HjemForumCasinoerQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (side 500)

 af kirekin
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Hvis du finder ud af noget og lader mig det vide, vil jeg takke dig. Jeg fortsætter også med at undersøge sagen, og hvis jeg finder ud af mere, giver jeg dig besked.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello everyone, does anyone have the email address for GAIW-Deposit London? thank you very much for any help

anyone have experience with ISXpay ISX money???


Hej, fandt du ud af hvilken købmand det er? Kan du også hjælpe mig? Tak

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ingen chance for at få noget ud af det. Den administrerende direktør vil sagsøge dig i tilfælde af et refusionskrav, han er bare en klovn. Godt 95 % af udbyderne, der behandler betalinger via åben bank, bruger ISX som deres kontoførende institut eller en bank i Storbritannien.

Ethvert forsøg på at kræve penge tilbage fra ISX er spild af tid

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ikke i øjeblikket. Lad os se, om vi alle kan finde ud af noget og dele det.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Kasha global holdings is that this one: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kashatech/posts/?feedView=all ???

Advice Needed!!

So just received a message from the bank of Scotland, it says "after reviewing activity on my account, they have decided to close all my accounts"is this because I've disputed transactions and they have refunded me! Surely they can't do that?

Thing is my 2 daughters accounts are with them, are they going to close them as they are still children and I opened the accounts?

Also can I complain about it or am I wasting my time?

Any info appreciated.

Redigeret af forfatter

Does anyone know which casino elegro.eu is linked too?? Thank you


It was a large sum of money?


Din bank har givet dig svaret på, hvorfor din konto blev lukket. Efter at have tjekket aktiviteterne [...]

Banken lukkede kontoen, fordi du brugte den til hasardspil eller godkendte betalinger med det falske MCC. Sådan sikrer banken sig mod yderligere krav mv.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Did you get the money back from zen?

If you call your bank they will flag it as fraud and refund all connected transactions

Hi Paul,

Sorry to bother you buddy, I know we bank with the same people and were both successful on our chargebacks, however I relapsed again over this weekend due to alot of stress and situations going on.. in regards to your second chargeback how did you raise it did you speak to complaints? Im thinking I want to speak to L the person who dealt with mine as she was so kind and doesn't give me as much anxiety wanting to contact her as she was very understanding. I just dont know what to say as I feel so stupid and I am gutted, thankfully I had a moment of realisation and stopped but I don't really know how to tell the bank!

Thank you buddy!

Hi. Just a question. After pretty much finding out about these casinos after using MyStake. Really long withdrawals etc. - after researching. I requested for account closure as they hold sensitive information.

Has this pretty much fcked me from retrieving proof of deposit? Match the transactions, is there a way around that? Thank you

Indlæg af paulmcewan05 er blevet slettet

Once closed that is it you should take screenshots all the time with these sites


In hindsight of course. I had never experienced these sights before. But yes is that pretty much it closed now? Thank you also.




All I can think of is maybe see if Casino Guru can help you


Probably best to accept it. Thank you so much for the reply.

I hope everyone can retrieve their hard earned money from these awful 'casinos' 🙏

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