HjemForumKlagesagerNATIONAL Casino tilbagetrækningsproblemer

NATIONAL Casino tilbagetrækningsproblemer (side 2)

2 år siden af quartasalvatore748
8.205 visninger 33 svar |
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1 år siden


Jeg anmodede om en udbetaling fra National Casino i tirsdags og har ikke modtaget den endnu. Jeg modtog først informationen, som stadig er i økonomiafdelingen. I dag har vi fået besked om, at økonomiafdelingen har problemer. Jeg kunne ikke få at vide, hvad de var. Er der nogen der har erfaring?

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hello, in this case I would recommend to be patient for a while if the casino told you that they have a problem so they are probably trying to fix it. If they keep you updated on the situation, I see that as a plus. If they stopped doing that and the casino didn't respond for a longer period of time then I would be more nervous. I would like to add that we give casinos 14 days to sort out the withdrawal process. 

However, is this your first time withdrawing at a casino ? Let me know. 

1 år siden

Spørger du, får du altid det samme svar:

Kære spiller,

Din udbetalingsanmodning bliver desværre stadig tjekket af økonomiafdelingen.

Vi vil gerne bede dig om tålmodighed.

Når alle kontroller er gennemført, kontakter vi dig med det samme. Vi takker for din forståelse.

Med venlig hilsen,

Casino support team

En tilbagetrækning skal kontrolleres inden for 8 dage. Jeg tvivler på, at pengene kommer.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I know that when it comes to money, the player is always nervous if it doesn't arrive in a reasonable time. But if the casino communicates with you and tries to solve the problems, I wouldn't be skeptical yet. I hate to say it but try to be patient and see what happens next. If you don't manage to withdraw your money within the 14 days I mentioned, we will try to help you. Will that be possible? 

1 år siden

Ja, jeg vil stadig vente. I dag er det kun den 9. dag. Jeg håber, de stadig betaler.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Hello! I'd like to assure you that this is just an ordinary check, but to be honest, it does not sound very ordinary to me. I mean, such checks should be quicker, if you ask me. On the other hand, I noticed the issues the financial team was/is having. I'm trying to say, that we should wait for the result and not try to expect the worst. 🙏

We'll be here for the conclusion, of course!

1 år siden

Ok, jeg holder dig opdateret. Først og fremmest tak 🙂

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

You're welcome, fingers crossed you get your money as soon as possible so you can enjoy it. When you do, feel free to share it with us. Good luck. ☘️👍

1 år siden

Hej, jeg tror, jeg vil ikke se mine penge. Jeg bliver altid holdt tilbage. Der anmodes om dokumenter, der allerede er indsendt 4 gange og ligeledes er godkendt. Spørger du i chatten, får du altid samme besked om, at det vil tage noget tid, fordi flere afdelinger står for udbetalingen. Et tidspunkt kan ikke angives. Der er nu gået 12 dage. Kasinoet bør lukkes.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I understand and sympathize with you if you have gotten nowhere and keep getting the same answer. We give casinos 14 days to resolve the withdrawal and verify the account, so if nothing changes in the next few days, I recommend filing a complaint here on this link. Our team will try to help you and I firmly believe that you will eventually verify and your money will be credited to your account.

If you hear anything new let me know. I will be waiting.

1 år siden

Ok i morgen er de 14 dage forbi. Hvis der ikke er sket noget i morgen, vil jeg klage.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Clearly I think it's the right thing to do because if the casino is not able to resolve this process in 14 days then I don't think it's a good thing. So we'll see where you get. 

If you have any new information, let me know. 

1 år siden

Derefter udføres verifikation og betaling. Det har taget lang tid.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Does this mean that you managed to successfully complete the verification and got your money in the end ? 

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