HjemForumKlagesagerMr Bet betaler mig ikke

Mr Bet betaler mig ikke (side 2)

 af rsouzaleblon
5.900 visninger 29 svar |
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Mr bet.... just getting the runaround in regard to documentation with specifics. I was playing in one money on a Friday evening the 7th of February and my statement show all the transactions on the Monday the 10th. This is common for banks to do but because it needs don't line up on having a bit of an issue


Hello and thank you for the quick response it's very comforting to know that you're out there to help people like myself. The documentation for the verification is kind of a Troublesome roller coaster. I have a few more things I would like to try and do with my bank before I formally require help.

just getting the runaround in regard to documentation with specifics. I was playing and won money on a Friday evening the 7th of February and my statement show all the transactions on the Monday the 10th. This is common for banks to do.but I'm worried that if the dates don't line up I will be having a bit of an issue. I'm going to go sit down with my bank today and see if we can find out a way around this or I just will have to submit my original download of my statement with the dates not lining up.

I'll keep you posted but if you have any good words of advice in regard to this scenario I would love to hear it thanks


I don't think you need advice from me because you're going about it very sensibly. That's what is needed, to try to sort it out with the bank and I think or hope that they will be able to issue such a document so that your transactions to the casino can be seen there on a given date. If not, you might get some kind of notification from the bank that you could give to the casino, but it's not something that is unusual for banks as you said. I've seen cases like this and it does happen from time to time, but most of the time it's always resolved. So if you couldn't sort it out yourself then as I said, let me know.

If something has changed so far I will be glad to hear about it too.

filethis was the response from Mr. Bet.

I'll just be a little more patient and keep everybody informed


So we'll see how long it takes them. If I haven't mentioned it yet, we give casinos 14 days for KYC. If it exceeds that time, definitely let us know.

Just an update, I was paid out this morning and for installments. Thank you for all your help guys



My congratulations! So, everything has been paid out in full? It's going to be a nice weekend, right? 🙂

Hej, god eftermiddag. Kasinoet frigiver ikke mine penge. Jeg har ventet i over to uger (7. marts), og det bliver ved med at sige afventende. Jeg foretog allerede min tilbagetrækning sidste år, og bekræftelsen er fuldført. De vil bare ikke betale mig. Jeg ved ikke hvorfor. Jeg tror, ​​de forsinker det med vilje, så jeg kan spille pengene væk, men det gør jeg ikke. Jeg bliver bare ved med at vente. file

Automatisk oversættelse:

Did the casino provide any explanation to you regarding this delay, though?

Maybe submitting a complaint would be a good idea. What do you say?

Please let us know if you believe that our complaint team should intervene.


Det er meget udmattende at skulle forholde sig til casinoets kundeserviceteam. Jeg gør det hver anden dag, og de sms'er, de sender mig, er altid de samme; de har allerede forberedt dem. De fortæller mig, at alt er i orden, at de bare er overvældede, og at jeg skal være tålmodig. Det tager normalt 48 timer, men hvis de har mange udbetalingsanmodninger, kan det tage lidt længere tid. Og jeg skriver hver 48. time, og de fortæller mig præcis det samme. Og der er gået 15 dage uden at fortælle mig noget nyt.

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