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Posh Casino Withdrawal (side 2)

 af sgtauzin
9.598 visninger 60 svar ||
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Back in 2022 I had a win in this casino, and the withdrawal $1500 was no problem. My withdrawal request Mar 21, 2024 was for $1050. I get the feeling they have no intention of paying me.

I dag vil de oplysninger, jeg har, eskalere sagen endnu en gang, fra 48 til 72 timer. Og de har sikkert ikke en licens. Jeg spurgte chatten, og den fortalte mig, at jeg skulle læse SVAR OG SPØRGSMÅL, som den har i vilkårene.!!! At han ikke kunne give mig den information.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hmm, quite an evasive answer, which probably wouldn't satisfy me. So if you look in the terms what did you find there ? 🤔

Back in 2022 I had a win in this casino, and the withdrawal $1500 was no problem. My withdrawal request Mar 21, 2024 was for $1050. I get the feeling they have no intention of paying me.

I am very sorry that you played in such a casino and that it is not possible to help from our side. We would love to do so, but the reason has already been explained. 

If anything changes or if you get an answer, please don't hesitate to let us know.


Og ja, sandheden er, ja, og ser jeg på vilkårene, kan jeg ikke finde ud af, at nogen del har licenser.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Og ja, sandheden er, ja, og ser jeg på vilkårene, kan jeg ikke finde ud af, at nogen del har licenser.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hm, I guess I would say that they don't have to have one and if you get the money, you should definitely reconsider if it's worth it to continue playing here. 

Especially when it comes to the invitation room, where even our team is not able to help. 

Anyway, be sure to update me if you have anything new. 🤞

Hej. Se på min første betaling modtaget fra POSHCASINO DEN 12. JULI med succes 420usd!!! Der mangler kun én betaling på 620.

Automatisk oversættelse:

So, of course, the decision will certainly be yours and you can go on. I just find that if there are problems, there is nowhere else to turn and I would have to decide whether it's worth it. 

Nevertheless, you still haven't achieved anything according to what you write, have you ?

Og min første betaling modtaget i min 420 villetera, men lad os se, at den stadig mangler.

Automatisk oversættelse:

How long have you been waiting for the next withdrawal ? You haven't kept in touch with them ? 🤔

Been waiting for withdrawal since.

March 21,2024. I have kept in touch with them several times a month. They keep putting me off by replying with the same email blaming their 3rd party payout system.


Min første betaling blev sendt til mig lige om en måned, den anden blev godkendt den 19. juni, det bliver også en måned...!!, de fortalte mig, da jeg talte med dem, at der var mange hævningsanmodninger, dvs. hvorfor forsinkelsen. Jeg håber, de fortsætter med at betale mig.!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Been waiting for withdrawal since.

March 21,2024. I have kept in touch with them several times a month. They keep putting me off by replying with the same email blaming their 3rd party payout system.

Have you been waiting that long ? I understand that sometimes there can be a problem with a third party provider but 4 months ? I wouldn't take that as a valid reason. Did you ask if you could switch to some other alternative ? 

Wish you good luck


Min første betaling blev sendt til mig lige om en måned, den anden blev godkendt den 19. juni, det bliver også en måned...!!, de fortalte mig, da jeg talte med dem, at der var mange hævningsanmodninger, dvs. hvorfor forsinkelsen. Jeg håber, de fortsætter med at betale mig.!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Oh, I don't know if I would rely on the fact that they tell me for a month that they have a lot of withdrawals. It's a lot in my opinion, but you can't speed it up. 

So you'll just have to be patient and hope the money comes in. If something changes, definitely let me know.


Sandheden er, at ja, det tager en måned, men jeg får i det mindste betalt for den første.

Automatisk oversættelse:



Sure, I know it's comforting, but if I were playing for money somewhere and I won, I'd expect to get paid. 

Anyway, the next decision will be up to you and you will know if it's worth playing in these vip rooms 🤷‍♂️


Ja ja, ja, jeg ved ikke om jeg ville vende tilbage til dette casino...!! Jeg anbefaler det stadig ikke til nogen.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I will not make another deposit to Posh until I receive all they owe me. So, we shall see if they choose to do the right and ethical thing, or not!

I will not make another deposit to Posh until I receive all they owe me. So, we shall see if they choose to do the right and ethical thing, or not!

That's certainly reasonable, and I wouldn't make any deposit unless I received money from them. I'm curious to see if you get it or not. 

Are you in any kind of contact with them or not ? 

No….. no contract with them

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