HjemForumCasinoerMegapari Casino – generel debat

Megapari Casino – generel debat (side 4)

2 år siden af Magda
18.656 visninger 121 svar |
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1 år siden

there is weekly fixed % of sport bets cs, but maybe 2-3 % idk exactly.

also there are some points that i sometimes have and sometimes don't ..u can use them on some live games or sportbetting if u transfer them to real money tickets/promocodes. they are not really explained and i don't know how i can obtain them

basically their app is f 300 areas, and stuff u can't really know what is what, there are so many things

but this cs is bugging me ever since i hit max

Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
1 år siden

Jeg ville efterlade det som en negativ anmeldelse, hvilket er det, der sænker deres vurdering (og det er det eneste, der betyder noget for dem)

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Dear player,

We apologize for the disappointing performance of our cashback system at the moment. You are correct that as you progress in levels, the company should offer you even more perks. I have recently had a discussion with the VIP department, and they assured me that the system will be updated soon. The current system is dependent on bet amounts and has a relatively low percentage for short play periods. Please provide us with your account ID, and we will explore ways to enhance your gaming experience with MegaPari.

1 år siden


We apologize if our efforts have left a bitter taste. However, it is not accurate to say that the rating is the only thing that matters. At MegaPari, unlike many other casinos, we have a dedicated department specifically created to monitor customers' sentiment and troubleshoot any issues. If you are our existing customer and experiencing any trouble with the platform, please do not hesitate to contact customer.claims@megapari.com. We are here to address any concerns and provide assistance.

1 år siden

I opened a case but I want also to add here the issue I'm trying to solve.

Problems with a withdraw through SEPA. I was able to withdraw money yesterday but today, at first was denied and know even the option has disappeared. This is far far to be the quality you expect from a trustable site.

The assistance from their end seems poor. Always the same answer and not really addressing what happens.

I really hope I can solve my problem properly because all what I've played was legit. Deposit via bank account and trying to withdraw the same.

I hope CG will help and also from Megapari stop hiding their methods of withdraw and handle as they should.

1 år siden


Dear goofysandy, we apologize for the difficulties encountered with withdrawals via SEPA.

The fact is that preventive work was carried out on this payment system in the period from 10/29/2023 to 10/31/2023. For this reason, this payment system has been disabled as an option for withdrawing funds.

At the moment, the functionality of the payment agent has been fully restored and is operating as normal.

We understand how frustrating it can be to experience an unexpected loss of your payment system. However, this is a forced procedure necessary to ensure stable and secure operation of the withdrawal system.

1 år siden

I opened a case but I want also to add here the issue I'm trying to solve.

Problems with a withdraw through SEPA. I was able to withdraw money yesterday but today, at first was denied and know even the option has disappeared. This is far far to be the quality you expect from a trustable site.

The assistance from their end seems poor. Always the same answer and not really addressing what happens.

I really hope I can solve my problem properly because all what I've played was legit. Deposit via bank account and trying to withdraw the same.

I hope CG will help and also from Megapari stop hiding their methods of withdraw and handle as they should.

1 år siden

Hi, I'll start by saying that I saw that the casino representative has replied to you about your withdrawal problem. So it looks like there has been an downtime of this payment method. 

Did you reenter the withdrawal ? It would be nice to wait since you said you got the money without any problems before and be a bit patient. If there are any further problems in the next few days, you can update your complaint that you have filed. I wish you the best of luck in your withdrawal. ☘️😊

1 år siden

Jeg er glad for at se, at den vurdering, som CG giver til Megapari, er faldet meget. De er endelig ved at indse, at det er et piratkasino med praksis, der ikke er ulovlig, men som er uhyggelig (såsom midlertidigt at eliminere udbetalingsmetoder, så du bliver fristet til at fortsætte med at spille og ender med at tabe, kontolukninger uden grund osv.)

