they are going to be ignorant about it then it may not pay off much. I think every good casino should care about reputation because with unhappy players and complaints it can only get worse.

As far as your user review is concerned, this is a common practice as long as the complaint is open. We try to be fair and decide on it when the complaint is closed.🙂

Hej, jeg har ventet i 5 dage på 3 betalinger på 800 euro, og jeg har stadig ikke modtaget dem. Kundeserviceprocessen siger, at man skal være tålmodig, fordi beløbet bliver behandlet. Kan du hjælpe mig?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, we give casinos 14 days to pay players, so I would try to be a bit patient for now. If you go through this thread you will see that you are not the only one waiting. Was it necessary for you to verify here or not? 🤔

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