HjemForumCasinoerPosido Casino – generel debat

Posido Casino – generel debat (side 3)

 af kszysio
46.493 visninger 362 svar |
12 3 4...19


Automatisk oversættelse:

Gutter, hvis nogen får udbetalt hævning i morgen fra 14.3, og så lad os sende hertil, så vi ved, hvad der sker

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ven, de kom ind i mig i dag fra 14-3 for to timer siden

Automatisk oversættelse:

Søndag;; måske i national?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ja, nationalt

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg venter stadig siden 14.3... ingenting, hvad skal jeg gøre?

Automatisk oversættelse:

tpp makker vent også på mig til de kommer ind sådan her jeg var hver dag ti gange i chatten de kommer i morgen tung tung tirsdag

Automatisk oversættelse:

Do I understand correctly, that you have received your withdrawal? Have you got any remaining one pending there, perhaps? Please make sure to inform our complaint team about that, as well, so they can see the progress as well. Just use this link, to do so.🙏

Also to make sure, that the player you actually want to get your message to, will get notified, please use the "reply" button, to be sure of it.😉


God aften,

Jeg har stadig ikke modtaget hævningen på 150 euro fra 14.3. De bliver ved med at fortælle mig latterlige undskyldninger fra kasinoet. I dag er dag 11

Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg venter stadig siden 14.3... ingenting, hvad skal jeg gøre?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Did the customer support at this casino tell you, that there is no need to get thru the verification process, do I understand it correctly? Try to be a bit patient here, and let us know whenever there will be any update, please.


Præcis, i det relevante identifikationsfelt kan jeg ikke uploade nogen fil, der står, at det ikke er nødvendigt

Automatisk oversættelse:

Er der andre end mig, der venter på penge fra 14.3 og senere?

Automatisk oversættelse:

JEG FORVENTER EN OPGAVE 14/3, selvfølgelig fra i morgen

Automatisk oversættelse:

i dag skulle de betale..ferien påvirker ikke bror..de arbejder for os

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello tryleon7!

I am responding to you here, just to clarify some things to you and to try to help you!

We usually give casinos 14 days for the withdrawal process, so the best what you can do now is to wait just a bit more. In meantime, I would suggest you to have a look into this link, here you can see all the complaints related to the Posido Casino, and you can see that all cases are resolved. In total are 19 resolved cases, and that is really good news about this situation. You can also see that some of the cases are related to pending payments also.

Please let us know if you had the chance to withdraw the money yet!

If anything, feel free to reach at us anytime. After all, we are here to help you!


Jeg har anmodet om en udbetaling siden 15/3 og stadig intet, hvad med dette casino?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg har også ventet siden 03/15. Jeg er glad for, at jeg ikke er den eneste, og at udbetalingen stadig er der.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hvis du modtager betaling, så lad mig det vide, og jeg vil gøre det samme

Automatisk oversættelse:

God aften,

Jeg har stadig ikke modtaget hævningen på 150 euro fra 14.3. De bliver ved med at fortælle mig latterlige undskyldninger fra kasinoet. I dag er dag 11

Automatisk oversættelse:

I see what your problem is. As for the withdrawal, what excuses does the casino have for you ? We give 14 days to resolve this process, so you are pretty close and if you don't get the money, our team will intervene and try to help. 

I also see that Romi asked for verification and you say you can't upload any documents. Did you tell the support that it is not possible to do that, or did the casino tell you that it needs verification from you ? Because if it doesn't, maybe that's why you can't enter anything. 

Jeg har anmodet om en udbetaling siden 15/3 og stadig intet, hvad med dette casino?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I see you all have the same problems. I'll say the same thing, which is that we give the casinos 14 days to sort out everything around the withdrawal. If you don't hear from them and they don't manage to send it to you, then I would recommend that you open a complaint where our team will take a look and try to help you. 

However, have you already verified your account or did the casino not ask you to do so ? 

12 3 4...19
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