HjemForumCasinoerWin Unique Casino – generel debat

Win Unique Casino – generel debat (side 2)

 af carsix79
10.486 visninger 38 svar |
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Hi ..yes ..i'm still playing there 🙂if I will meet some problems ,I will share with this forum


Hello there!

I hope there will be nothing negative.

We'd be happy if you check on us from time to time even if you won't have any issues of course. 😀

Feel free to share your lucky wins here:


Stay well!

Redigeret af forfatter

Hello...and here are the problems ...unique casino start to make problems with withdraw..I still have 22.500 € in my account and they reduce my withdrawl amount from 1500 per week to 500 euros per week 😪😪😪


Hello, I was really hoping it will not come to any problems...

Have you received any explanation? I am curious if they lower your withdrawal limit because of your deposits.

We warn that even the winnings could be restricted:

Unfair maximum win rule based on the total amount of deposits:


Now I have another problem 🤣🤣🤣file


Oh no,...

So now your account has been blocked? When you successfully withdrew the last time your account was accessible, am I correct?

Hej!! Jeg har €220, og for at hæve beder de om noget mærkelige dokumenter, er det troværdigt, hvis jeg lægger dem ind? De beder om billeder af kortet og en kvittering. Tak på forhånd

Automatisk oversættelse:

It is normal procedure to give them a photo of your deposit method but cover the middle 6 numbers and cover your CVV when you send a photo of the back. What else did they ask you for?


De beder mig om et ID, et foto af kortet på begge sider og en betalingskvittering, som skal være en elbetaling eller noget i den stil. tak skal du have

Automatisk oversættelse:

Yes that’s normal proof of address I usually send the first page of my bank statement as I don’t have any utility bills. The last one is usually ID passport or drivers license. It’s not unusual now to be asked for a selfie with ID showing in the photo

De beder mig om et ID, et foto af kortet på begge sider og en betalingskvittering, som skal være en elbetaling eller noget i den stil. tak skal du have

Automatisk oversættelse:


provide every document the casino asks for. If you don't you will not be allowed to withdraw your winnings.

You should also read our guide section to be better prepared 😉:



If you struggle at some point let us know.

It is normal procedure to give them a photo of your deposit method but cover the middle 6 numbers and cover your CVV when you send a photo of the back. What else did they ask you for?

The is actually very common and it's also the best practice compared to when the casino asks for the full picture showing all numbers. Covering the numbers allows the casino to verify you while your card stays protected.

Jeg laver normalt indskud mellem 15-100 euro, den sidste indbetaling på 100 euro gav mig mange penge. Og da jeg gik for at foretage udbetalingen, fortalte de mig, at jeg kun kunne hæve 1000 euro (det vil sige 10, hvad jeg havde indbetalt sidste gang) Er det lovligt?

Fra chatten fortalte de mig, at med resten af gevinsterne kunne jeg spille for sjov eller anmode om, at de slettede det?

Automatisk oversættelse:


sadly in this case this is not exactly the question of legality, I'm afraid. Check the casino review, you'll find this warning:

"Unfair maximum win rule based on the total amount of deposits:

This casino has an unfair rule, which restricts how much players can win based on their total deposited amount (even when playing without a bonus). If you only deposit a small amount, your potential winnings will be restricted."

I'm sorry you missed that 🙁

So this is how the casino applies such an unfair rule in practice. We believe that while playing with your own money, your possible winnings should not be limited.

I'm pretty sure that if the casino sticks with this unfair rule, its rating will drop even lower than 2,8 points out of 10.

If I may, always check the casino's score in advance, please. You can spare yourself a few unpleasant moments.

Dette casino ligner et legitimt og godt casino. Mit yndlingsspil er poker, og det vigtigste for mig er at kunne spille poker. Jeg spiller nu på Unique Casino på grund af muligheden for livespil. Jeg har virkelig aldrig haft problemer med at hæve penge eller noget på den side. Det er nemt at spille, når du ikke behøver at bekymre dig om at blive snydt i sidste ende.

Redigeret af Radka
Årsag: Forbudt link
Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej, lige nu har jeg 5.000 euro på min konto, og af dem fortæller de mig, at jeg kun kan hæve 150.

De fortæller mig, at jeg ikke kan hæve mere end de 150, og at jeg skulle bruge det hele og indbetale igen for at kunne hæve igen. Jeg har brug for hjælp, hvad kan jeg gøre?

Automatisk oversættelse:

I see you wasted no time and submitted the complaint immediately.

Just wait for it to pass the first check, please - once this is done, you'll be assigned a first response specialist.

Meanwhile, you may share more details. Have you accumulated your winnings with or without a bonus, perhaps?

Sounds more like a maximum withdrawal bonus limit to me. I'll wait for your reply.


Jeg har ikke spillet med nogen bonusser.

Jeg har allerede præsenteret alle mine dokumenter, og jeg har sendt en fortrydelsesanmodning på 500 euro, nu vil jeg vente og se, om de accepterer dem, men kundeservice har allerede fortalt mig, at de ville godkende det, at jeg kun kan hæve 150 i alt

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, and thanks for your reply.

I'm sorry to see this casino keeps applying this highly unfair rule:

This casino has an unfair rule, which restricts how much players can win based on their total deposited amount (even when playing without a bonus). If you only deposit a small amount, your potential winnings will be restricted.

If I may give you some advice, take the winnings and run anyway because this casino is not good at all, have you seen its rating?


Do you usually take some time to get more familiar with or investigate the casino you plan to deposit in?

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