HjemForumCasinoerSlotHunter Casino – generel debat

SlotHunter Casino – generel debat

 af paulicklars
3.318 visninger 11 svar |
Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til SlotHunter Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

dårlig kundeservice og lang ventetid på betaling

Automatisk oversættelse:


would you mind telling us what is so wrong specifically, please? To me, it seems that you can't pass the verification, but for what reason? Are your documents out of date or maybe in the wrong format?

Did the casino inform you about what is wrong with these documents?

Først og fremmest tog det timer og forsøg, før de overhovedet bekræftede mig. Simpelthen vilkårligt og gentagne gange krævende dokumenter, selvom jeg allerede havde uploadet dem!

Så stod der, at du nu er verificeret, og at pengene er på vej til at blive behandlet for kun at blive annulleret igen.

nu skulle jeg skifte BIC igen, hvilket nok er forkert, hvilket ikke er sandt!

Så nu indtastede jeg BIC'en i brevform og anmodede om en udbetaling igen, og jeg blev forsikret af kundesupport om, at det skulle fungere nu...

Jeg er stadig nysgerrig, for dette er allerede blevet annonceret til mig som forkert, og hvis mændene eller kvinderne blot ville se på, hvordan jeg betalte ind og overføre det tilbage, ville der ikke være nogen problemer...

Først og fremmest tak for din hjælp

Jeg afventer nu yderligere skridt fra kasinoet

Med venlig hilsen Lars

Automatisk oversættelse:

Tak, det var gjort, og jeg modtog pengene!

fejlen var nok på min side, selvom supporten ikke ligefrem var nyttig 😉

Automatisk oversættelse:


Thank you for the update. I'm happy that managed to pass this issue in the end. 👍

A was about to ask how are faring 😀. Let's hope that the quality of the support will increase, we believe that helpful and kind support is a must for good casinos.

Hej, jeg vandt et beløb på 1750€. Jeg har udført alle verifikationer og uploadet med succes. Alt er blevet godkendt, og alt, hvad denne side har anmodet om, er blevet uploadet og som sagt allerede bekræftet. Min udbetaling bliver stadig afvist hver gang, og jeg bliver altid holdt tilbage i kundesupport. Jeg har alle skærmbillederne fra chathistorikken. Den sidste person i kundeservice fortalte mig, at mine dokumenter nu er blevet accepteret, og at jeg kan foretage en hævning til min bankkonto. Men der sker ikke noget. Jeg har brug for akut hjælp

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm sorry to say that, but you won't most likely get urgent help.

We allow all casinos 14 full days to take care of the player's KYC and withdrawal untill we step in. 🙁

Allow me a question: Have you tried to opt for a different payment option? I would certainly try that.

Registered my account and used the bonuscode for second deposit. In finnish language it didn’t mention in any bonusterms that its for first deposit only. 

So I contacted support whats up why didn’t I recieve the bonusmoney. They put me wait for 30 minutes in chat until someone came to say that its for first deposit only. Well it didn’t mention anything at my language in terms that its for first deposit only, it only told that apply and deposit to get this bonus. 



To be honest, this could happen, and a lot of casinos mention in their rules that the English version of terms is superior to the other versions. Meaning only the English version applies. 🙁

Do you think you can find something like that?

In my opinion, it is quite a bad user experience, and the casino should set its platform accordingly to avoid similar issues. For example, upon adding the bonus code, a pop-up window notices the code's meant for first deposit only, which would be great.

I think that sites should not use different languages at all if the information shown isn’t correctly told. For sure there should have been some sort of warning which tells that you are not eligible anymore for bonus terms.

In my opinion, the method in question is not in accordance with the law but misleading. In addition, when I asked afterwards if it was possible to retroactively get a bonus for the bonus of the second deposit, it didn't work. They delayed and instead offered 25x 0.1€ compensation, which I didn't even accept. Ridiculous buXXXhit from slothunter and the level of customer service was as if there were 15-year-olds working there. It felt like they were intentionally annoying the paying customer and taking up his time.


The English translation is, as I say, nearly always the "only one correct." As you can see, the ending was not very pleasant, so I hope you will use this knowledge to avoid possible problems in the future.

It's better to be prepared. Since it is natural to follow the law, you might believe that it would be helpful, but did your opinion really help you in this case? No, because of the casino rules.

It is awful to hear that the support is not performing its duties effectively; according to what you just stated, one should be well-prepared when the problem comes. Thank you very much for your observation and for the chance to address this uncommon "trap" that others may eventually fall into.

You probably do not intend to play there any longer, do not you?

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