HjemForumCasinoerPlayPix Casino – generel debat

PlayPix Casino – generel debat

1 år siden af ricardomarceloborja
4.356 visninger 25 svar |
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1 år siden
Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til PlayPix Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.
1 år siden

I mere end 15 dage har jeg forsøgt at hæve mine penge fra min PLAYPIX konto, OG DET KAN IKKE VÆRE MULIGT, jeg har adskillige gange bedt om hjælp og de fortæller mig kun at vente 72 timer, der er gået mere tid og intet , Jeg sendte påkrævede dokumenter, Min konto er grøn verificeret, men de bliver ved med at afvise mine udbetalinger. DENNE SIDE LIGNER ET FIDEL, ET SVIG, VÆR FORSIGTIG

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

What reasons did they state for those rejections, please? Sounds really weird!

Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
1 år siden

Hjælp mig venligst med at hæve mine penge 🙁 Jeg har allerede brugt meget, og jeg vil gerne hæve det lille, jeg har tilbage 🙁

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hello, what's your problem when you can't withdraw your money from the casino? Have you verified your account yet? How long has it been that you can't withdraw?

I will wait for a response.

1 år siden

Er Playpix pålidelig, når man hæver penge?

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hi, I'm not sure if I can answer this question since I don't play in casinos. But it's always best to do some research on a casino before you go there. I have tried to check it out as well, but we don't have much from players about this casino yet, for example in the form of user reviews or complaints. 

However, are you going to play here or have you already played there and are waiting for your withdrawal and that's why you are asking ? 

1 år siden

Jeg spiller

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Would you be more specific, please? Jaro's trying hard to cover all aspects of your question, yet surely he could use a bit of cooperation 😉.

I'll try that with a certain level of simplicity:

Is this somehow a theoretical question? I must say that reliable advice would be needed from fellow players from the same country. 🤷‍♀️

1 år siden

Hej, jeg har brugt playpix i lang tid, og jeg har aldrig haft problemer med at hæve eller lave KYC, men siden det startede i december måned har det været en del problemer med udbetalinger, hvis din konto er begrænset, blokerer de for hævningen og brug sidens vilkår for ikke at betale pengene. Der er tilfælde af personer med mere end 40.000 stjålet fra deres konto, og da de spurgte chatten, hvad der skulle ske med pengene, der var fanget, gav chatten simpelthen den mest patetiske undskyldning, jeg nogensinde har set en casinochat give, som var "Din penge vil ikke blive returneret og vil blive doneret til velgørenhed" bedømme venligst dette casino bedre, da det ikke længere er troværdigt. filefilefile

Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hi, after reading this I would recommend you to file a complaint straight away because if the casino gives you a reason for not paying you money and donating it to charity, then it's definitely not right. 

You can file a complaint here on this link and I firmly believe that the team will be able to help you. 

Are you in ? 

11 måneder siden


What makes you think the casino is trying to prevent you from withdrawing?

Maybe there is a reasonable explanation or perhaps some sort of support for you, but I'd say we need a proper explanation of the whole situation.

Care to answer a few questions?

Are you fully verified?

What was the last thing you discussed with the casino, please? And finally, are you aware of any accusation against you, like breaching some casino rules, and so on?

9 måneder siden

Er det play pix, og skal kontoen verificeres for at foretage udbetalingen?

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Hello, could I please know what casino it is because I haven't found anything like what you wrote. Have you contacted the casino when you should get the money ? Do you have a verified account ? 

We give casinos 14 days to settle withdrawals and you're just starting out, so I wouldn't worry right away.

Let me know.

9 måneder siden

Er det normalt, at den tilbagetrækning, jeg foretog i play-piz, tager mere end to dage?

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Er det play pix, og skal kontoen verificeres for at foretage udbetalingen?

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Thanks, I've moved your posts under the casino you're talking about. As for the verification itself, most casinos do it on first withdrawal, but it's not always the rule. When a casino asks for it, you have to pass it successfully to be able to withdraw, that's why I asked. If the casino hasn't said anything about verification, then they probably won't ask you to do it yet. 

However, if you ask the support about your withdrawal, will they tell you why you are not able to withdraw ? 

9 måneder siden

Der står, at tilbagetrækningsmuligheden er aktiveret, men når jeg kun bekræfter min identitetsdokumentation, men jeg allerede hæver uden bekræftelse, venter jeg bare på, at pengene kommer ind på min bankkonto


Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

I see, so it looks like verification will be necessary in this case. But let's see if the casino comes up with this requirement. Whatever happens, let us know in the complaint and also here. 😉

8 måneder siden

Jeg har et spørgsmål, undskyld: den 4/4/2024 foretog jeg en hævning af penge på 190 bs, svarende til omkring 27 dollars.

Problemet er, at det er lang tid siden, og jeg ved, at jeg skal vente op til 14 dage. Men jeg vil gerne vide, hvad der sker, hvis de efter 14 dage stadig ikke giver mig mine penge.

Hvor kan jeg undskylde?

Automatisk oversættelse:
8 måneder siden

Hi there!

I would like to say that I'm astonished you are familiar with the 14 full days rule the Complaint Team adhere to.

This is very unusual, so I think you deserve a big 👍 thumbs up! 🙂

Though, I'm sorry your withdrawal is delayed. Well, to respond to your question:

The most convenient development would be that the casino pays the money in the meantime.

Alas, all is possible, so, in case the casino fails to pay out the amount, the complaint handler, meaning the complaint specialist caring for your complaint will do his best to get in touch with the casino representative in order to investigate the problem. Once the issue is clear and obvious, he focuses on the solution.

Let's just hope the complaint won't be necessary. I see the time is getting short, but hold on!

Will be here for any news you have.

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