noget af en historie du har været igennem, jeg håber at alt bliver godt til sidst. Jeg ville sige, at verifikationsniveauet kan være påvirket af det land, du bor i, og det, du beskrev tidligere, får mig til at tænke, at Afrika nok tages som en potentiel risikozone, det kan medføre, at verifikationen bliver mere lad os sige mere præcis .
Jeg kan forestille mig, at spillere fra for eksempel Bangladesh ville stå i en lignende situation.
Fortæl os hvordan det går, jeg vil gerne høre en positiv nyhed snart 🤞🤞👍
quite a story you've been through, I hope that all will be good in the end. I wanted to say that the level of verification can be affected by the country you live in, and what you described earlier makes me think that Africa is probably taken as a potential risk zone, it may cause the verification to be more let's say more precise.
I can imagine that players from Bangladesh for instance would face a similar situation.
Let us know how it goes, I'd like to hear a positive news soon 🤞🤞👍
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