HjemForumCasinoerTilbagetrækningsproblemer hos locowin

Tilbagetrækningsproblemer hos locowin (side 2)

 af Miklo98
10.751 visninger 39 svar |
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I checked solved complaints and the waiting time varies, but it is quite long - approx. 3 weeks I'd say.

The radio silence however concerns me quite a bit.


The standard period is 2 weeks. If you don't receive a pending withdrawal within 2 weeks, then there's something strange going on.

De sagde i KYC-e-mailen, at det tager op til 48 timer, som nu er overstået.

Jeg har allerede sendt en e-mail til support, og der kom intet.

Hvis de bare lader sig fejre, så jeg skruer op for det hele, og det tager 2 uger, så er jeg også ligeglad, jeg er standhaftig.

Hvad er mine muligheder i en nødsituation?

Automatisk oversættelse:

If necessary, please submit a complaint.

You can do so here: https://casino.guru/complaints/create

I hope you won't need it.


Jeg spillede hos locowin med en bonus, jeg satsede det fulde beløb, og da jeg nu ville hæve det, annullerede de alt undtagen indbetalingen på 20 euro og sagde, at jeg spillede et spil, som jeg ikke skulle have haft lov til at spille hos Bonus . Jeg har også spillet andre spil, og jeg vidste ikke engang, hvilke spil jeg ikke måtte spille. Og nu ved jeg ikke hvad jeg kan gøre, det er omkring 1300 euro. Kan nogen hjælpe mig?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Normalt er der en besked om, at du ikke kan spille på slot med et aktivt spil, jeg mener selv i indlæsningsskærmen, er det faktisk ikke muligt at spille noget forkert. Slotsene er blokeret, fordi der nogle gange er så mange, at det ville være absurd, hvis alle skulle se på hver slot, de spillede, eller skulle være usikker på, om det var tilladt, hvis der nogle gange var 3k + slots i kasinoet... ..I komme med falske undskyldninger fra kasinoets side. De burde alle dø for de penge, de underslog!!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Der kom ikke noget dårligt tal op.

Automatisk oversættelse:


every time you take a bonus, always read the associated terms and conditions, please? It's an unwise decision to rely solely on the casino when it comes to the restrictions. Yes, in a perfect and secure world, the restricted game would not load while the bonus is still active, but not every casino platform work just like that.

Feel free to submit a complaint, our team will look into it and will try to find a fair solution.

Will you do that?


Jeg tror, jeg ville være berettiget til nogle af pengene, da jeg også har spillet andre spil, ikke kun det, jeg brød. Men hvad ville være en rimelig løsning? Og i hvilket omfang får klagen medhold?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, I see you have submitted complaint already. That's great. Let our colleague Nick from complaint resolution team bring more information what is possible to do after submitting your answers. This casino has by Casino Guru the questionable reputation but we can also see that casino is interested in resolving disputes what is at least a good sign for now. I hope that there is a solution for you and that at least some amount is returned to you afterwards.

Det er meget pænt af dig, mange tak

Automatisk oversættelse:

hank you for your email,  Allow me to remind you that some rules apply when you play with a bonus.

As soon as a bonus is active on your account, every bet made with real or bonus money on any of the forbidden games or over the max bet limit will be considered as a breach and winnings will be voided.

I kindly invite you to take a look again at our Bonus terms that you accepted at the registration to avoid any future violations of those terms.

Please do not hesitate to contact us via email 24/7 or via live chat between 10h00 CET and 23h00 CET for any further assistance.

Warm Regards,


Locowin Casino

Das kam vom casino



I think that you should focus on answering Nick's questions, can you do that, please?

Visit your complaint here, and provide more details about the verification, bonus, and games you played.

Thank you 😉


How did it end up for you? Would be interesting to hear how they solved the situation. I mean seems like you played a forbidden game which I guess is the reason why they canccelt the withdraw. Have the same issue in another Casino and there is also a complain open with the complains team...


Jeg har desværre ikke hørt mere.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg tror ikke, der kommer noget ud af det. Jeg har også meget ondt af hende.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg vil bare aldrig spille der igen

Automatisk oversættelse:


Kan nogen hjælpe mig med locowin, de betaler mig ikke pengene

Automatisk oversættelse:

Please read my reply to you here.

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