HjemForumCasinoerRolling Slots Casino – generel debat

Rolling Slots Casino – generel debat (side 2)

 af quett18
39.432 visninger 220 svar |
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Løb væk fra disse virksomheders kasinoer, at modtage det er en evighed, verifikation er et offer, de gør alt for ikke at betale dig.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Are you specifically referring to the Rolling Slots Casino? 🤔

Jeg bad om en tilbagetrækning, og de fortæller mig ikke noget mere...

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi friend,

Please note that since you have cancelled your withdrawal request by your own in non-working hours of our Financial Department, they have been postponed.

As I can see, tomorrow your first withdraw will be processed.

Rolling Slots Casino

Forhåbentlig vil vi i morgen se pengene...og så finde ud af, hvor lang tid det vil tage at gennemføre udbetalinger...og jeg vil med glæde give en positiv anmeldelse af siden. Jeg ville ikke have nogen grund, hvis alt er ok, til at skrive en ting for en anden .... hvis jeg ser tilbagetrækningen snart, vil jeg give en positiv anmeldelse på andre blogs ...

Automatisk oversættelse:

Negativ oplevelse for dette websted, jeg kan ikke hæve pengene, de kræver overdreven dokumentation, på trods af at de har sendt det til dem, fortsætter de med at bede dig om nøjagtig de samme ting, jeg skrev til assistance, men ingen svar, svindlere!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Du er nødt til at læse anmeldelserne, før deponering af dette Casino er forfærdeligt, løb væk fra dette Casino og deres andre.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Dear Marco399890,

We apologize for any frustration you've experienced with our withdrawal process. We understand that the verification requirements and requests for documentation can sometimes seem excessive. However, please allow us to provide some context to clarify the situation.

As a regulated online casino, we are obligated to adhere to strict Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policies and procedures. These measures are in place to ensure the security and integrity of our platform and to prevent any potential fraudulent activities. The requested documentation, such as proof of address and other essential information, are standard industry practices mandated by regulatory authorities.

Upon reviewing your account, we found that there were certain standard documents that were not provided. We understand that this might have caused frustration, and for that, we sincerely apologize. To streamline the process and ensure clarity, our finance team sends different emails with added details and underlined information to highlight the areas that require your attention.

We take your feedback seriously, and we are committed to improving our communication and processes to provide a smoother experience for all our users. We encourage you to reply to the emails sent by our finance team with the requested documentation and information. Rest assured, once the verification process is complete, you will be able to withdraw your funds without any further hindrance.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We value your patronage and aim to address your concerns promptly.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Best regards,

Rolling Slots Support Team.


Dear Caniggia2021,

We appreciate your feedback and take every comment seriously to improve our services. However, we would like to address your concerns and provide accurate information about your experience with us.

Upon reviewing your account, we found that you have not placed any withdrawal requests on our site. It appears that there might be a misunderstanding or confusion with another casino, as you mentioned running away from "this Casino and their others." We want to clarify that we are a separate entity and not affiliated with the casino you mentioned, upon your closure request (Burning Bet).

It's essential to ensure that the feedback and reviews you encounter are related to the correct casino and reflect accurate experiences. We value transparency and strive to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction.

If you have any further questions or if there's anything we can assist you with regarding your account or any aspect of our services, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We are here to help and ensure that your experience with us is positive and enjoyable.

Thank you for considering our response, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve you better.

Best regards,

Rolling Slots Support Team.

Rolling Slots Casino

Kontoen er endelig bekræftet, og venter nu på, at udbetalingen skal behandles

Automatisk oversættelse:

Kasinofyrene er et fupnummer, min saldo nåede 1200, jeg hævede 500, så meget som det tillader, og det er dage siden, at de ikke sender nogen mail eller nogen meddelelse om, at der er foretaget en udbetalingsanmodning... og også det samme sker med identifikation... en skam i begyndelsen Det virkede som et meget godt casino med en god grænseflade, men i sidste ende nej...

Automatisk oversættelse:

Dear Achilla,

It's true that in order to withdraw funds, players are required to pass our verification process. We understand that you initiated a withdrawal, but we noticed that you didn't provide all the requested documents for verification. Our KYC department reached out to you to complete this process, but we have not received the necessary documents from your end.

Without the verification, we are unable to process your withdrawal. It's essential for us to ensure the safety and security of all our players' accounts and to prevent any potential fraudulent activities. We appreciate your cooperation in completing the KYC process as soon as possible, so we can guarantee quick and easy withdrawals and provide a smooth gaming experience.

If you have any further concerns or questions, please feel free to reach out to our support team, who will be happy to assist you.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Best regards,

Rolling Slots Support Team.

Rolling Slots Casino

Jeg uploadede dokumenterne to gange, og jeg modtog ikke en e-mail, der bekræftede, at dokumenterne er i gang med at blive behandlet...og efter et par dage modtager jeg en e-mail, der siger, at der ikke er nok dokumenter...det gør det ikke spørgsmål, jeg prøver en 3. gang, og så får vi se. .

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems, but as I can see, the casino is trying to help and has outlined where the problem is. So when you upload the documents, could you let us know how it went and if you managed to pass the verification successfully ? 


Achilla, har du løst det?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Bomber, betalte de dig?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, do you also have a problem when you ask players if they solved their cases ? If so what is it about ? Can you say a little more ? 



Do you need any assistance from us?

Hej gutter, lad være med at spille.

Gå til andre casinoudbydere.

Jeg har en meget dårlig oplevelse med rollingslots, min konto blev blokeret fordi jeg ville udbetale 2200 euro.

Dette er en fidus, disse udbydere er rigtige svindlere.

Lad ikke dine penge gå til spilde, hvis du betaler penge på rullende slots, det er en skam for dine penge

Automatisk oversættelse:

Dear galatalimuri,

We understand your frustration regarding your recent experience. We would like to address your concerns and shed light on the situation.

After a thorough review of the case, it was revealed that, your account failed the verification process. Therefore, the account was disabled in accordance with our AML procedures.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this situation may have caused.

Thank you for understanding.

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