Forhåbentlig vil brugerne også efterlade deres oplevelse i casinoets specifikke anmeldelser.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hi, I suppose when you described these things you had a problem here, am I right? Sometimes things like payment method elimination can be caused by technical problems that are not the casino's fault. I don't think it would have to be the shady thing. However, feel free to share if something happened to you. 

1 år siden

Det er sket for mig tre gange, jeg forsøgte at hæve via SEPA-overførsel, og det var ikke tilgængeligt, og jeg endte med at miste alt. De er ikke specifikke problemer hver mange måneder. Disse er problemer hver tredje eller fjerde dag (jeg har meget erfaring med kasinoer, og jeg har aldrig set noget lignende).

De begrænser sig til at svare med en automatisk besked og sige, at "det er ikke de kvalitetsstandarder, de ønsker i deres virksomhed", og at de vil gøre alt for at løse det, men det er løgn.

Jeg kommer ikke til at spille i dette casino NOGENSINDE IGEN.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I understand why you have this attitude towards the casino when it has happened to you 3 times. However, I would like to tell you that if such a thing occurs in a casino again, you can contact us and file a complaint with us, which might help. It's free, so I always think it's worth a try in similar situations. 

However, I am sorry that you lost your money in the end and nothing could be done about the case. Next time, you'll know you can try reaching out to us. Hopefully, this will not be necessary and you will have a good experience. 🙂

10 måneder siden


Jeg kigger forbi forummet for at kommentere på min frygtelige oplevelse med megapari.

Jeg har en "uafklaret" tvist, hvor casinoguruen er enig med mig, og som har en værdi på 3000 euro i mere end 9 måneder.

Megapari genåbnede tvisten, og efter EN MANGE FORHANDLING (jeg ville have 2000, og de tilbød kun 1500), insisterede Megapari-repræsentanten den 1. februar med et tilbud på 1500 euro (og bad mig tænke over det i et par dage) . Den 5. accepterer jeg tilbuddet, og hans svar er, at nu er tilbuddet 1000 euro.

Det er skammeligt. Seriøsiteten af dette casino er klar. Efter min mening er casinoguruens vurdering overdrevent generøs.


Automatisk oversættelse:
10 måneder siden

Hi, I read your complaint too and I saw that you didn't reach an agreement with the casino after all. I can understand that because I wouldn't want half of what I'm really owed either. Especially when the first offer was different at first and when you nodded at it, it changed to a smaller amount. 

However, the casino got black points for that and it affected its safety index. But since the casino has only 2 unresolved complaints, you can't expect it to suddenly have a completely low safety index. So I don't think it's unfair in any way.

Anyway, thank you for sharing this on the forum, and maybe the casino will want to reopen your complaint sometime in the future and hopefully you will get everything you are owed. 

10 måneder siden

MEGAPARI CASINO---------Godmorgen, jeg spiller flere fodboldkampe, og den består af 7 kampe, hvor hver af disse har fastlagte odds, og hvis en kamp udsættes, betragtes de resterende odds for de resterende kampe. . I stedet på din side stjal de penge fra mig uden grund, da de betalte mig multiplum, tilbageholdt de nogle penge uden at give mig nogen forklaringer, jeg konsulterede deres chat (selvom det ofte er nytteløst udover det faktum, at de satte dig i venteposition for selv 20 -30 minutter) fortalte de mig uden at forklare noget, at det er fint sådan. Ved den næste anmeldelse samme dag vil jeg forklare en anden ting, der er endnu værre end dette:

Ydermere, i går, mens jeg spillede din roulette, skete der noget virkelig utroligt, efter at mit væddemål var en vinder for en sum på €34,20 og regelmæssigt blev betalt af dit system, efter et par minutter er det samme beløb, dvs. 34,20 €, forsvundet fra bord. fra mit budget. Jeg bad om forklaringer i chatten og fik foragtende at vide, at alt er fint, som det er. utroligt! UTROLIG! HER HAR DE ET SYSTEM, DER ER SOM TYVE TIL AT SIGE DET LIDT, HVOR DE KREDITERER DIG FOR EN SPILGEVINTER, MEN SAMTIDIGT HAR DE DEN MÅDE AT ANNULERE DEN SAMME VINDER UDEN AT GIVE DIG EN FORKLARING. Jeg bad også om forklaringer på dette, og de svarede, at alt er i orden. Utrolig. Spil ikke på denne side, de stjæler dine penge og udbetaler ikke dine gevinster. Jeg kan bevise alt, ikke kun med ord, som jeg gjorde med dem. ikke spil her!!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:
10 måneder siden

