HjemForumCasinoerPalace of Chance Casino – generel debat

Palace of Chance Casino – generel debat (side 2)

2 år siden af Luisangel17
7.107 visninger 40 svar |
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9 måneder siden

Hej gutter, fortæl mig, hvordan man hæver penge fra denne platform file

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

I had to keep messaging them back and getting mad with them then I made a post on here about them not paying me a d the next day it was paid

9 måneder siden

Right they finally paid me after 6 weeks of chatting to them about it

9 måneder siden

Thank you for that.👌 It was really long wait, indeed. The positive thing is, that you got your money, for sure. Hopefully next time, you won't have to wait this long. I do not thing it'll be at this casino though, right?

9 måneder siden

Er der nogen, der har erfaring med at hæve penge fra Palace Chance Casino?

Generelt vil jeg være meget taknemmelig for din hjælp.

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden


9 måneder siden

Palace Chance Jeg kan ikke hæve penge

Gutter, måske nogen ved, hvordan man trækker sig

Jeg vil ikke være i gæld

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Er der nogen, der har erfaring med at hæve penge fra Palace Chance Casino?

Generelt vil jeg være meget taknemmelig for din hjælp. file

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Hello there is no need to spread your posts all over the forum, please. I have moved them here, to the official thread of the casino, so you'll be able to get some more answers, hopefully.

I have seen your complaint, where our team has already started to investigate your case. Have you actually tried to contact the casino support about it, as well, to know what could be the reason, that you don't see any withdrawal methods option in your account, and also to find out whether is your account fully verified? They should be able to give you the answers. Please let us know, whenever you have any updates.

5 måneder siden

Har du modtaget dine penge? Jeg ønsker at hæve, men jeg ved ikke, om jeg skal indbetale. Jeg er fra Mexico.

Automatisk oversættelse:
5 måneder siden

Hi, are you waiting for a withdrawal and the casino told you to deposit ? Is this some kind of verification deposit of the payment method ? I ask because that is the most common reason why you have to deposit into the casino, but most of the time it is just a smaller amount. 

Anyway, could you please tell me a bit more about your situation ?

5 måneder siden

Ja, jeg indsatte $10 USD, jeg er fra Mexico, og jeg har læst en eller to kommentarer, ikke i god smag, og jeg vil gerne vide, om mine penge er sikre, så jeg kan hæve dem, ingen svarer mig i SUPPORT, nogen steder !!!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:
5 måneder siden

Jeg kunne hæve de $10 USD, som jeg skal indbetale, det var i hvert fald, hvad support fortalte mig, men jeg er bange for at indbetale og ikke få dem til at sende mig pengene...

Automatisk oversættelse:
5 måneder siden

Jeg håber nogen kan hjælpe mig 🙁

Automatisk oversættelse:
5 måneder siden

It just took me almost 3 months to get them to pay me the money they owed me so be careful

4 måneder siden

Okay, so how much do they tell you to deposit into the casino ? Is it the $10? As I said, you usually have to verify your payment method with such a deposit, but it's not usually a big amount. 

But I can't guarantee you if you will actually withdraw. 

3 måneder siden

Deposited in bitcoin won 72 big ones and decided to withdraw. That was August 31st. They just told me today that my withdrawal is approved! Yaya! Then in another email they said wait another 7-10 week days. On a bitcoin withdrawal for 72 bucks?! Little excessive right? I had to hound them to get this far soooo frustrating when they say bitcoin withdrawal is so much faster! Back in the day I would get paper checks in the mail faster! Lol

Also,the financial department NEVER replies

3 måneder siden

This really sound like a way too slow withdrawal, indeed.

Did you get any explanation about the delay, though?🤔

I wonder if you continue playing there now.

3 måneder siden

They just say that's how it is! Financial NEVER responds and the 24/7 guys say it's out of they're hands.

I will never play another penny at this site.

3 måneder siden

First Email


Forgot your password?Congrats on your first withdrawalYour withdrawal of $72.67 has been approved and is on its way. Depending on your withdrawal method, you should receive your money shortly.We look forward to seeing you win again at Palace Of Chance real soon, Drew!Email: help@palaceofchancemail.com

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Username: l1xohwkuq6

Forgot your password?Hi Drew,

Your payment is on the way.

And will be processed within the next 7-10 business days. Thanks for playing with us.

Please contact us if you have any questions or need assistance.

The Palace Of Chance Team


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