HjemForumCasinoerScatterhall Casino – generel debat

Scatterhall Casino – generel debat (side 60)

2 år siden af Fabi84
315.929 visninger 1.852 svar |
1...59 60 61...93
1 år siden

så lad være med at tage dem til beskyttelse ved at sige, at det er op til betalingsudbyderen, hvis casinoet åbenbart bare laver sjov!

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

The casino used to reply here on the forum on a daily basis and some players confirmed the payments of their withdrawals. Anyway, we have currently 42 opened complaints against the casino, which is enormously large number especially considering they're new. I'll try to find out what's going on. If I manage to get any info, I'll let everyone know here.

1 år siden

I got paid from Scattterhall on Tuesday (money is on bank account). And confirmed payout from Spinpirate and Scatterhall today!

1 år siden

Thanks for the update!

1 år siden

Mærkeligt hvordan de så prioriterer udbetalingerne. Helt tilfældigt alt

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I don't think it's random. It must be based on the payment provider that is used to process the payment. Then I believe it has something to do with your country of residence as well. It's probably more problematic to send the money to Germany (due to regulations) than to other countries.

1 år siden

bekræftet? - Ja

på baggrund af? nej 😅

Det er på tide, der bliver gjort noget ved det.

Er der nogen af jer, der ikke længere får scatterhall bonus spam-mails? Det gør jeg ikke længere

fra spinpirate men næsten hver dag 🤣

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

And this is exactly the reason why the concerned players criticize casino guru for not intervening. Your arguments sound like the casino is not to be blamed for their problems with the 3rd party payment provider. But the opposite is the case, it shows that this company is not fit to operate a project like this which should ultimately affect the casino rating. Any serious buisness should be able to solve a payment problem within 3 weeks.

So for how long does casino guru think the complaints should be kept open as unresolved complaints are the only way to influence the casino rating? The casino could post every 7 days in order to extend the timer without actually trying to solve any issue and new players will sign up based on a ridiculous 7.2 score.

The longer this goes on without sanctions the more people will lose trust in Casino Guru and its services.

1 år siden

I just checked the complaints and most of them are 1-2 weeks old. Even yours was submitted 2 weeks ago. We don't assign black points for that. The thing is that we review casino's fairness, not the withdrawal process speed and I totally agree some players might not like it, because the overall user experience is bad due to this. That's why I recommend not only checking the reputation rating, but user reviews and then the complaints section as well when you select a new casino.

Please scroll down and take a look at the casino's reply here: https://casino.guru/spinpirate-casino-player-s-withdrawal-has-been-delayed-4

It looks so far they have issues with the payments provider, but they don't intend to steal money from players. That's what we know so far, but of course, we'll check carefully how the cases will develop.

1 år siden

Du har mulighed for at lukke en sag som uløst, og hvis Scatterhall eller et hvilket som helst casino stadig formår at løse problemet, kan du åbne denne sag og markere den som løst!!!!

Men det du gør er at støtte dette casinos forsinkende taktik!!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I just want to point out that it's not Radka who closes or reopens cases. It's another department.

We don't support anyone. Scatterhall + Spinpirate are fresh casinos so you can't even claim that we receive good commission from them. We just try to figure out what's going on and make sure players get paid, because that's what matters the most at the end of the day.

1 år siden

Hvilke eventyr tror du på? Vent 30 dage eller mere på en udbetaling.

På nuværende tidspunkt er det eneste, der kan siges i utvetydige vendinger, at de forsvarer casinoet. Bedre advare spillere om ikke at indbetale længere.

Intet andet casino har samlet så mange klager på så kort tid.

Hver gang Scatterhall-repræsentanten lyver for spillernes ansigter, og de bifalder det, er der ingen anden måde at navngive det på.

Fortsæt bare med at tage affiliate-pengene fra Scatterhall, men senest når du ikke ser en øre fra Scatterhall længere, vil der ske noget.

Latterligt og fræk, man kan ikke tale pænt om det, hvis man er ærlig.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Take a look at the submitted complaints: https://casino.guru/scatterhall-casino-review#tab=js-tab-reputation

How many cases older than 30 days do you see? The old ones are now marked as solved. The most of cases are 1-2 weeks old.

