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Mystake-udbetalinger afvises (side 2)

1 år siden af Lippixx
11.071 visninger 44 svar |
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11 måneder siden

Hej! Det samme sker for mig som brugeren lippixx! I mit tilfælde, det samme som ham, hver gang de beder mig om en ting, og når du får det, beder de om en anden, og vi fortsætter sådan efter mere end 20 e-mails. De løser ikke noget gennem chatten og via e-mail gør de én ting hver gang, så de aldrig bekræfter kontoen. Jeg vil gerne vide, om der er nogen måde at klage på.

Automatisk oversættelse:
11 måneder siden

Hello. Sorry you find yourself in this unpleasant situation. Do I understand correctly, that you are going thru the verification process right now, correct? When did you request for the withdrawal, please? We give casinos 14 full days for the verification process, as it might be little more time consuming, especially when the first withdrawal is requested. If the casino is not able to verify the player within this timeframe, we recommend the player to submit a complaint here. It is free of charge and our team is always doing the best to get the issue solved. If you decide to do so, just click/tap on this link please. Let us know please, what your next move will be.

11 måneder siden

Jeg har anmodet om flere tilbagetrækninger for at prøve! Og de har alle nægtet mig, bedt mig om diverse dokumentation og bedt mig kontakte dem via e-mail. Jeg har sendt alt flere gange, og hver gang beder de om flere ting. Jeg har mere end 20 e-mails og intet, men siden lørdag har de ikke svaret mig igen, jeg ved ikke, hvad den næste bliver. Hvis de siger, at de vil give det 14 dage, vil jeg vente og se, hvad der sker, og hvis ikke, vil jeg indgive en klage. Tak for din hjælp!!

Automatisk oversættelse:
11 måneder siden

Hello. Sometimes, casinos prefer to reject all withdrawal requests unless the full-scale check is done properly. No wonder players might feel confused, I could say. So now let's focus on the documents for a sec, may I ask if you have had any explanation from the support about why they are asking for more and more documents? Was the reason maybe that you provide those in a wrong format, or that some of your documents were expired, for example? Just trying to understand the reason casino would repeatedly ask for more documents, even though you have already provided them 🤔. Are you aware of what could the reason be, perhaps?

11 måneder siden

Jeg har ingen ide! Først sendte jeg det forkert, fordi de ikke ville have det scannet, og de ønskede, at det skulle være nyligt, ikke mere end 3 måneder gammelt, men jeg bad om et kortcertifikat fra min bank, der blev underskrevet elektronisk dagen før, så det ville være på tid. De bad mig om indbetalingerne, og jeg sendte det også til dem.

Automatisk oversættelse:
11 måneder siden

I see. I'm sorry to say that, but without decent cooperation from the casino's side, it's hard to tell whether the documents are now okay and fully approved. Not much to conclude without the casino's direct response; hence, I'd say it's a good idea to give the casino some time to update you properly.

As you now know, we are here for you, so please let us know about any progress. The complaint is still available, so let's see whether you will need it. With luck, you won't. 🤞

10 måneder siden

Intet er gået i tide, og alt er et problem for ikke at betale. Jeg har allerede givet op, og det er det, de vil. Jeg skal kun advare dig om ikke at bruge Mystake, for hvis du vinder penge, får du dem ikke derfra.

Automatisk oversættelse:
10 måneder siden

Hej Josete, ud fra min erfaring, hvad jeg kan fortælle dig er: væbn dig med tålmodighed.

Mit tilfælde var værre, de hackede min adgangskode, og de trak mine penge tilbage. Og det var mærkeligt, for på det tidspunkt kunne der ikke hæves penge fra min konto af samme grund som din.

Så jeg sendte mange klager. Blandt dem: sagde, at jeg ikke ville anbefale mystake længere. Indtil de pludselig gav mig det, de havde taget fra mig. Så ændrede jeg adgangskoden. Og dagen efter begyndte jeg at kunne trække alt tilbage.

Husk at du skal satse et vist beløb af din investering for at kunne hæve. Jeg tror det var 1.1

Jeg håber, det har været nyttigt for dig. Jeg tror, at man på sigt vil kunne trække den tilbage. Giv ikke op.

Automatisk oversættelse:
10 måneder siden

Mange tak lippixx! Ja, ja, jeg har også satset på det... Jeg ved ikke, hvad de ellers har tilbage at bede mig om! I hvert fald mange tak

Automatisk oversættelse:
10 måneder siden

Intet er gået i tide, og alt er et problem for ikke at betale. Jeg har allerede givet op, og det er det, de vil. Jeg skal kun advare dig om ikke at bruge Mystake, for hvis du vinder penge, får du dem ikke derfra.

Automatisk oversættelse:
10 måneder siden

I think if you haven't gotten anywhere in such a long time, you might as well use our free feature - the complaint. 

You can set it up here on this link. ⬅️

If you don't know what to expect from this process, you can refer to this guide for all the answers you need.

If the casino can't help you and you still have a problem, we'll try. Don't give up, and I believe that if you have lasted long enough, you will last some more time and we will see what can be done. 

