HjemForumCasinoerMoreSpin Casino – generel debat

MoreSpin Casino – generel debat

 af franztheuerw
30.823 visninger 136 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til MoreSpin Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Hej, jeg tror, at dette casino er en efterfølger til casiwave casino. i det store bass bonanza slot starter den sidste række med de samme symboler med hvert spin. Sådan er det ikke på noget andet casino. kun på casiwave casino. måske du skulle spørge sælgeren direkte.

Automatisk oversættelse:

when you register at this casino there are no terms and conditions available .if you ask after registration they send you a link .that means your registration id not legit .the casino is not responsible .many deposit and withdrawal options not working .i judt want to warn

people not to dign up here .

Hej, jeg tror, at dette casino er en efterfølger til casiwave casino. i det store bass bonanza slot starter den sidste række med de samme symboler med hvert spin. Sådan er det ikke på noget andet casino. kun på casiwave casino. måske du skulle spørge sælgeren direkte.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello. I probably missed what makes you think this casino is related to Casiwave, can you explain further, please? I feel your opinion is based solely on the Big Bass Bonanza, though I'm uncertain.

Maybe you should ask the game provider about that, providing a printscreen or short recording.

You know, when it comes to the casino's relations with one another, it's truly complicated to find a direct connection. So, when we come across such valid information, firstly, we try to confirm its authenticity and then update the casino review.

when you register at this casino there are no terms and conditions available .if you ask after registration they send you a link .that means your registration id not legit .the casino is not responsible .many deposit and withdrawal options not working .i judt want to warn

people not to dign up here .

Hello there.

I checked the site to find out that Terms and Conditions are available all the time in the footer of the website:


The tab is called "More Spin". I'm not registered there still, I could read it in full.

Sadly, some payment providers suffer local restrictions, and as a result, some payment options might be unavailable temporarily. Can you name which ones are blocked at the moment, please?


Jeg kan ikke tro du nævnte det!!

Jeg spillede Big Bass Splash, og der skete ting i de gratis spins, som normalt ikke burde ske!!!!

Du får kun bilen/dynamitten med i gratis spins, hvis Olaf kommer uden fisk! Men her kom den selv om der var fisk på billedet, hvilket tydeligt beviser at der her tilbydes falske spil!!!

Jeg advarer også imod det, fordi tingene bestemt ikke er rigtigt her.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello everybody,

We're not sure what the problem you're talking about is.

However, all of our games are provided by Softswiss and Softmaya game companies.

Our casino has no authority to make any changes to the games. These companies provide games to many casino sites around the world.

However, we would be happy if you contact our team at support@morespin.com for anything you are experiencing and wondering.

Kind regards,

Morespin Casino

@support morespin:

you come here to defend your scam casino but not replaying to emails and blocking acount after you managed to let me play my wins away ?your casino is fake ,softswiss work only with scam casinos.as you see you won my 900€ euro but you will lose more .just wait the bad revieuws will come in very soon .thieves thats what you are.delaying withdrawals is just a criminal act .and you dont even have a license you want everything for free?

@radka, daniel

hej, hvordan kan det være, at et kasino uden licens kan have en positiv vurdering? Jeg er overbevist om, at morespin casino driver falske pragmatiske spilleautomater. de kører helt anderledes. lægger du ikke mærke til det, når du tester casinoet? dette er ikke ment negativt over for dig. men venligst forklar mig det på grund af licensen. Tak

Automatisk oversættelse:

hvis nogen beslutter sig for at spille med velkomstbonussen, skal de gratis spins rekvireres i chatten hver dag. meget trættende. har lige ventet 20 minutter på svar. Jeg vil ikke anbefale det til nogen

Automatisk oversættelse:

i dont understand that gameproviders claim to be licensed they offer them games to unlicensed casinos .i mean i dont want a mechanic fixing my car without a mechanic license .wait we are talking about a region wich is fully corrupt and ruled by criminals who only care for the free money .it is about time whole europe block these casinos forced to protect players and bann all gameproviders who offer them games to unlicensed casinos .


hi Radka,i can show you my email asking the casino were to find the terms they just send me a link after registration.they might have fixed it afterwards.i signed up before reading the terms .deposits were no working i ended up depositing with goxy pay wich never heard off so cancelled it and tried to deposit with astropay .for credits card i got an email from casino next day that it was fixed but was to late then.withdrawal by bancwire not working eather was forced to use crypto .



I am sorry to hear about your recent experience at MoreSpin Casino. However, I must clarify that your accusations of dishonesty are unfounded. As a regulated casino, we are obligated to follow strict legal and regulatory requirements, including the verification of player identities before processing withdrawal requests.