I don't get this guys. We have no intention to wait forever, but when it comes to the large amount of cases that we have opened on our website, they're not old. Even though the amount is large, we need to treat them as any other cases related to delayed withdrawals. We can't just close it after a week and assign the black points as some of you wish.

1 år siden

Alt lyver, min udbetaling sker via krypto, og der sker ikke noget

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

How long time have you been waiting for the crypto payment so far?

Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
1 år siden

Den anden uge allerede. Crypto Jeg har aldrig modtaget nogen udbetalinger, og den er endnu ikke blevet behandlet

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden


WOOOOOO de svarede hver dag!!!! Og ja, de bekræfter betalingerne, men det er det! det nytter ikke, hvis de ikke betaler!

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Jeg kontakter mig nu, så jeg startede min udbetaling i januar, og jeg venter lige nu på bekræftelse til næste udbetaling siden den 24. februar. Så der er gået over en måned.

Jeg skriver til live support næsten hver dag, og svarene er meningsløse og har til formål hurtigt at afregne kunden uden egentlig at dele noget.

hver uge får vi kun én besked fra scatterhall på vores klager, og de er altid copy and paste.

hvis du kunne få i det mindste nogle interne oplysninger, som ville være meget nyttige, for eksempel hvordan vil vi beslutte, i hvilken rækkefølge de "efterslæbte" betalinger nu behandles, eller hvorfor der er problemer med at foretage betalinger til Tyskland\Østrig.

Det ville være meget mere glat for spillerbasen og casinoet at være lidt mere gennemsigtige.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hvad med hvis de lader MiFinity bruges som en udbetaling som ethvert andet casino og gør det tilgængeligt for indskud? Det har været afventende i 5 uger, og det er ikke engang accepteret...

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Dette er de svar, du vil modtage fra Antillephone-licensgiveren.


Jeg ved godt det lyder som en joke, men jeg fik dette svar for et par minutter siden.

Det kriminelle niveau af disse karakterer er pinligt.

Så undlad at spille på licenserede Antillephone kasinoer!!

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

lmaooo the 'goodie' is 10 euros with 20 euros max cashout 😀 😀 😀 they can't be serious

1 år siden

Btw what’s funny is that they’re still accepting new deposits, new players, still posting daily bonus codes, that will eventually lead to even more cashout requests, making the backlog bigger and bigger? Also they haven’t been able to contact their payment provider where all the payments go through? Since Thursday? This is starting to get very hard to believe

1 år siden

I just checked the complaints and most of them are 1-2 weeks old. Even yours was submitted 2 weeks ago. We don't assign black points for that. The thing is that we review casino's fairness, not the withdrawal process speed and I totally agree some players might not like it, because the overall user experience is bad due to this. That's why I recommend not only checking the reputation rating, but user reviews and then the complaints section as well when you select a new casino.

Please scroll down and take a look at the casino's reply here: https://casino.guru/spinpirate-casino-player-s-withdrawal-has-been-delayed-4

It looks so far they have issues with the payments provider, but they don't intend to steal money from players. That's what we know so far, but of course, we'll check carefully how the cases will develop.

1 år siden

Just to be clear. My complaint regarding Scatterhall was filed on the 3rd of March and my withdrawal request has not been processed since the 9th of March. Its been 25 days. We are talking about almost a month and therefore I call this casino officially SCAM!

1 år siden

Have been waiting 3 weeks for my "crypto" withdrawal to be processed but it still says pending.

1 år siden

Led endelig efter nye kasinoer!

Stop med at spilde din tid.

Hvis der skulle komme noget, ville det være godt ellers gider du ikke mere! De har stjålet nok fra dig, lad dem ikke også stjæle din dyrebare tid.

Sjældent oplevet sådan en tvivlsom flok.

Hold dig væk fra dem.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I will save this image, I always knew Curacao regulator were a joke, but wow, never expected them to be this ridiculously low, to this point I believe being unlicensed is better than holding a Curacao license, in both scenarios you completely depend on the goodwill of each casino, and most lack said goodwill

1 år siden

If I'm not wrong, the casino claimed they have problems with the payment provider, I'm not sure which payment methods are affected by this alleged "problem", most casinos handle crypto payments through alphapo and this is a really solid payment processor, I think this casino and spinpirate are having huge liquidity issues leading the sites not being able to pay out users, but this is just my assumption, I might be wrong

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