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Screenshots af gevinster. Sejrskærmbilleder. (side 21)

3 år siden af Djamil
242736 visninger 1012 svar | Casinoet vinder altid! |
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11 måneder siden

Tak for tippet, men jeg spiller ikke kun bonuskøb, selvom jeg altid risikerer at gøre det, når jeg vinder en fornuftig præmie eller investerer den præmie i bonuskøb.

Når jeg mister disse penge, når jeg køber bonusser, fortsætter jeg med at spille mine første penge uden at købe bonusser, det var mit system, og jeg spillede kun to slots.

Hvorfor tror du, jeg vil spille igen?

YouTube Jeg kan ikke se noget om kasinoer.

Jeg ser reklamer, men ignorerer det, fordi jeg allerede ved, hvad et online casino er.

Lige nu er den bedste måde at vinde på kasinoet ikke at spille

Gå ikke til spillet 😉

Men hvis du kender alle disse gambling taktikker, hvorfor spildte du den store gevinst, du vandt?

Du virker som en smart spiller

Automatisk oversættelse:
11 måneder siden

You got the good point, that why I stop playing already.

I know is hard to get back my lost. Is not possible but hard unless I need to lose a lot money, but I don't want to take risk because some account dead is dead.

"But if you know all these gambling tactics why did you waste the big prize you won?" about this question, actually the account is very loose, until I mentioned, when you playing halfway account disconnected or force logout happen. This is proven. After this case, only I know it's control by casino and not random.

So now, I don't want to waste my time anymore. Those big win screen won't surprise me anymore. I lost the appetite on slot already. This is why I'm here to advise some player who needs.

I'm sincerely hope you don't go back to slot, even you can't sleep or miss some slot, don't go for it. Do not let casino earn it. I'm posting the screenshot is showing you all that you can easily get big win like me and also easily lose all your winning. Posting big win photo doesn't mean I win a lot in the end. My slot turnover is around USD100k and I lost around USD8k for this account. So I think is reasonable to meet the RTP.

You are the winner when you stop playing. All the best my friend 🙂

11 måneder siden

Hej Radka!

Oversætteren er nogle gange ikke bedre, men jeg vil lave et resumé.

For mig har kasinoer strategier og har altid, set fra mit synspunkt, kasinoer observeret spillere i form af daglige eller ugentlige indskud.

En god spiller ethvert casino ønsker. Så efter at kasinoet har observeret spilleren, ved de, hvor langt de kan gå med spilleren. Hvis spilleren er afhængig, bliver det nemmere for casinoet, fordi de ved, at spilleren altid vil bruge alt, hvad de vinder, så casinoet risikerer at give gode gevinster, tror du, at casinoer ikke har strategier med deres spillere?

Automatisk oversættelse:
11 måneder siden


Aha, I understand now; the point was partly lost due to translation...

Thanks for the summary.

I think I agree with you, I'd say such statistics are part of financial analyses. Under certain circumstances, I understand it may be seen as an advantage the casino tries to maintain.

I mean deposits, bets, withdrawals, and balances - that's all about numbers and good measures, and also, with math applied the proper way, you'll get results. Once you can read the results clearly this is where strategic planning takes place 🙂. Am I close?

It makes good sense now.

11 måneder siden

You got the good point, that why I stop playing already.

I know is hard to get back my lost. Is not possible but hard unless I need to lose a lot money, but I don't want to take risk because some account dead is dead.

"But if you know all these gambling tactics why did you waste the big prize you won?" about this question, actually the account is very loose, until I mentioned, when you playing halfway account disconnected or force logout happen. This is proven. After this case, only I know it's control by casino and not random.

So now, I don't want to waste my time anymore. Those big win screen won't surprise me anymore. I lost the appetite on slot already. This is why I'm here to advise some player who needs.