Hello, I'm sorry to hear about your problem at the casino. However, I understand that you were able to open a complaint, which I think is a good step if you feel that you did nothing wrong and the casino can't explain and give you a relevant reason why your money disappeared. 

As for the roulette itself and the €34, do you have this bet in your game history where it would show that you won ? If so I think that would be a good proof. 

Of course, since support gave you the same answer over and over again, which basically didn't say much, we'll have to wait and see what our team finds out and where it goes. 

I hope everything will be resolved fairly and if you have any further info, don't hesitate to let us know. Good luck. ☘️

10 måneder siden

Hej, jeg vil gerne informere dig om, at megapari casino-siden, der genkender fejlen, har returneret det beløb, jeg anfægtede. Jeg takker derfor for din interesse og betragter sagen som afsluttet. Tak og hilsner.

Redigeret af forfatter 10 måneder siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Well, I'm glad it turned out this way and the casino admitted that there was a mistake. You resolved it quite promptly. 

However, could I ask you to also write this fact to Kristina in your complaint so that she can close it ? 

Also, will you continue to play at the casino? 

9 måneder siden

Hej, jeg tror, Kristina allerede ved, hvordan det gik. Desuden, for at besvare dit spørgsmål, er jeg nødt til at stille dig et spørgsmål: "ville du spille på en side, hvor pengene forsvinder?" Jeg er enig i, at de gav det tilbage til mig, men det er ikke en fejl, pengene er væk, og hvis jeg ikke havde bemærket og kunne bevise noget, jeg ikke skulle have gjort, tror jeg ikke, at de ville vende tilbage dem. Jeg brugte timer på at chatte for at bringe utallige beviser. Jeg finder det mildest talt skammeligt, og jeg tror ikke, det er en fejl.

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

I think she'll still ask you to confirm that you've received the funds, so I reckon it'd be nice to write it anyway. 

Regarding the second part of your post, I would say that you have a point. Personally, I'd probably be on the fence too and wouldn't play here again, but that was a question for you and not for me. Some players will say that the casino tried and solved their problem, which is also sometimes a good thing, because maybe not everywhere would be like that. 

However, I will certainly understand if you don't go there anymore so that something similar doesn't happen. 

Either way, I hope you'll do well. ☘️

9 måneder siden

Godaften, jeg føler mig SCAMLET af MegaPari, jeg er desperat, i tre dage har kasinoets sikkerhedsafdeling givet mig latterlige forklaringer og bedt mig om flere og flere ting for at kunne foretage min tilbagetrækning. Jeg har indbetalt og hævet gennem ASTROPAY i flere måneder, og pludselig forsvandt den mulighed, de fortalte mig, at jeg skulle indbetale fra en anden tegnebog, indtil ASTROPAY vender tilbage. Jeg åbnede en konto i LEMON, jeg indsatte $4000, og alt var fint, da jeg ville hæve al den saldo, jeg havde, startede de med undskyldninger, jeg føler, at de SCAMMER mig. Jeg var kun i stand til at hæve de $4000 jeg indsatte gennem LEMON. Jeg har 500.000 indeni, som de holder om mig, og de beder mig om usædvanlige data, og de muliggør aldrig hævninger. Jeg beder dig venligst hjælpe mig. Jeg har brug for pengene hurtigst muligt, og jeg har på fornemmelsen, at dette er et svindelnummer. Jeg stoler på, at du kan hjælpe mig. Millioner af tak. Alt det bedste!

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