HjemForumCasinoerZetCasino – generel debat

ZetCasino – generel debat (side 3)

2 år siden af gocedelcev00000
12.146 visninger 45 svar |
12 3
10 måneder siden

Dear Radka,

I have shown you that the casino itself states that both streamers and regular players have the same rules. Streamers are entertainment players as they can and do make withdrawals.

As for the casino license you mentioned, I have requested it directly from the casino itself and they do not provide it.

Additionally, there is no logo of the license on their site. If you have the license number, it would be nice to mention it.

I have been asking for my case to be reopened for a while now, and I openly call on Zetcasino to take a stance in front of everyone.

10 måneder siden

God eftermiddag. I dag har Zetcasino stadig ikke kontaktet mig.

Automatisk oversættelse:
10 måneder siden

God eftermiddag,

Jeg har skrevet til mailen omkring 10 gange, men ingen svarer mig eller giver mig feedback. På den anden side spillede jeg normalt. Jeg har bevis for indbetalinger, e-mails til min e-mail med bevis for tilbagetrækning af indskud. Allerede dagen efter, da jeg forsøgte at komme ind på kasinoet, fortalte de mig, at i mit land er gambling ikke tilladt i det kasino (kun et par timer efter at have vundet 320 euro). Derfor overvejer jeg muligheden for at være blevet snydt. Jeg har ikke haft tid til at bekræfte kontoen med mine indbetalingsoplysninger, og jeg tror heller ikke, de vil kontakte mig. Hvorfor lod de mig så spille et par timer før og derefter blokere adgangen?

Automatisk oversættelse:
10 måneder siden

Hello, and thanks for this information.

Of course, the casino may restrict any country to prevent legal issues, but your active balance needs to be paid to you normally, and only after that will a decent casino close your account due to the aforementioned restriction.

On the other hand, I found a bit of a different update in the complaint:

"The day after being able to access I found out that in Spain this website has been closed for being an illegal casino. Therefore I cannot access it with any browser and that is why I cannot claim anything."

So to me, it seems the casino has not blocked you on their end. It was most likely your internet provider.

Sadly, to set this correct, and I mean to get you a chance to withdraw your money, we would need someone from the casino to respond. 🤔

10 måneder siden

Dear Radka,

I have shown you that the casino itself states that both streamers and regular players have the same rules. Streamers are entertainment players as they can and do make withdrawals.

As for the casino license you mentioned, I have requested it directly from the casino itself and they do not provide it.

Additionally, there is no logo of the license on their site. If you have the license number, it would be nice to mention it.

I have been asking for my case to be reopened for a while now, and I openly call on Zetcasino to take a stance in front of everyone.

10 måneder siden

Dear player,

"I have shown you that the casino itself states that both streamers and regular players have the same rules. Streamers are entertainment players as they can and do make withdrawals."

Yes, the terms are the very same, yet what you still fail to comprehend is that the very same rules may be applied differently based on concrete situations.

Casual players don't postpone bonus rounds, do not advertise their sessions, and do not play with a huge amount of "money." Those are, by the way, very common streamers' practices.

I'd say, if you don't play like an ordinary player, you must be ready to be recognized as a different kind of player, which may result in violating the very same rules.

"As for the casino license you mentioned, I have requested it directly from the casino itself, and they do not provide it."

The Antilephone license does not work like this. Even if the support provided the validator's URL, it won't work. (https://validator.antillephone.com/validate?domain=casinowebsite.com&seal_id=cf98db6c7173....)

Further explanation is here 👈

"Additionally, there is no logo of the license on their site. If you have the license number, it would be nice to mention it."

As explained the validation works differently.

"I have been asking for my case to be reopened for a while now, and I openly call on Zetcasino to take a stance in front of everyone."

Frankly, the Complaint Team is very busy, but I'm sure they will get back to you eventually.

As for the casino, I doubt any evidence will be publicly presented. That would be very unusual because explaining the process means others may take advantage of this knowledge, which would limit the casino's ability to detect fraudulent activities. Let's see what happens next.

4 måneder siden

Hej alle sammen, jeg vandt over 14.000 euro på et Rabidi NV casino, nemlig Zetcasino.

Som altid, efter at have foretaget en indbetaling, spillede jeg et bonusspil, hvormed jeg vandt 30 euro i bonuskredit.

Jeg har allerede vundet flere tusinde euro med den, som altid er blevet udbetalt til mig. (Desværre kun maksimalt €500 pr. dag.) Jeg har altid opfyldt bonusbetingelserne, omsat beløbet mindst 50 gange, og alt har altid været tilfredsstillende.

I søndags vandt jeg over €14.000 med en €30 bonussaldo. Jeg opfyldte derefter bonusbetingelserne, og pengene blev krediteret min saldo med rigtige penge.

Jeg anmodede derefter om en hævning på €500 og ønskede at hæve yderligere €500 næste dag. Da jeg så, at €14.122,50 var blevet trukket fra min konto.

til udbetaling og ønskede at hæve €500 næste dag. Da jeg så, at €14.122,50 var blevet trukket fra min konto.

Jeg skrev så til support, og svaret var, at pengene var trukket fra mig, fordi jeg havde annulleret et depositum. Hvilket simpelthen ikke er sandt.

Jeg skrev så til support, og svaret var, at pengene var trukket fra mig, fordi jeg havde annulleret et depositum. Hvilket simpelthen ikke er sandt.

Jeg startede så en ny chat og spurgte en anden medarbejder. Han fortalte mig så, at du maksimalt kan vinde fem gange bonusbeløbet. Så for €30, €150.

Jeg blev bedt om at se på vilkår og betingelser. Og pludselig indeholdt vilkårene og betingelserne netop denne erklæring.

Men jeg ved, at dette ikke kan være sandt, fordi jeg som sagt allerede har vundet beløb på over €1000 flere gange med denne €30 bonuskredit, som også blev udbetalt til mig.

Da jeg forsøgte at logge ind igen, blev min konto frosset eller lukket. Og jeg modtager ikke længere beskeder fra supportteamet, hverken via e-mail eller live chat.

Ved du, hvad du kan gøre her? Jeg har spillet i kasinoet i fem år og har aldrig haft nogen problemer. Som sagt, selv når jeg vandt mange penge med en bonus, blev den udbetalt. Nu vinder jeg et meget stort beløb, og casinoet er svært og hævder, at jeg har overtrådt vilkårene og betingelserne.

Hvad kan du gøre?

Automatisk oversættelse:
4 måneder siden


I first have to mention that it would be best to know the exact terms associated with the bonus.

From my experiences, I find it very interesting to allow such a high withdrawal amount on such a bonus, but as I said terms are what matters.

On the other hand, I have no reason not to trust you when you say you have withdrawn higher amounts from the same bonus before. Not to mention the change of rules. I think this situation should be investigated further. If you agree, I strongly advise following these instructions 👈 explaining how the process works.

Collect and paste there all communication, screenshots and information you have avilable and our specialists will try to get to the bottom of this.

Are you interested in trying?

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