I'm sincerely hope you don't go back to slot, even you can't sleep or miss some slot, don't go for it. Do not let casino earn it. I'm posting the screenshot is showing you all that you can easily get big win like me and also easily lose all your winning. Posting big win photo doesn't mean I win a lot in the end. My slot turnover is around USD100k and I lost around USD8k for this account. So I think is reasonable to meet the RTP.

You are the winner when you stop playing. All the best my friend 🙂

11 måneder siden

I'm sorry for your losses. Sometimes, the way to understand the odds is painful.

Have you heard that when it comes to mathematical advantage over players, slots are the most profitable games for casinos?

Sadly, many people tend to ignore that,... Maybe it's because far too often, the passion may be stronger than the cool judgment.

11 måneder siden

Ja, du har ret.

Men i øjeblikket er jeg på pause, holder jeg en pause.

Derfor vil spilstrategierne ikke blive anvendt i øjeblikket.

Hvem ved, hvem ved, jeg kan miste interessen for at spille online casino for altid.

Det kommer helt an på min nye hverdag.

Automatisk oversættelse:
11 måneder siden


At acceptere nederlag er grundlæggende.

Den største fejl, spillere begår, er ikke at acceptere nederlag og tro, at de kan komme sig. Løgn vil ikke komme sig, men du vil miste endnu mere.

Ligesom at acceptere sejren.

De fleste spillere ender med ikke at acceptere gevinsten og aflevere alt til casinoet igen.

Det kræver meget selvkontrol at håndtere disse to situationer, jeg nævnte.

Når det kommer til gambling, skal du huske, at casinoet altid vinder.

Vi har aldrig en chance for at vinde på kasinoet, så lyder det gamle ordsprog.

Den vandt?! Saml pengene og forlad spillet 😉

Automatisk oversættelse:
11 måneder siden

Ya, this is more profitable depending on the service provider. Even nowadays the service provider willing to sharing lost with the Casino. Try imagine, the confident level they have. The CS from the casino told me that the Casino is earning a lot on slot. But they're very afraid on a "abnormal betting behavior" player, only these player can win money. The more detail I don't know but sound like they have already knowing how to beat the slot, but if you just playing like normal player, you will always lose.

It's okay for my lost, learn from the fall. otherwise I will still continue playing without aware on the trap. it's always very difficult to earn money from Casino.

11 måneder siden

You are right. The more frequent you play, the more deep the hole you fall. Just remember, you are not alone, many people able to come out from the fall. Just don't chase it anymore. Too many failure to chase lost. This is the Casino trap.

11 måneder siden

Jeg har allerede accepteret mine nederlag, det er jeg rolig omkring.

Jeg er væk fra spillet, og det agter jeg at blive ved med.

Jeg ved, at der er mange spillere, der taber mange penge hver dag.

Det er vigtigt at forstå, hvornår det er tid til at stoppe, jeg formåede at forstå, hvornår det er tid til at stoppe.

Automatisk oversættelse:
11 måneder siden

Pasha musik

Automatisk oversættelse:
11 måneder siden

Ja, du har ret.

Men i øjeblikket er jeg på pause, holder jeg en pause.

Derfor vil spilstrategierne ikke blive anvendt i øjeblikket.

Hvem ved, hvem ved, jeg kan miste interessen for at spille online casino for altid.

Det kommer helt an på min nye hverdag.

Automatisk oversættelse:
11 måneder siden

Sounds reasonable 🙂.

One should do things worth trusting.

11 måneder siden

Ya, this is more profitable depending on the service provider. Even nowadays the service provider willing to sharing lost with the Casino. Try imagine, the confident level they have. The CS from the casino told me that the Casino is earning a lot on slot. But they're very afraid on a "abnormal betting behavior" player, only these player can win money. The more detail I don't know but sound like they have already knowing how to beat the slot, but if you just playing like normal player, you will always lose.

It's okay for my lost, learn from the fall. otherwise I will still continue playing without aware on the trap. it's always very difficult to earn money from Casino.

