HjemForumCasinoerSpassino Casino – generel debat

Spassino Casino – generel debat

 af tiagrim
7.440 visninger 36 svar |
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Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Spassino Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Hej, jeg foretog registreringen, jeg vandt 20 euro, så lykkedes det mig at blive rigtig, de bad mig om at indbetale 5 euro for at hæve, jeg foretog indbetalingen, og de blokerede tilbagetrækningsmuligheden og hævdede, at jeg oprettede en anden konto i devids navn , ren løgn devid er en af mine venner, som jeg angav, vi er ikke slægtninge og intet bare en ven, men de siger, at jeg åbnede en anden konto på min mobiltelefon er en løgn, fordi jeg ikke åbnede den, jeg åbnede kun min, og jeg anbefalede kasinoet til mine venner, hvad er brugen af muligheden for at indikere, jeg indikerede det til venner, velvidende at min by har 400 tusinde indbyggere, og du kan kun åbne én konto i byen, hjælp mig guru, fordi jeg ikke Jeg ved ikke, hvad jeg skal gøre, jeg vil have mine penge tilbage, fordi jeg ikke åbnede mere end 1 konto

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello there,

your complaint needs to be updated:

"Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Do you and your friend share any of the following: household or email address, telephone number, same payment method, IP, or device? Was your account previously verified or this was your first game session?"

To update the complaint, use this link, please.

Vi deler ikke, jeg viste printet af klagen, og de betalte mig i dag, nu trækkes min konto normalt, tak guru

Automatisk oversættelse:


well, not the best solution. Still, it's good to know withdrawals are now working.

I updated your complaint.

Stay well and visit us often 😉



These are two casinos of the same owner. They cheat their players. I won $330 at golddino casino, but they just zeroed my account and called me a scammer. Am I a cheater because I won at a casino? They create all the conditions for you to lose money, and if you do win it, they just take it away and call you a cheater. Withdrawal of funds from 100 dollars. They took my 330 winnings and made a second deposit. But the second deposit is less than the winnings. They just stole my money.


Could you described what happened there in more detail? You mentioned they called you a scammer, but what was the reason behind it?


Maybe because I won money there? I put in bonus money in one game, but I didn't have enough money to play a few more times. I added real money and played. I got $100 and $200 from two games. Pure luck, I was so happy, but they took that money away and said I was cheating with the bonus. I had to lose it, deposit more money, get the bonus and lose it. I guess that's it? You can't win at this casino?


Hello there.

Several things came up to my mind while reading your post. One is that the casino may consider your mixed funds (donating a bonus with real funds while the bonus is active) as bonus abuse. Did you play the games bonus feature - free spins for example - you had collected before you deposited real funds, but triggered those after the deposit? Maybe there was another rule like max bet or max cashout associated with the bonus you took, so by depositing real money, those rules applied to the whole balance. Sadly this is a common mistake.

Can you share what the casino provided as an explanation, please?


Here's how it was: I actually bet on free spins. I had $90 along with the bonus and I lost it. About $10 to $15 I put in and I didn't have enough to finish the game. So I sent in another $10 to finish the game. I sent 10 because I didn't like the casino. It seemed to me that they intentionally underestimated the winnings. But I got lucky and winning a big money of $330 from one game. Just pure luck and no fraud. I think they took advantage of that so they wouldn't give the winnings away. If I had won any other way, they would have seen an excuse to take the money away. What's the use of bonus money if you can't play with it? 


I see your point now. Once the balance containing bonus money is lost - the bonus ends. That's how it usually works. Any additional deposit should be considered a real balance.

That's why I was interested to know how the casino explained the whole situation. I mean you did receive some explanation, didn't you?

Anyway, if you feel the casino was not correct, you are welcome to submit a complaint.

Check out how it works - here.

Spassino casino is filth scam! On live bets they wait 45sec so they can accept lower odd change EVERY TIME!!! dont even go close this scam casino!!!


Hey there.

Can you be more concrete?

Which live bets are you talking about? Help me understand your concern, please.


lykkedes at løse?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Godaften, jeg har i 2 uger og mere prøvet at komme ind i spassinos affiliate. Jeg ved ikke, hvorfor de ikke svarer på de mange e-mails, jeg har sendt, de svarer ikke på min chat, de fortæller mig, at vi har mange mennesker, vi kan ikke få et andet tidspunkt, nogen fortalte mig, at det er nat , de sover nu. Jeg vil gerne have din hjælp, tak

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey, would you like to work for this casino ? Or do I misunderstand and you have a problem in the casino that you are trying to solve, but nobody is helping you ? Please let me know, because I'm not aware of it.


Godaften, jeg prøver igen at arbejde med dette casino, jeg har registreret mig via deres side for affiliate, men de accepterer mig ikke, og de svarer mig ingen steder, hverken i e-mail eller live chat, på mine relaterede spørgsmål at blive en fremtid i deres affiliate program.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm sorry to say that, but it is up to the casino to decide who they prefer to be their affiliate or not. Since we do not deal with affiliate-associated issues here, I'd like to mention these forums for affiliates:

GPWA forum that is dedicated to such topics. 🙂


Godaften, de svarede mig, mange tak, selvfølgelig, efter nogle oplysninger jeg sendte, svarede de mig ikke, hvis de fortsætter og det ikke er på grund af weekenden, vil jeg sende til det forum du fortalte mig. I hvert fald mange tak!!

Automatisk oversættelse:


If you looking to sign up for affiliate you can send a email to


Regards Spassino Team

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