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sandheden om streamere (side 2)

 af paclmaya
24.188 visninger 72 svar |
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Ærgerligt, kunne have været interessant hvis rhyker havde svaret

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ser du, og det er mit problem med det – du foreslår, at du kommer til at vinde en masse penge, men du gør det ikke. Og dermed giver jeg det forkerte billede, hvor jeg foregiver over for andre, at jeg har vundet mange penge. Jeg er simpel af den opfattelse, at streaming med online casinoer er forbudt. Du frister folk til at falde i en afhængighedsfælde - og du er på meget tynd is - jeg venter på, at nogen skal sagsøge et kasino eller streameren på et tidspunkt

Automatisk oversættelse:

I have tried.. and I can’t 🙁 it doesn’t seem possible, no lawyer wants to hear it. I’ve lost over $300,000 to 2 Crypto casinos in 6 months. The most powerful addiction with no limit or no one to help control your deposits. Online slots can be very dangerous - Trainwreck, Roshtein, Ayezee, Foss are all my influences. I guess that’s why they're literally called "social media influencers" they broadcast to an audience that eventually try to mimic what they see.

Not one of these streamers feels a "loosing day" like an actual gambler with no affiliation, that doesn’t get paid to play, but actually works a job and it starts as fun, because it is fun, and can be a fun hobby if play is responsible- after all it’s an overload to the brain

I’ve attempted suicide over my recent loss as it wasn’t just a financial loss but the trust of my family. After giving them control of everything for almost 3 months I ordered a new ledger, and switched the device they held and stole my crypto back in order to gamble. Thought I had control and deposit after deposit lost everything I have ever had this same night. Casino let me down I asked them for a loan of $2000 to play and they never shut my account or raised concern about problem playing the very next day I lost $160,000 in 5 hours depositing 13 times

Twitch ignore literally every and any request to monitor/ refuse to give strikes to slot stream abuse even when the streamers are some of the biggest streamers on the platform.

trainwreckstv streams slots under the "Just Chatting" section, against the r


Twitch’s lack of rules against showing slot gambling (and yes, I will admit my own stupidity / mental health) have ultimately led me to the state of how my life is now.

I had never bought a scratch card or gambled before watching these streamers and seeing them turn $100,000 to a million on an almost daily basis.

(Radka I apologise for the rant. I’m having self control issues and venting seems to help me not take loans and make deposits. Please feel free to delete this if it doesn’t fit in the thread - I started getting carried away with venting admittedly)

TL;DR ;- Find me a lawyer (with good reputation and willing to go up against Twitch’s terms and conditions for personal damages) and I’ll give you a finder fee.

Twitch doesn’t do anything against slot streamers going against their rules.

Ive lost over $300,000, my house, my wife and my kids. Relationship with family fell apart due to trust issues from me trying to imitate what I used to watch on stream daily before coming to the realisation what they’re promoting isn’t how casino games play or operate You won’t win, you won’t break even you will loose everything in the famous words of trainwreckstv

I bet (pun intended) not a single person reads the entire 2900 words post lol but I needed it off my chest tonight



I think your addiction is one of the worst one lost 160000$ in just 5 hours, couldn’t believe it. First of all if you can’t control gambling set limits before play the games. I always do that then if you lost much money sent the mail to close your account especially mention in the mail addiction for reason.

you have to accept your addiction and stay away from gambling. Then another method to stay away from gambling play the games with mute mode. It helps some. If you have a closure mail before lost $300k you have a chance to get refunds otherwise no chance. I hope this information help you.

check the license seal of the gamdom casino, if your country is listed there for not allowed to

play you can go with complaints.


I have tried.. and I can’t 🙁 it doesn’t seem possible, no lawyer wants to hear it. I’ve lost over $300,000 to 2 Crypto casinos in 6 months. The most powerful addiction with no limit or no one to help control your deposits. Online slots can be very dangerous - Trainwreck, Roshtein, Ayezee, Foss are all my influences. I guess that’s why they're literally called "social media influencers" they broadcast to an audience that eventually try to mimic what they see.

Not one of these streamers feels a "loosing day" like an actual gambler with no affiliation, that doesn’t get paid to play, but actually works a job and it starts as fun, because it is fun, and can be a fun hobby if play is responsible- after all it’s an overload to the brain

I’ve attempted suicide over my recent loss as it wasn’t just a financial loss but the trust of my family. After giving them control of everything for almost 3 months I ordered a new ledger, and switched the device they held and stole my crypto back in order to gamble. Thought I had control and deposit after deposit lost everything I have ever had this same night. Casino let me down I asked them for a loan of $2000 to play and they never shut my account or raised concern about problem playing the very next day I lost $160,000 in 5 hours depositing 13 times

Twitch ignore literally every and any request to monitor/ refuse to give strikes to slot stream abuse even when the streamers are some of the biggest streamers on the platform.

trainwreckstv streams slots under the "Just Chatting" section, against the r


Twitch’s lack of rules against showing slot gambling (and yes, I will admit my own stupidity / mental health) have ultimately led me to the state of how my life is now.

I had never bought a scratch card or gambled before watching these streamers and seeing them turn $100,000 to a million on an almost daily basis.