11 måneder siden

You sound very cool to me, and what you just wrote is also stated in the Casino Guru Fair Gambling Codex😎:

"Our recommendation is quite simple: Don't use betting patterns as an excuse not to pay out winnings to players. These betting patterns can indeed be a sign that a player is doing something against the rules, but they shouldn't be the sole reason to penalize players."

Figures 🙂

11 måneder siden

In my place, they wont penalize player that they wont pay to the player. But they got one rules, example you deposit 100 and get 300 bonus, but you need to play at least 10x to withdraw the money. meaning you need to play at least 4000 dollar to withdraw it. Try imagine, which domination you need to play to reach 4000 turnover, the lower domination the lower chance you will win money or even finish all 400 dollar. Many didn't make it, but your losing is counting into your profile. Example you lose 100+300 in total, but when you next deposit 100, you may win around 400 due to previous lose you have. This is why, they reset your turnover or wallet amount by transfer all the money out. once you been reset, your profile will start from 0 again and your slot will start fresh again. Whether player abuse it? I think they're not. In the end will still casino in flavor. Recently they don't allow people to use this money to buy bonus as buy bonus will easily reach x10 turnover. Well, I don't think now casino will afraid player to abuse betting pattern, they r getting smatter and overcome it with a lot term and condition.

11 måneder siden


Wagering 10x is quite nice, I'd say. Browse the bonuses list; the most common amount scales from 30x. 🙂

It is also normal that bonus buying is forbidden while playing with a bonus, and the maximum bet is also limited. Sounds normal to me; I can assure you.

Of course, the point is to make the wagering process more challenging. Bonuses cost casinos money and this is one way how to settler the score 😀.

11 måneder siden

I personally don't think can make it 30x wagering....maybe around 15x and end....

11 måneder siden

Det er muligt, jeg har allerede gjort det 😁 35x

Og jeg foretog en tilbagetrækning med det samme 😉

Automatisk oversættelse:
11 måneder siden

30x and 35x is possible to clear if it's only a requirement over the bonus amount, if it's over the deposit too then these bonuses are trash and not worth taking.

Still wagering 35x is really, really hard and becomes boring because you are betting forcefully and not because you want to, and the vast majority of times you will lose all the money during the wagering, casinos didn't come up with that magic number out of nowhere, it's well calculated to make it as poor value as possible, that's why I never take deposit matches unless they are sticky bonuses, yes the max cashout is capped, the bonus is non cashable and regular excluded games rule applies, but it's still better than regular 30x wagering bonuses

11 måneder siden

Det er rigtigt, det er meget svært at opnå.

Jeg nåede kun at gøre det to gange.

I den seneste tid har jeg undgået at spille med disse bonusser, som jeg kalder en næsten umulig mission 🤣🤣🤣

Jeg havde kasinoer, der gav mig x10 og endda x5 bonusser

Men det er sjældent at se det i disse dage.

Disse bonusser bliver stadig sværere, og så kommer den maksimale udbetaling for gratis spins alligevel 🤷‍♂️

Automatisk oversættelse:
11 måneder siden

5x and 10x for sticky bonuses? If so, I don't think that's a fair deal, because I have played with sticky bonuses that require only 1x on deposit amount, I have never seen a cashable bonus with a 10x requirement unless it's a deposit match of 30%. Which casinos are these?

11 måneder siden

Disse bonusser er VIP-bonusser.

Nogle gange kræves ingen depositum.

Kun 1x 🤔

De fleste casinoer kræver x3 indbetalingsbeløbet før udbetaling.

1x skete kun for mig med præmier i turneringer eller gaver fra kasinoet, men det er sjældent.

Jeg har spillet på mange casinoer, de fungerer alle praktisk talt på samme måde med hensyn til bonuskrav 🤷‍♂️

Nu er jeg nysgerrig efter at vide, i hvilket casino bonussen spilles x1

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