HjemForumCasinoerRolling Slots Casino – generel debat

Rolling Slots Casino – generel debat

 af quett18
39.739 visninger 220 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Rolling Slots Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Hello, this casino has a pretty decent rating, so I'm interested in what went wrong. Were you able to pass KYC in the end? How did they force you to play and lose, please?

Did they give you any condition?

Jeg synes, kasinoet er fantastisk og meget seriøst!

Jeg har pengene på min konto 2 dage senere efter bekræftelsesprocessen!

og nu har den udbetalt 3 gange igen og den kører perfekt som den skal.

Bare tag et billede med dit bankkort og ID-kort med en web-baggrund, og så er alt gjort!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg oplever, at efter at have ansøgt om udbetaling, så går resten af pengene hurtigt ned igen, men det kan godt være, at det er en stribe uheld, men de laver en udbetaling efter 2 dage.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello and thank you for sharing.

For how long have you been playing there, please?

They give me free spins for brithday . I am memebr without deposit.

i won 400e , Now i have 211euro.

No deposit bonus - max caashout 50euro. but i cant cashout because need deposit before cashout.

BUT IF I make a deposit need playing 3 time deposit.

Told me if i made a deposit 20euro , plaing 60 spins peer 1euro, i will caashout?

Maybe I will play with the bonus money first, and will not start playing with the deposit until the end, no turnover will be charged.

If now I have 211 euros. (max cashout 50euro from the bonus)

wplace 20 will have 231!

I will play for 60 euros, and order 70 euros.

will it work will I be cheated?


sobmebody help



I'd ask the casino. It's their terms and conditions you need to keep in mind.

It depends on if there are separate funds, I'd say. But it seems ok.

Tell us what you find out.

max cashout from free spins is 50euro. now i have 220 bonus

i wabt deposit 20e. and need played 3times.

if i deposit 20euro = 220bonus + 20euro.

must playing 3x deposit.

will start play with 240

if i win in first spin after deposit 1000euro. how much will be for cashout ?


Hello, as I wrote

you should ask the casino because I do not know these bonuses' terms and conditions and do not know how bonus money goes together with real money.

I'd say you must not wager the bonus of 220€ you mentioned, because as far as I understand this bonus was acquired by playing free spins so the max cashout from this bonus is still 50€ if you meet the wagering requirements.

You should however 3x wager the deposit of 20€.

I also have no clue what this tense means:

"if i win in first spin after deposit 1000euro. how much will be for cashout ?"

Når jeg læser dette ved jeg ikke om jeg overhovedet ville prøve at spille i det casino, mange svage kommentarer fra spillerne, jeg ved ikke hvorfor casinoet ikke gjorde noget i den retning. Forestil dig, hvor mange spillere, der afviste den svage kommentar og klage, hvor meget det var et tab for kasinoet. Og ifølge kommentarerne, så vidt jeg kan se, reagerer casinoet altid det samme, han undskylder bare og gør ikke noget. Jeg leder mest efter et andet casino

Automatisk oversættelse:


this is completely up to you. I'm happy to see that you're paying attention to the casino you'd like to play in. 👍

In general, the casino is not so bad, based on its reputation and according to the earlier post, the withdrawal has proceeded in 2days.

Godmorgen, jeg står over for følgende problem, jeg registrerede mig på netop dette casino, og jeg vandt 400 euro, de bad mig om at foretage verifikationen, så jeg kan hæve pengene.. i 5 dage nu, mens jeg har sendt dokumenterne, de spurgte, bliver de ved med at fortælle mig, at jeg ikke sender de rigtige dokumenter. Hjælp mig meget

Automatisk oversættelse:

Godmorgen.. Jeg har tidligere lavet en rapport om det pågældende casino, kan nogen hjælpe mig?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Bare for at fortælle dig, at dokumentbekræftelsen netop er blevet gennemført med succes..Jeg håber og beder til, at jeg ikke vil have noget problem med tilbagetrækningen af pengene..

Automatisk oversættelse:


this is a good example showing that sometimes it truly helps to be more patient.

If you ever got stuck with documents, you should, however, focus on finding what is wrong with those you already sent, to provide the correct ones.

I wish you a quick withdrawal! Let us know how it goes, please.

i like to register


Hello there,

then click on this link and proceed to the casino 🙂

Save your money. They won't let you withdraw no matter what. 20 plus emails in and they are holding on to them pennies like some top tier cunts.

Worst casino by far for withdrawals. Rate 1.6 of 5 but apparently somehow this site has it 7 of 10 LOL.



Hey there.

Care to explain in full? I'm trying to figure out how long you've been waiting for the withdrawal. Based on your complaint you're struggling with the verification a bit.

Firstly I'd make sure all documents were sent in accordance with the requests, if so any chance some documents are missing? This is usually a common issue.

Anyway, to answer your complaint question, if we find anything unfair happening, the casino will be punished. We won't, however, lower the rating solely based on anyone's personal opinion, we deal with proof.

The "reputation explained" tab explains the score:



I hope you understand.

Let us know how it goes.

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