HjemForumKlagesagerLegiano Casino verificerer ikke og beholder dine penge

Legiano Casino verificerer ikke og beholder dine penge (side 2)

 af beruco-26
25.011 visninger 322 svar |
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Kundeservice, fordi jeg siger igen, jeg taler hver dag, og med forskellige mennesker forsikrede de mig om, at jeg vil få det....jeg ved ikke hvornår....vær tålmodig, vi vil...sagen er, at det ikke er et fupnummer og det er ikke det beløb, vi får tilbage, men jeg vil personligt miste al idé om mange sådanne virksomheder

Automatisk oversættelse:

I am also waiting for my withdrawal, two months ago everything was very fast, no problem at all, and now i am waiting for my withdrawal from 25.10., same problem, they say they have lot of withdrawals, i see that more people are complaing so perhaps this is the truth, hope we receive our money, i hade larger withdrawal before, and i receive everything so i believe that we shall receive it now also, will inform you as soon as i receive it

Kundeservice, fordi jeg siger igen, jeg taler hver dag, og med forskellige mennesker forsikrede de mig om, at jeg vil få det....jeg ved ikke hvornår....vær tålmodig, vi vil...sagen er, at det ikke er et fupnummer og det er ikke det beløb, vi får tilbage, men jeg vil personligt miste al idé om mange sådanne virksomheder

Automatisk oversættelse:

Give them at least 14 full days. This is what we do anyway. Not much to add, to be honest. I think I have covered that much already. Try to relax and think about something else. I apologize for disappointing you.

I am also waiting for my withdrawal, two months ago everything was very fast, no problem at all, and now i am waiting for my withdrawal from 25.10., same problem, they say they have lot of withdrawals, i see that more people are complaing so perhaps this is the truth, hope we receive our money, i hade larger withdrawal before, and i receive everything so i believe that we shall receive it now also, will inform you as soon as i receive it

Hello! Please take a look at this thread. You will undoubtedly discover that the casino is experiencing a delay in processing withdrawals. I am glad you mentioned that everything was fine in the past because it aptly supports the casino's explanation of the current situation. I advise allowing them some time to settle the issue. Hold on and keep us posted, please.

Det samme skete for mig med Locowin, og de beholdt mine penge. Baseret på hvad der skete med dig, ser det ud til, at de fungerer på samme måde.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg tror, ​​jeg kommer til at miste mine penge...


Automatisk oversættelse:

Det samme skete for mig med Locowin, og de beholdt mine penge. Baseret på hvad der skete med dig, ser det ud til, at de fungerer på samme måde.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Please try to use a "reply" button whenever addressing some other user so they can be notified about your post.

Redigeret af forfatter

Hello for information, i received today first out of three withdrawals, 500€ i still have to receive 700€, so i hope each and everyone of you will receive,my first withdrawal was on 25.10.

26.10,27.10,28.10 I submitted withdrawal applications and still haven't received the money, they didn't even ask for verification, this is some kind of mockery of customers, I don't know what's going on, but this has been going on for so long that I feel like they want to cheat us, on the chat they are constantly explaining that they have problems with withdrawals, no one knows how long it may take.

Jeg har 400€ siden 25/10 og de er stadig ikke ankommet..

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello for information, i received today first out of three withdrawals, 500€ i still have to receive 700€, so i hope each and everyone of you will receive,my first withdrawal was on 25.10.

Thank you for this positive news. Keep them coming in.😉

Whenever you have an update about the others, please let us know.

26.10,27.10,28.10 I submitted withdrawal applications and still haven't received the money, they didn't even ask for verification, this is some kind of mockery of customers, I don't know what's going on, but this has been going on for so long that I feel like they want to cheat us, on the chat they are constantly explaining that they have problems with withdrawals, no one knows how long it may take.

Let's just hope that they will be able to fix it soon and you all will get your withdrawals.

Try to be a bit patient now and inform us about any updates, please.

Jeg har 400€ siden 25/10 og de er stadig ikke ankommet..

Automatisk oversættelse:

Are you able to contact the support of the casino?

Was there any explanation given as to the other player above?🤔


I can inform you that also my second withdrawal processed, so i am only waiting for 200€ to be processed, hope others receive money also


lucky guy, I hope we can do it too 😉


I can not see why not, if they would finish working believe me that also i would not receive it

Hello,did any one of you received your withdrawals?


No 😕


Perhaps it will come soon, i just checked my first withdrawal was 25.10. At 0.40,next one 25.10. At 14.39 and the last was on 26.10. In the morning so i expect the last one to receive tomorrow, will inform you ofcourse

I can inform you that also my second withdrawal processed, so i am only waiting for 200€ to be processed, hope others receive money also

Thank you for the confirmation. I am glad for you.

Please keep us informed regarding the last one.

Did you use the same payment method for all, by the way?

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