HjemForumCasinoerMr Bet Casino – generel debat

Mr Bet Casino – generel debat (side 8)

 af michifran555
72.915 visninger 419 svar |
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Okay, so I'm curious how your withdrawal will turn out. Could you write if you have problems or vice versa you managed to withdraw without problems ? I'll be waiting.

8 dage senere blev min tilbagetrækning gennemført af Skrill. I dag var min verifikation endnu ikke gennemført, så jeg stillede et ultimatum i chatten, agenten åbnede en billet internt og inden for 15 minutter var verifikationen og tilbagetrækningen gennemført.

Problemet blev løst, men det burde ikke være nået til dette punkt.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I would say it's great that you were able to get the money and finally verify, but it's also important at what price. I don't think that's how it should work in a casino, but the key thing is that you have a verified account. 

Nevertheless, are you going to continue to play here once you have verified yourself ? 


Jeg vil bruge det igen til sportsvæddemål, men kun hvis oddsene er bedre end andre bookmakere.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I understand. Obviously you have learned your lesson and you will be more careful next time. So good luck. 🙂

Jeg har for nylig oprettet en konto hos mrbet, jeg syntes det var et meget godt og rentabelt websted, men jeg har mange problemer med at trække min fortjeneste tilbage. Før jeg anmodede om tilbagetrækningen, sendte jeg dokumenter og anmodede derefter om tilbagetrækningen indtil da, ok. Men det er dage siden, jeg tjekkede mine dokumenter, og ingen af udbetalingerne nåede min konto. Jeg ændrede mit nummer på platformen. Efter flere dage gik, kontaktede jeg supportteamet, og de hævder, at jeg er nødt til at vente på, at dataene ændres for at bekræfte bekræftelsen og derefter tilbagetrækningen, men i detaljer kan dataændringen tage op til 28 dage, og dette er absurd for dette hele perioden. for at ændre et mobiltelefonnummer filefilefile

Jeg ville bare lave min tilbagetrækning roligt

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, I see you are going through account verification. That means you will probably be able to withdraw only when it is successful. So the casino still hasn't accepted your documents and it's still in the checking stage ?

As far as the number change is concerned, I think it's quite a lot if it could take up to a month, but I strongly believe that it won't be such a long period of time. We give casinos 14 days to sort out the KYC and withdrawal process, so if nothing changes and you don't have any new information let us know and we will try to help you. 

However, I also recommend to be a bit patient and we will see what happens in the next few days. 

Keep me updated.





Automatisk oversættelse:

What do you mean when you say "VERFICATION DOES NOT WORK"?

Of course, funds will not be paid to a player who has not passed the verification successfully, for instance.

So, please, share more details if you can. Maybe there is a way to help you.

Kind request: Leave the capslock alone, it's annoying, to be honest. 🙏

Hello, I recently won 1000 euros from mr bet and noticed that i have wrong name in account information. What when KYC ask me to prove indentifity and the name is wrong and can not be changet. How do i get around this? does withdrawing smaller amounts at time help example 99e or what do i do. I really need this money i won and can't lose the money.


Well, I would say, it depends on what do you exactly mean by "wrong name".🤔 Was it just a small mistake, like missing letter, for example, or have you write a name of somebody else, completely different? Do you get me?

I reckon, that if you do not pass the KYC verification, there is a really small chance you will be able to withdraw any money from any casino. It is very important to get the account verified in online casinos, so it can prevent lot of issues.

Also please, try to take the online gambling just as a hobby, which you need to spent some money on, and not depend on it. 🙏 It should never be taken as a source of income, at all. Just trying here to pass a friendly advice to you.


I think casinos should allow players to verify their identity before they start playing so people can prevent and fix this kinda of problems. But for some reason mr.bet does not allow you to do that before you do a withdrawal request . Back in time when I did register in this casino I did write them in order to do my verification and they didn't allow me to do that

Or do they allow you do to that now ? I hope yes.

Redigeret af forfatter

I think casinos should allow players to verify their identity before they start playing so people can prevent and fix this kinda of problems. But for some reason mr.bet does not allow you to do that before you do a withdrawal request . Back in time when I did register in this casino I did write them in order to do my verification and they didn't allow me to do that

Or do they allow you do to that now ? I hope yes.

Hi, most casinos only verify players on first withdrawal, so it's common. Of course, what you say would be the best scenario and maybe it would prevent a lot of problems for the players and the casinos. I'm not sure how it is now, but according to what the player before you wrote, he wasn't verified when he is asking about it. 😕

MrBet is delaying payments again, meaning the casino is not liquid enough. Even small payments. they dont deserve such high rating. Sorry guys!


Hello, how long is your situation and how long are you waiting for the withdrawal ? Did the casino tell you any reason why this is the case ? We give casinos 14 days to resolve such a situation, so if they don't, you can contact us. 


1 week today for 150cad lol. I depo 25 and made it 150 on slots. Casino has said nothing. I will wait one more week, but this is ridiculous. They paid me 2 other times in 48hrs timeframe on other small ones like 300+ and another 200+ if I remember. I read that they delay if you get a lucky streak. But the lesson is they are not liquid coz support is nice and says they get overrun sometimes with withdrawals lol. All I am saying is they dont deserve this high rating and 100% not the 100mill revenue lol. Sorry guys! 😔 most certainly I will not depo there again aftwr this, even tho I like the casino.

Redigeret af forfatter

Yep, it seems they have liquidity problems. Casino Guru, which I use them alot to search for new casinos, doesnt seem to have a realistic score for MrBet; its too high; also, the 100mill revenue is suspect. Sorry bro, i feel for u!


I agree!

1 week today for 150cad lol. I depo 25 and made it 150 on slots. Casino has said nothing. I will wait one more week, but this is ridiculous. They paid me 2 other times in 48hrs timeframe on other small ones like 300+ and another 200+ if I remember. I read that they delay if you get a lucky streak. But the lesson is they are not liquid coz support is nice and says they get overrun sometimes with withdrawals lol. All I am saying is they dont deserve this high rating and 100% not the 100mill revenue lol. Sorry guys! 😔 most certainly I will not depo there again aftwr this, even tho I like the casino.

Hmm, it's a pity that it's been prolonged now, when you say that before you had a pretty fast withdrawal. However, if they have a lot of other requests, I would understand. 

Anyway, if you don't get your money, by all means write and we'll try to help you. 

Of course it's up to you not to play here anymore and I won't blame you, as it's obviously not pleasant to wait 2 weeks for money. 

Fingers crossed. 🤞


Thanks I will! But your rating on the site and the 100mill revenue is not realistic. You guys need to change it! Gn! 🙂


If you have anything specific on your mind regarding its revenue, you can contact our Data Team anytime:


Honestly, I'm not familiar with this specific aspect or how we access the information, but I'm 100% sure we could use every usable update the Team could get. Thanks for considering.

Anyway, I hope your withdrawal makes it through sooner rather than later!

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