HjemForumCasinoerYbets Casino – generel debat

Ybets Casino – generel debat (side 21)

 af JMiles1984
51.418 visninger 499 svar |
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hi there , go to the complaints category at the top of page and it will give you a form to fill out and submit and then someone from here will get back to you. I also have had success with - eCORGRA site which is a site for filling complaints with casino's also.


Hej, mange tak, meget venlig, jeg vil pløje det og gemme det websted, selvom jeg er sikker på, at her vil de hjælpe mig med at løse det

Automatisk oversættelse:

yes, for sure.. good luck.. I am very tired of a lot of these sites not being liers and thieves.


Mange tak, vi er mange ofre

Automatisk oversættelse:

Så der er ingen grund til at skrive noget? For til sidst, da jeg gik videre til næste spørgsmål, har jeg ikke mulighed for at skrive noget.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej Romi, jeg har forsøgt at indgive en klage til Ybets casino, fordi der er gået 14 dage, og jeg har ikke modtaget nogen besked fra dem, der beder mig om nogen dokumenter, eller om spillet var verificeret eller tilladelse fra casinoet til at kunne trække sig tilbage. Jeg udfyldte de spørgsmål, de stiller for at besvare, men i slutningen af ​​alting giver det mig ikke mulighed for at skrive noget. Er dette korrekt? Nogen fortalte mig, at nogen vil kontakte mig direkte. Kan du selv hjælpe mig med denne sag? Mange tak.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej, jeg vil gerne indgive et krav eller en klage, som du kalder det, for at kræve mine hævninger fra Ybets. Hvem kontakter jeg og hvad skal jeg fremvise? Jeg har alle chats fra de gange, jeg har kontaktet dem.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey, feel free to use the link I shared with the player and the proofs will definitely come in handy. It describes everything that is needed for our team and I think that's all that is needed. Then just time and patience and we'll see what we can find out. 

Hi all. I wanted to write a review but also see what your thoughts are. I received no deposit free spins, I cleared the wagering, "withdrew" by adding that balance to my cash balance then cancelling any additional winnings. Then off these winnings I won again. Now I went to withdraw and they again cancelled the additional winnings. Now every other casino I've played out, once you "withdraw" by cancelling the additional winnings and claiming what you are entitled to claims as withdrawing and I've cashed out with additional winnings. They will probs just say as per terms of bonus max cash out. But seems scammy to me 


Jeg har prøvet at gøre det i klageafsnittet, men efter de spørgsmål, der kommer op, og jeg besvarer dem, og jeg går videre til næste spørgsmål, lader den mig ikke gøre andet, den lader mig ikke skrive noget.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg så dit link og prøvede og besvarede spørgsmålene, men efter spørgsmålene vil det stadig ikke lade mig skrive noget, jeg må bare gå tilbage

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej Romi, jeg har forsøgt at indgive en klage til Ybets casino, fordi der er gået 14 dage, og jeg har ikke modtaget nogen besked fra dem, der beder mig om nogen dokumenter, eller om spillet var verificeret eller tilladelse fra casinoet til at kunne trække sig tilbage. Jeg udfyldte de spørgsmål, de stiller for at besvare, men i slutningen af ​​alting giver det mig ikke mulighed for at skrive noget. Er dette korrekt? Nogen fortalte mig, at nogen vil kontakte mig direkte. Kan du selv hjælpe mig med denne sag? Mange tak.

Automatisk oversættelse:

All right, so you are not able to submit the complaint.

Let's try first the basic things: Clear up the cache and the cookies on your computer, then try to log out and log in to your account again. If it doesn't help, you can try to file the complaint from the incognito window.

Also, what happens many times is to turn off the automatic translator in your browser. So, if you use one, please do so. You don't need it anyway on our site, as we have an automatic translator here already.

Try all this, please, and let us know if the issue was solved. We will continue from there.

Is that okay with you?

Hi all. I wanted to write a review but also see what your thoughts are. I received no deposit free spins, I cleared the wagering, "withdrew" by adding that balance to my cash balance then cancelling any additional winnings. Then off these winnings I won again. Now I went to withdraw and they again cancelled the additional winnings. Now every other casino I've played out, once you "withdraw" by cancelling the additional winnings and claiming what you are entitled to claims as withdrawing and I've cashed out with additional winnings. They will probs just say as per terms of bonus max cash out. But seems scammy to me 


It seems that you really have a lot of experience with this, so what I can suggest you is to file a complaint here with our team, and they will have a better look into the situation. Our specialists deal with such situations every day and always do their best to get everything solved.

So, what do you reckon? Is it worth trying?

Here's the link where you can file your complaint. Let us know how you go, please.


Hi there. You didn't manage to withdraw your winnings? 😢

This casino is the worst I have come across in years and I see a safety index of 9.4 and I am laughing so hard,I have an open complain with them for 6800 euros and they still after 5 months keep delaying the pay out even though they know that they are in the wrong,they abuse the complaint timer and keep looping the situation everytime finding another problem and also lying with fake evidence.absolutely pathetic.