You gonna go for it? 

10 måneder siden

Bare rolig og tak! Nu hvor jeg er informeret, og at det ikke sker for flere, er jeg tilfreds. Til sidst indsatte jeg 450 euro af mine penge, og de lod mig ikke hæve 5000. Heldigvis har jeg råd til de 450 euro, så jeg kan advare folk, der kan miste penge, om, at de ikke har råd til…. Jeg ville være glad!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:
10 måneder siden

What a pity, because I think it's quite a nice sum and in the end you wouldn't give anything for it. 

Nevertheless, I certainly won't force you to do anything if you don't want to. I thought there might be a solution. 

Anyway, I hope you won't have such worries in the future. 🙂

10 måneder siden

Nej, Josete... du skal blive ved med at prøve at sende e-mails hver dag. Og skift din adgangskode i ny og næ på grund af hacking.

Prøv at sende e-mailen om, at du vil blive tvunget til ikke at anbefale casinoet.

Desværre er det langt og dyrt at ty til juridiske midler. Da kasinoets hovedkvarter er på Curacao.

Jeg ville blive ved med at prøve.. held og lykke! 🍀

Automatisk oversættelse:
10 måneder siden

Ja jeg fortsætter! Og jeg sender e-mails hver dag! I går prøvede jeg en anden hævning, og de begynder at bede om kortdokumentation som i begyndelsen.

Automatisk oversættelse:
10 måneder siden

If you still have problems, feel free to file a complaint with us, as I mentioned, you won't pay anything for it and no matter how it turns out, you can say that you tried to do your best to get your money. I certainly wouldn't let it go if you didn't do anything wrong. 

I hope you can get it all sorted out. ☘️

10 måneder siden

Ok, hvordan kan jeg sige det?

Automatisk oversættelse:
10 måneder siden

I am glad that you have finally convinced yourself and I firmly believe that you can be helped, although I will not be too hasty and promise a positive ending. 

You can open a complaint at this link. ⬅️

If you would like to read more information about what to expect from the whole process, you can find it in this guide- Complaint Resolution Information and Instructions.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you in your situation and that everything is resolved fairly. If you have any additional questions just ask, I will be here. 🤗

9 måneder siden

Did I see that my mistake, Mystake casino has had 522 complaints here and the Guru still approves of them?

8.8 ???????


Are you kidding? Why do you rate them an 8.8?

9 måneder siden

Well, if we are talking about complaints, they have one single unresolved complaint, which I think is really quite good for so many. I'm not defending the casino of course, but from the number of people who apparently play there, it's a good statistic. 

Of course, why they have such a rating you can find clearly written here. 


9 måneder siden


Have you yourself ever played there? I was excited to find such a diversified lineup of slot manufacturers available. I usually test out a low deposit on casinos I don't know. I wish I could rely on your reviews, but I can't.

I went there, deposited 70USD and to my dismay, more than half the slots failed to load. I like Betsoft for stability, platypus for some fun games, they even have some RTG that I've never seen a site share RTG with any other brands, but they do include some. Another long story short, I'm lucky to salvage 55USD but that was a major struggle. Why? No Betsoft would load, no message and platypus the same way. Would not load. Many others would not load. Terrible news for me.

I am in the U.S. and Betsoft and Platypus are always available in my region. I finally had to contact support. First reply was the usual stalling question can you send a screenshot. Useless. I asked do I really have to send a screenshot of a black, blank page. But I did. Support immediately said that they are not offered in my region. However, when I selected slots that weren't available to me for real, I'd get a message saying so. Support knew nothing else to say to me other than the slot manufacturers decide regional offers themselves and we can't do anything for you. Sorry for the inconvenience.......blah. I don't need an apology and hate when casinos resort to doing that.

Not such a long story short, I apologize. There T&C said nothing about timing of withdrawals so that was a crap shoot. I surprisingly received my withdrawal the next day. To be clear, their FAQ and T&C are very incomplete. The entire experience was awful. Disappointed about the inability to be able to load slots I thought were available. Support giving me bullshit excuses. Trying to salvage any of my deposit, I got lucky, so I knew getting out of there with anything would be almost impossible.

I'll answer any questions you have. In my opinion, and I've played many, many online casinos, is that this casino is far more terrible than you guys say. Incidentally even though I was not asked to try different OS and browsers, I did try another mobile device with the same results. I was told to clear cache and restart browsers. That statement is getting old too. Any gambler knows to do that first. My final conclusive opinion of this casino is they do not live up to the facts you publish here. The bragging of being a large casino proved to be insufficient. I have learned that even the largest and wealthiest online casinos could give a shit about lying and performing very, very poorly. There you have it Jaro. Everyone has an opinion and as a very knowledgeable online casino player, I say you shouldn't even play here. It's a hassle and a very poorly run online casino getting wealthy off of their customers by using low life tactics.

Redigeret af forfatter 9 måneder siden
9 måneder siden

One more thing. They only offer a small sample of the slot machines for each manufacturer they claim to make available.

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