(Radka I apologise for the rant. I’m having self control issues and venting seems to help me not take loans and make deposits. Please feel free to delete this if it doesn’t fit in the thread - I started getting carried away with venting admittedly)

TL;DR ;- Find me a lawyer (with good reputation and willing to go up against Twitch’s terms and conditions for personal damages) and I’ll give you a finder fee.

Twitch doesn’t do anything against slot streamers going against their rules.

Ive lost over $300,000, my house, my wife and my kids. Relationship with family fell apart due to trust issues from me trying to imitate what I used to watch on stream daily before coming to the realisation what they’re promoting isn’t how casino games play or operate You won’t win, you won’t break even you will loose everything in the famous words of trainwreckstv

I bet (pun intended) not a single person reads the entire 2900 words post lol but I needed it off my chest tonight

Hi there,

I actually read all your posts, have to say that this one is a heartbreaker.

I'm not going to post another guide or repeat that we are really concerned about streamers and the damage they can do. I do not wish to play the smart here, since I can't imagine how terrible feeling it must be to lose control over again.

We still try to find somebody who will show the reality of a bad luck stroke.

Have you read this article I wonder?


Just a small step for the Twitch... 🙂

Er der nogen der har erfaringer med denne side?


Automatisk oversættelse:


Jeg gik til den side for at prøve det, men jeg kommer ikke længere - jeg klikker på "fortsæt 18+", og der vil ikke finde nogen omdirigering sted.

Det er ikke helt klart for mig, hvad siden er.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi radka

can you please delete all of my unjustified complaints. I don’t want to make bad impression to other casinos about mine.


Hi, we can't do it from our end, but please, contact complaints@casino.guru regarding it.

Anyway, I just looked briefly at your complaints and it seems that you often play somewhere, lose your deposits, then you try to claim the deposits back, because you self-excluded in a sister casino or they allowed you to play from a restricted country.

Considering all the attempts you did in order to claim your deposits back from various casinos, I'm convinced you're already well known for this strategy among many casinos so deleting it just from here won't really help I'm afraid.



i made some mistakes in the past, I don’t want to do it again. Can I able to create new casinoguru account to start fresh. Because some of my cases limits been removed or my account activated automatically, are you saying this is my mistake? If they allowed me to play from restricted country it means they will pay my winnings you are saying. Ok I won’t lodge any more deposits back claims, let’s see how does the casinos behave? What about if they remove my limits? Self exclusion carried over between the casinos? If it does winnings will be given or deposits refunded?


Hello Anton1318,

I am certain that we have already explained the difference between self-exclusion and demand for closing the account. I'm also sure that you are - at least now - well aware of the fact, that self-exclusion works best for the concrete casino, not on all sister's sides at the same time. You have already experienced it.

I agree with Daniel, deleting complaints or changing the account can't erase your actions in all those casinos - I'm sorry.



i want to open a new account in casinoguru to start fresh because I don’t want to make any more self exclusion complaints unless clear breach. Please reply are we allowed to open second account?


Hi Anto1318.

If you prefer a new account, I can close this one immediately so you can register a fresh new one right away. 🙂

You can also keep this account and register a new one as well. Since we are not a casino, you will not be accused of having multiple accounts here 😊.

Kindly let me know, what suits you best - thank you.

Thanks for your reply. I will open new one and keep this too.


Du har min oprigtige sympati - i Tyskland, og der er nu internetportaler, der kræver dine tab tilbage. Så dine indskud. For der er en spillelov i Østrig, som kun tillader onlinekasinoer at tage penge fra østrigske borgere, hvis de har den østrigske spillelicens. Og i Østrig har kun Win2day det

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm not sure if gravedigging threads are against your site rules but I stumbled across this thread and thought I had something useful to share.

I was a part of a stream on twitch around a couple years back. The steamer was getting popular quickly and considered streaming for a gambling site. He talked with stake and they told him he would get a fake balance, and any profits he made he would keep 15% as real money.

This added a lot more context for me when watching streamers because often their excitement at big wins seems much more aligned with that, in theory. The casinos know they can't fake entertainment gambling as the streamers boredom will show through. These people are winning a lot of money and roshtein is probably a millionaire by now, but I doubt that he has a private jet or anything.


Dead thread digging is surely allowed 😂✨, it's actually very welcome considering the topic!

I can't say I'm surprised, but I'm definitely disgusted by such fake practices.

Can you share his name perhaps? It's nice he has the courage and dignity to say those things aloud.

I've been following the online casino streaming community for a while now, and I have to say, there's a growing concern about the authenticity of some of these streamers. While there are undoubtedly many who genuinely share their gambling experiences, it's disheartening to see the rise of what I can only describe as "fake casino streamers."

I believe it's high time for more transparency and accountability within this community. Casino streaming can be entertaining and informative when done responsibly, but the actions of a few dishonest streamers risk tarnishing the entire industry. Let's all be vigilant and promote ethical conduct within the casino streaming world.

Isn't roshtein a multi millionaire with all his 18 mill hits lol


All these crypto streamers are fake, and others that are semi-fake (they play with exclusive bonuses), still really far from what real gambling is, I don't even blame them, the ones who play with sponsored money get to take a cut from whatever they manage to win, which is basically risk free gambling, who wouldn't take such a deal?

I used to think casinos were wasting resources in these streamers that could be used to reward real users, but if they keep doing it then it must be profitable and it's just a regular marketing expense at this point

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