Hello Radka,

Could you by any chance explain the methodology behind a 9.4 Very High safety index?

"No player complaints or very low value of withheld winnings in complaints in relation to the casino's size"

26 Open complaints. Many of them for months. All having issues with false gaming investigations and verification, all to entice the player to play off winnings.

"Medium-sized casino, based on our research and estimates"

Guru has now listed YBets in its Big Brands category with $100,000,000 revenue in order to raise the casino score.😒

"We also considered other factors, which had a positive impact on the casino's Safety Index"

Like What? Low withdrawal amounts? Anjouan License? Drawn out payments?

The Guru "casino review team" is an absolute joke as is Casino Guru.

Make no mistake readers.

There are only two possibilities here: The Guru team is a bunch of inept, incompetent, bumbling fools.


Guru is blatantly disregarding any sense of integrity or responsibility to line their pockets.

The later is my guess.


Hej Romi, hvordan har du det? Jeg vil prøve at få en mobiltelefon ved at gøre, hvad de fortæller mig, jeg skal gøre i klagen, bortset fra min kommentar, for eksempel at sende et skærmbillede af alle chats med dem?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej, hvordan har du det? Tak fordi du spurgte, jeg har stadig ikke fået mulighed for at trække mig tilbage, og jeg har ikke hørt fra dem, kun det samme gamle svar, at det er blevet sendt til spil- eller casinoudbyderen, og at det vil tage 14 dage eller mere. Faktum er, at der allerede er gået 16 arbejdsdage, ikke inklusiv weekender, så der er gået en måned og ingenting 🥹🥹🥹😩

Automatisk oversættelse:

Forresten, jeg var i stand til at åbne den Skrill-konto, som du nævnte med succes. Mange tak.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej Romi igen, efter flere forsøg har jeg lukket sessionen og logget på igen, men jeg får stadig det samme. Efter at have besvaret spørgsmålene, der dukker op, spørger de to sidste om problemet er løst og går videre til næste spørgsmål, jeg klikker på næste spørgsmål og det giver mig kun mulighed for at gå tilbage. Hvad er problemet, der forhindrer mig i at fortsætte? Tak.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello Radka,

Could you by any chance explain the methodology behind a 9.4 Very High safety index?

"No player complaints or very low value of withheld winnings in complaints in relation to the casino's size"

26 Open complaints. Many of them for months. All having issues with false gaming investigations and verification, all to entice the player to play off winnings.

"Medium-sized casino, based on our research and estimates"

Guru has now listed YBets in its Big Brands category with $100,000,000 revenue in order to raise the casino score.😒

"We also considered other factors, which had a positive impact on the casino's Safety Index"

Like What? Low withdrawal amounts? Anjouan License? Drawn out payments?

The Guru "casino review team" is an absolute joke as is Casino Guru.

Make no mistake readers.

There are only two possibilities here: The Guru team is a bunch of inept, incompetent, bumbling fools.


Guru is blatantly disregarding any sense of integrity or responsibility to line their pockets.

The later is my guess.

Hi there,

I believe I already explained the most important aspects - it's truly complex and focusing on each detail separately won't provide the logical answers; it's about the global picture. Let me try to give you the idea:

The Safety Index may change for different reasons within a short time period.

Some details in the review won't change unless complaints are closed as unresolved by any means: here come the "withheld winnings."

Please inspect the current state of complaints here:


https://casino.guru/complaints/all 👈

As you can see, not a single one is unresolved, which means there is no high amount withheld—that would mean the players were correct, but the casino rejected the payouts—that has never happened.

Aside from that, players tend to forget that this forum is mostly about complaining and 88 cases in total is pretty much nothing compared to the casino size. I understand some of you are now dealing with a complicated situation but it is nothing so unusual for a bigger international casino.

Getting back to the start: anytime the complaints are closed as unresolved, all black points will be counted; if the amount is high enough, the Safety Index will change.

Meanwhile, we are always in touch with casinos and the Safety Index may get higher just because the casino has applied more points from the Casino Guru Fair Gambling Codex into their terms. Which has always been the goal—to help casinos be more transparent and fair.

Yet it does not mean that the index won't drop if the majority of currently opened complaints will be closed as unresolved. Theory is one thing but my colleagues need to see the casino is able to use the fairness in concrete situations.

I agree it is weird, but in this case it was just a combination of two aspects; to judge the casino, I would wait for the complaints to be closed.

I also see the process is longer than usual and perhaps it's because of what I mentioned earlier - putting the Fair Gambling Codex from theoretical terms into concrete situations.

I understand your concerns, but I ask you to maintain objectivity. For example, having more than 11k open cases is not easy at all and if the casino struggles to understand our points, the mediators have to explain over again to increase the chance the complaint will be resolved. We do not aim to close complaints quickly just to punish casinos; we have always tried to resolve as many cases as possible. I imagine we both know it is primarily about patient communication.

Hope it helps and I certainly hope it will be over soon.

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