HjemForumCasinoerQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (side 109)

 af kirekin
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I contacted WINTERMDSE by email, initially they responded to me and said they would investigate, now they have gone completely cold with me and have responded to any of my emails in the last week.

& they also declined my chargebacks which I did with the bank, I don’t know how they’ve managed to do this considering they’re not operating legally



Er der nogen, der støder på disse to nogen steder?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Have had similar but not with Wintermads...my take on it is... the merchant have made up an account for you, falsified records, made up onwards transactions that you didn't authorise and told the bank you authorised the initial payment (which you probably did, like me!) Your bank have seen that you authorised the initial payment and, to make life easy for themselves, have taken their fraudulent evidence at face value.


De holdt også op med at svare mig.

Redigeret af Jaro
Årsag: Stødende sprogbrug
Automatisk oversættelse:

The million dollar question is how you go about proving their evidence is false....answers on a postcard


Stop med at spille!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

I don’t know, after reading through the thread I take it I’m not getting any money back from anywhere, there’s a few companies like enigma and tsinda who sent the funds back but everyone else doesn’t message back or they decline the chargeback lol

I wish I never come across any of these casinos they’re all a scam, they target vulnerable people. The bank don’t care, the company certainly doesn’t care

Also has anyone had any contact with CEG gaming, I contacted them on the 8th of June, they acknowledged my complaint. After like 2 weeks I messaged again like what’s happening and they said they need more time. They don’t reply on the thread. I had to contact them directly. Has anyone been successful with getting their funds from a specific casino with help from CEG


What is the contact for Enygma?


Which bank declined your chargeback and against which casino and payment provider

I’m not sure of the contact for Enigma. I charged back with the bank and they returned funds. WINTERMDSE declined my chargeback. I’m waiting to see what evidence they’ve sent across to state their reasons. I bank with Barclays

Another thing. WINTERMDSE tried taking money out of my bank the other day. The bank rejected it

Through chargeback with the bank, raised a dispute

I got a letter from the bank on my APP saying they had tried taking a payment, and the back has blocked it and contacted them.

Vi har modtaget din kortklage og herefter undersøgt, om du er berettiget til erstatning for dem

beløb, som du har krævet til os. I vores undersøgelse af din sag har vi samlet den

oplysninger, som du har indtastet i din kortklage og derefter kontrolleret dette mod teknisk

data og de betingelser, der gælder for dit kort.

Du har selv foretaget de køb, du gør krav på, men har oplyst, at du mener, at banken skal

har nægtet at gennemføre transaktionerne, fordi transaktionerne vedrører spiltransaktioner.

Ifølge spilleforordningen skal betalingstjenesteudbydere afvise betalingsordrer dér

anvendes, og hvor autorisation er sket ved brug af MCC-kode 7995, alt sammen nedenfor

betingelse, at korttransaktionen sker med et salgsselskab, der skulle have en svensk spillelicens

men hvem savner det. Fordi MCC-kode 7995 ikke er blevet brugt i nogen af transaktionerne

som du hævder, havde banken ingen pligt til at afvise de pågældende transaktioner.

Du er selv ansvarlig for, hvilke sider du giver dine kortoplysninger til og for at læse dem igennem

vilkår, der gælder for det salgsselskab, du indgår aftale med.

Banken har gennemført transaktionerne korrekt i henhold til de betalingsinstrukser, du har


Der er ikke grundlag for, at du kan anmode om, at banken genopretter din konto med en klage

beløb. Banken har derfor besluttet ikke at imødekomme din kortklage.

I det vedhæftede informationsblad kan du læse om, hvor du kan henvende dig i din sag, hvis du

mener, at bankens afgørelse er forkert.

Automatisk oversættelse:

De holdt også op med at svare mig.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I understand that it's probably not the nicest thing if someone stops answering you, but please behave politely and keep similar words to yourself. 


I know who these are but you won’t get the money back. I even contacted the payment provider who claims to have contacted them on my behalf.



both email address on the websites are fake


Så banken støtter dem! Pænt og seriøst. Men hvad skal man forvente af en bank, der tidligere har hvidvasket penge på disse områder

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