Jeg må indrømme, at jeg heller ikke var sikker, men denne forklaring er næsten perfekt. Tak skal du have.
Har du i øvrigt prøvet at komme i kontakt med din bank? Hvis jeg ikke tager fejl her, viser din banktransaktionshistorik to separate betalinger, mens kun én af dem kom til casinokontoen.
Jeg husker et ganske lignende tilfælde; det skete i et andet casino, og spilleren bekræftede ved et uheld betalingen to gange, da den første autorisation så ud til, at den ikke virkede. Efter at have bekræftet det andet forsøg, er hans bankkonto dog blevet ændret to gange. Jeg kan huske, at han påstod, at kun den anden nåede frem til kasinoet.
Nå, på en eller anden måde ville jeg rådføre mig med din bank. Er du klar til det?
I have to admit I was not sure either, yet this explanation is almost perfect. Thank you.
Have you tried to get in touch with your bank, by the way? If I'm not mistaken here, your bank transaction history shows two separate payments, while only one of those made it to the casino account.
I recall a quite similar case; it occurred in a different casino, and the player accidentally confirmed the payment twice since the first authorization looked like it was non-working. Upon confirming the second attempt, though, his banking account has been changed twice. I remember he claimed only the second made it to the casino.
Well, one way or another, I would consult with your bank. Are you up to it?