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Betmaster fidus (side 2)

3 år siden af Mannu24
9.169 visninger 25 svar |
1 2
3 år siden

De fortalte mig bare, at hvis jeg er bange for at miste mine midler, kan de blokere mine midler, så jeg ikke mister dem ... mens problemet er løst ...

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

That's actually a good offer from them. It's a sign that they're not trying to stall the withdrawal or steal your winnings, but they really have some issues with payments and payment providers.

3 år siden

Men det er ikke rigtigt, at de har problemer med betalingsudbydere, andre brugere kan hæve med enhver kryptokurrency og endda med kort, og de tillader mig ikke.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

I think those casinos who steal from people should be shut down. It happen to me with a differnt casino but it happen and is not fair. When i put money into a casino i expect that money to gone but if i win and they refuse to pay me there is a big problem and unfortunatelly is not much we can do about that.

3 år siden

Men hvis det er rigtigt, at de har problemer med betalingsudbydere, vil de have det med alle brugere, hvis nogle accepterer kortudtagninger og andre ikke gør det, får nogle lov til at hæve med Bitcoin og andre ikke, kasinoet spiller med nogle spillere og De beholder deres penge uden at kunne tage dem ud, som det er min sag.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 år siden

I think those casinos who steal from people should be shut down. It happen to me with a differnt casino but it happen and is not fair. When i put money into a casino i expect that money to gone but if i win and they refuse to pay me there is a big problem and unfortunatelly is not much we can do about that.

3 år siden

This is exactly the reason why Casino Guru exists. We don't claim that we can tell you how to always win in a casino, because it's impossible. On the other hand, we want to make sure that people play in casinos where they're safe. That means whenever a player is lucky, they should simply get the winnings without any issues and long waiting.

3 år siden

Could be true, it's hard to say if the casino doesn't communicate with you and doesn't explain what's going on.

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