HjemForumKlagesagerBet365, forkert login og LL01 kode

Bet365, forkert login og LL01 kode (side 2)

 af MassEffect
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Hej Radka!

Jeg svarede på klagen og tak for denne vidunderlige service .. vi håber noget bevæger sig, fordi Bet365 ikke gør noget for at rette op på situationen!

Mange tak for at henvise mig til den off-topic sektion !! Nu kigger jeg på det for godt, og hvis der ikke er en science fiction-tråd .. ja hvem ved .. måske åbner jeg den 😀 (plads fra spil som Mass Effect til Asimovs bøger!) Jeg håber, du også vil deltage 🙂

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi There!

Let's just hope that this is all just some kind of missundertanding and we will be able to sort it out soon through the complaint. 👍

I like the idea about whole new topic in this section!

(by the way: I'm about to read A. C. Clarke's " The Nine Billion Names of God, The Wind from the Sun" 🙂)


Hej Radka!

Jeg svarede på klagen og tak for denne vidunderlige service .. vi håber noget bevæger sig, fordi Bet365 ikke gør noget for at rette op på situationen!

Mange tak for at henvise mig til den off-topic sektion !! Nu kigger jeg på det for godt, og hvis der ikke er en science fiction-tråd .. ja hvem ved .. måske åbner jeg den 😀 (plads fra spil som Mass Effect til Asimovs bøger!) Jeg håber, du også vil deltage 🙂

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello there again.

It's been quite some time so I come to check your complaint. Well, I was quite sure that a casino with a perfect reputation will collaborate with Adam in the end. I'm nearly shocked, and I believe that I can imagine how dissapointed you must felt. 😔

Are you going to try eCOGRA now?

Hej venner, jeg åbnede min bet365 konto i 15 dage, den dag jeg åbnede den, lavede jeg en indbetaling og næste dag ville jeg ind og jeg kunne ikke længere få et brugernavn eller en adgangskode fejl, jeg sendte dem mange e-mails og de svarer dig med ren nonsens jeg gik ind i chatten live og jeg venter op til 20 skift og når det er min tur tager de mig væk fra siden og jeg prøvede flere gange og jeg sender dem en mail og siger at hvis de ikke vil acceptere mig så vender de i det mindste tilbage mine penge og de løser ikke noget det ville være godt at sagsøge dem men de snupper ikke noget det er rent tab

af tid

Automatisk oversættelse:


just to make sure I understand correctly: you crated an account, deposited, played and what happened then? What kind of error you get while trying to access your account? Any chance that you have previously submitted withdrawal request and your account is under verification maybe?

What information have you received from the casino?

Hello guys.

3 days ago i just made a bet365 account, but i put cash from my girlfriend's bankcard (because my card is unavaible now) who is 17years old. (i didnt know that i cannot pay from other people's card) and i get blocked for this.

I am over 18, I just sent my drivinf license and everything, do you guys know if i could get a withdraw and start a new acc from my card or i just lost all the money?



this was a very unfortunate step, never use someone elses pament method.

I would explaint to the casino first, do not register new account, because it would only look suspicious. Try to ask the casino for advice.

Let us know how it went

If you have already contacted the customer support teams and have not received a response, it may be helpful to check the company's website or social media pages for any updates or announcements regarding their support response times. Additionally, you can try reaching out to the company through alternative channels such as phone or live chat support if available.

If you are concerned about the amount of money in your account, it may be best to contact the company as soon as possible to ensure that your issue is resolved in a timely manner.

Overall, I recommend continuing to reach out to the company's customer support teams and exploring alternative channels for assistance until your issue is resolved.


Hey there!

It has been a couple of months since you shared your problem with us. I'm just wondering how did it end up...


God morgen

Jeg sluttede mig til bet365 og er sportsvædder

Jeg har foretaget alle dokumentkontrol osv., og min konto er blevet aktiveret

Jeg har nu betalt en ret betragtelig sum, og jeg kan ikke længere få adgang, læsefejl LL01, og uden at have modtaget nogen e-mail kommunikation!!!

Jeg chatter, og de fortæller mig, at min konto er suspenderet til gennemgang, og de kan ikke give flere oplysninger eller timing

Jeg har betalt et betragteligt beløb, og jeg accepterer ikke, at det ensidigt er 'spærret', hvis der allerede er foretaget kontrol hos mig!

hvordan kommer du videre?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Unfortunately the casino has right to close your account temporarily or permanently. Of course, they shouldn't close your account permanently if you have some remaining balance there and you did nothing wrong. Those checks are pretty common and there's not much you can do about it.

If I were you, I'd come to ask them about the current status once or twice per week to make sure that they'll speed up the process a bit. That's all you can do I'm afraid.


Nå, det er noget vrøvl, og jeg kontaktede chatsupport på samme måde, kun jeg registrerede mig som ny kunde, og det gav mig den samme fejl, og de siger, at din konto er blokeret, og at du ikke vil være i stand til at bruge bet365-tjenester nu og i fremtiden. vi kan ikke give dig information, hvorfor jeg også skrev til dem, da dine chefer ikke giver oplysninger til dig, og deres kunder fortæller mig, at jeg skal komme til den angivne adresse, som jeg har registreret mig med og fløjte af mig, og hvis du ved noget og skjuler det, og du og deres mor skændes med dem

Automatisk oversættelse:

Perhaps you were identified even under the second account (which, incidentally, is a very unsafe conduct and a violation of the agreements), and your account was reported.

In one way or another, it sounds like you could use some assistance, and I would like to know the specifics of what transpired in this casino. Would you please help me with that?


Hvad var den anden konto frue Jeg forklarer, at jeg er en ny kunde, det er første gang, jeg registrerer mig på dette websted, og de blokerer min konto 2 minutter senere, godt jeg ikke foretog en indbetaling, fordi jeg ville have sagsøgt dem dengang

Automatisk oversættelse:


I'm talking about the casino accounts. I'm trying to demonstrate what might happen to you.

Could you also respond to that, please?

"In one way or another, it sounds like you could use some assistance, and I would like to know the 

specifics of what transpired in this casino. Would you please help me with that?"

Can you just go deeper with the description of the state of things between you and the casino? The more details, the better. 🙏

det er ikke

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, could you please describe your situation or something you would like to talk about. This didn't tell me much. Do you also have a login problem ? 

Det samme skete for mig med den fejl, og i livechatten fortalte disse supportrøvhuller mig, at hvis jeg ville låse den op, ville de opkræve mig 50 dollars fra min saldo. Jeg forstår ikke, hvorfor de vil opkræve mig 50 dollars, hvis jeg aldrig har ændret adgangskoden. De er idioter. Jeg sendte en e-mail for at se, om de giver mig det samme svar eller fortæller mig, hvorfor de vil trække 50 dollars fra mig for at låse op.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey there.

Even though I'd like to avoid jumping into conclusions, this sounds very weird to me at best! I'm certainly not familiar with all the details; even so, I still think it would be good to capture screenshots of such odd suggestions the casino made and use them in the complaint. Perhaps there is a resonable explanation, but still, if the casino has nothing to hide, they would be interested in clear explanation - what do you think?

Are you familiar with the free-of-charge complaint feature we offer to players?

This guide 👈 should cover the basics.

There is one thing though: this particular site seems to ignore palyers complaints completely.


On the other hand, it might still be worth trying. Perhaps they will change their minds. Well, I'll leave that decision to you.

Hey guys I had a LL01 error as well. They have locked me out of my account. Looking at these comments, where people have send documents and it has been 7+days and still no response from Bet365 team just sounds mindblowing to me. I had 17K in this account, so the anxiety is really getting the best of me right now

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