HjemForumCasinoerTangiers Casino – generel debat

Tangiers Casino – generel debat

 af mrTretton37
14.554 visninger 51 svar |
1 23
Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Tangiers Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Someone here who has experience with this casino and its withdrawl process?

It has now been 3 days sinne my resursteamet and yet no confirmation. I get that they say that processing a withdraw can take up to 5 business days, but it doesnt make any sense to be that slow if your main goal is to be a good casino.

yes, I got 120€ In total by the 25 no deposit and mini deposit of 10€. Maby that has to do with them milking the time to try get me to reverse the money. I Aint supid, eventho I think this behavior from the casino kinda is 😂


Do you already have your account verified in the casino?


Everything worked out and my withdraw was completed today!


Thank you for good news! Have they told you why it took quite some time, maybe?

Live chat er tilgængelig 24 timer i døgnet på Tanger. Så det kan opdateres.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello and thank you for this update.

I forwarded it to our Data Team, so we will check it and adjust the information accordingly.

Much appreciated. 👍

Did you find their live chat helpful, I wonder?

Ok Live chat suddenly disappears, Customer support email not responding and the withdrawal page not popping up after verification is complete.



it does not sound very good. You've received notification that the verification has been completed, right?

Have you tried to access the site via a different browser/device? I would also recommend erasing all cookies and trying the incognito mode.

Let me know if any of it helped.

i verified my account with handheld id and was told the verification process would be done 3 days ago and then my withdrawl would be Done. I have not got my withdrawl and i have sent several emails the last days and no response, i am getting worried.



just a few questions if I may.

Are you sure that no document is missing, please? Is the verification completed now?

In what status is your withdrawal?

This casino has a very good reputation, so I'd assume that you should wait a bit. Kindly note that we allowed casinos 14 full days to complete verification and fulfill the payout.

Hello Thank you, i have waited for about 20 days, i was fully verified, with all Documents sent in. They stopped comunicating with me one week ago, my verification process i was told would be completed 3 days ago. I do not know since the account is disabled

I have sent mails to theyre security, accounting and support since last friday, with no response regarding my withdrawl at all.


In this case, I think it's the right time for the complaint. Seems like it would need some explanation from the casino, so allow us to step in.

I think that you've waited long enough.

Thank you, i have still not heard anything back from the casino


So let's hope we will be able to find some answers through the complaint.

Kindly wait for an update.

Hej, jeg fik en fortjeneste på omkring €65o -700 fra de 25 gratis spins på Tangier Casino. Dette blev reduceret til ca. 28,00 som beløb, der skal udbetales.

Jeg ville have lidt mere og spillede det op til omkring €120 og spillede så ikke halvdelen væk igen. Min sidste saldo var omkring 63€. Dagen efter, da jeg ville lave en indbetaling på €10 for at få mine gevinster, kunne jeg ikke længere logge ind, og live chatten var heller ikke tilgængelig. Følgende meddelelse vises, når du registrerer dig

Tanger Casino er i øjeblikket under vedligeholdelse. Vi arbejder konstant på at forbedre vores tjenester for dig. Vær tålmodig, den vil blive genaktiveret snart."

og det i 1 1/2 dag.

Til min forbløffelse, ikke kun hos Tanger, men også hos Winnerama og Lucky Draw. (Jeg ved godt at de 3 hører sammen).

Det betyder, at jeg er afhængig af støtte, men der er ikke noget svar derfra. Så jeg er afskåret fra al kommunikation.

Er at tro på det i sig selv gode ry på grund af de få myggekammerater. Jeg kan ikke se fordelen for casinoet, da jeg ikke engang har investeret noget endnu.

Jeg er spændt på dine svar. farvel og baba

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej, har nogen af jer problemer med TANGIERS CASINO???

Jeg kan ikke længere logge ind på min konto. Pludselig er der ingen live chat længere.

"Vedligeholdelsesarbejde" i næsten 2 dage

Automatisk oversættelse:

file Kasakhstan i blokken

Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej, har nogen af jer problemer med TANGIERS CASINO???

Jeg kan ikke længere logge ind på min konto. Pludselig er der ingen live chat længere.

"Vedligeholdelsesarbejde" i næsten 2 dage

Automatisk oversættelse:


I think that it would be best to wait a bit. I understand that this is annoying but maintenance is necessary from time to time.

Anyway, I'll ask my colleagues whether is possible to learn when the maintenance ends.

1 23

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