HjemForumCasinoerTreasure Spins Casino – generel debat

Treasure Spins Casino – generel debat

 af xray200
1.983 visninger 18 svar |
Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Treasure Spins Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Der er intet at diskutere om disse svindlere. De stjæler bare deres kunders penge.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I saw your complaint.

Let's hope the casino will explain the situation to us at least.

The only one you've got so far was this "business decision", right? 🤔

Warning for others, if I may: https://casino.guru/treasure-spins-casino-review

  • Vær forsigtig med bonussen!!!!!!!

Jeg indsatte €25 i dag og fik 150% kryptobonus. Jeg læste også bonusbetingelserne på kampagnesiden og syntes ikke der var nogle skjulte regler. Men selvfølgelig på en anden side i kasinoets vilkår og betingelser blev det forklaret mig i live chatten, at €150 er udbetalingsgrænsen... ja, hvad kan du sige om det, næste gang igen på StammCasino LG

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi and thanks for the information about the bonus. I think it could be useful for other players as well. I find it's best to check TaC when you go to play with the bonus, and if something is not clear, ask in live chat to avoid any misunderstandings. 

However, I have noticed that this casino has a very low safety index, so I would be cautious about depositing in this casino. 

Anyway, how did you get to this casino ? Have you had any problems here ? 

Jeg brugte en gratis spins bonus på dette casino og vandt et vist beløb. Da jeg bad om udbetalingen, annullerede de mine gevinster og forklarede ikke årsagen i detaljer, så jeg kunne forsvare mig selv. Jeg ved ikke hvad jeg skal gøre 😡😡😡🤡

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey, the casino didn't tell you anything at all, based on what you're saying, did it? Did you try to see if you played according to the rules and you didn't break anything? No communication recorded with the casino? Do you still have money in your gaming account or did they take it from you? 

Try emailing or contacting live chat again to see what might be going on and if they don't respond, then it's probably best to move on to the next step. 

Will that be possible? 

Jeg kommunikerer via e-mail, men de fortæller mig ikke i detaljer, hvad der skete, så jeg kan forsøge at forsvare mig, de siger ikke, hvor jeg specifikt gik galt. Skamløst kasino!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Okay, could you screenshot the email the casino wrote to you and show me what they mention there? When they canceled your withdrawal, does that mean you still have it in your player account, I mean money or not?

Treasure Spins Casino offers a fun and engaging experience, especially with the Luxor Gold slot game. The game’s vibrant graphics and exciting bonus features make every spin thrilling. Its smooth gameplay and rewarding payouts keep players entertained and coming back for more.


Hello, is there anything else in this casino besides this game that you like? Have you managed to withdraw anything here yet? Have you had any experience with customer support?


Her er den file

Automatisk oversættelse:

De giver ikke flere oplysninger, bare det, meget overfladisk

Automatisk oversættelse:

Okay, so I'll ask you again, did the casino take all your money and you have nothing in your gaming account? You don't feel like you've done any of the things mentioned in the email? Do you use a VPN? Did you go through any account verification or not? The only bonus you had in this casino is the free spins? 

Please let me know.


Jeg bruger ikke en VPN, det var ikke den første bonus jeg har brugt på dette casino, jeg brugte ingen tricks til at udnytte huller i systemet, kort sagt, jeg gjorde ikke noget og de forsvandt med bonusgevinsterne efterlader mig kun med min indskudte saldo. Jeg afsluttede bonusoverførslen med tre gange, hvad jeg havde indbetalt, og de trak det fra min konto (over 500 BRL).

Jeg har bedt om yderligere forklaringer mere end tre gange, og de giver mig bare ovenstående.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Det er helt klart for mig, at de ikke accepterede det faktum, at jeg havde gennemført rollover!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Then, when you have no doubt that you have done nothing wrong, you can try filing a complaint and we will try to help you. 

You can open one at this link. ⬅️

Think you'll go for it? 

I’m curious to know which is better for winning – slot games or live games? Any recommendations based on your experience?


What do you think? In some live games I would say the RTP is the highest. In slots you probably can't achieve that much but it's all about luck. I would probably prefer blackjack or poker. What about you?🙂

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