We take these requirements very seriously and aim to complete the verification process as quickly as possible. In your case, the verification process was initiated immediately, unfortunately it wasn't completed until 24 hours total, losing all your balance while playing our live casino games.

I must emphasize that our casino is not responsible for any losses incurred while playing, and we cannot be held liable for any actions taken by our players during the verification process. Furthermore, your threatening and offensive behavior towards our live operators is completely unacceptable and has no place in our casino community.

We kindly request that you refrain from using any further inappropriate language or behavior towards our team members. We are committed to providing a safe and professional environment for all our players, and we expect all our users to adhere to our code of conduct.

Best regards,

Morespin Casino

MoreSpin Casino

anyone notice here the casino is crying here ?

again i admit you are not responsible for my losses but you created the oppertunity to do that .you cancelled my withdrawal and blocked me for making a new one and putted my balance back just to attempt me to play it away .if you are a responsible casino at least you should have just blocked the balance until the verifcation was done like a real honest licensed casino would do .but no the reason you are there is preying on problemgamblers and trying to frustrate them so they cant withdraw wins . and by the way all casinos are blocking my country with a license from that region why you still taking players from here ?you are reported already !



We are sorry to hear about your concerns regarding the legality of our casino operations and the authenticity of our slot games. Our licensing is currently in the process of being transferred to Antillephone to ensure that our operations are fully compliant with international regulations.

We would like to clarify that all of our games are provided by Softswiss and Softmaya, two of the world's largest and most reputable game providers in the industry. We take pride in offering our players a wide variety of high-quality games that are fair and transparent, and we have a strict policy against any fraudulent activities.

We understand that trust and transparency are paramount in the online gaming industry, and we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and fairness in all of our operations. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support team, who will be more than happy to assist you.

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with the best possible gaming experience.

Best regards,

Morespin Casino


Hello @franztheuerw,

Thank you for choosing Morespin.

As stated in the bonus details, 250 free spins are only available to active players. It is given to your account as 25 per day by activating it through live support.

When we review your chat logs, we see that your last free spin was defined within 6 minutes, not 20 minutes.

However, your experience is very important to us. You can rest assured that we are taking the necessary measures to expand our operations and improve your experience.

Thank you for evaluating us! ❤

Best regards,

Morespin Casino


I don't think they are related to Casiwave but they are definitely related to Slotella and Slothub, I got a promotional mail some time ago from this casino (I don't remember consenting Slotella or Slothub sending me promotional stuff) and everything on this one is oddly similar to Slotella and Slothub, I know Red Lane B.V. provides software solutions to many casinos (maybe Casiwave is one of them too?), that must be why, but it's rude to share mails from past players to other casinos, specially when they already closed their accounts (like me)


Hello @SunsetGaze,

Thank you for reaching out to us. We would like to clarify that currently, our active casino operations are solely carried out through Morespin. However, we do have plans to expand our operations in the future, particularly in the odds/sportsbook casinos.

It is important to note that the casino software providers we work with cater to multiple clients across various markets worldwide, providing solutions and support to dozens of casinos. While the software may be used by different companies, we ensure that our operations comply with all relevant regulations and standards to provide a safe and enjoyable gaming experience for our players.

Thank you for reaching out to us, and we look forward to providing you with the best possible gaming experience.

Best regards,


Du har ikke engang en officiel licens, men taler du om uærlighed? file

Alene denne kendsgerning viser, at man kan gøre, hvad man vil, uden at spillere har mulighed for at kontakte en myndighed, hvis de er skruet sammen.

Lige meget hvad du påstår her, er faktum, at jeg har spillet falske spil, og jeg forestiller mig det ikke, fordi jeg keder mig.

Ligesom de andre spillere ikke finder på, fordi de ikke ved, hvad de skal gøre.

Du kunne teoretisk set konfiskere spillerens penge, og der ville ikke ske noget, da der ikke er nogen regulerende myndighed i dette tilfælde.

Jeg kan kun råde alle spillere til at registrere sig på kasinoer, der ikke har en licens.

Der er nogle kasinoer med licenser, der ikke følger reglerne.

Hvad tror du, et kasino kan gøre, der ikke har en gyldig licens?

At tale det ud og få spilleren til at opføre sig, som om han anklager, at du måske har arbejdet før, men folk vågner op og ser fakta og begynder at se sammenhængene, som du har bemærket.

Spillerne siger kun, hvad de føler og deler deres oplevelser, og du vil undertrykke dem.

Automatisk oversættelse:
MoreSpin Casino


ja 6 minutter efter jeg fik det første svar. hvor lang tid tog det før nogen tog kontakt?

Med venlig hilsen

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