Gæt sin Jeton, da den siger dette på deres hjemmeside "For at behandle enhver udbetaling fra din Jeton Wallet, skal du gennemgå verificeringsprocessen. Verificeringsprocessen for Jeton Wallet er en standardiseret overholdelsesforanstaltning til bekæmpelse af hvidvaskning af penge (AML), kender dine kunder (KYC) og love og forskrifter om finansiering af terrorisme (CTF). Processen består i at indsende dokumentation. Behandlingstider til verifikation kan tage op til 12 timer afhængigt af niveauet af offentlig interesse. "
det siger bare afvist ved 22 væddemål (tidligere sagde det "nægtet af operatør")
Guess its Jeton since it says this on their website "To process any payout from your Jeton Wallet, you will need to go through the verification process. The verification process for Jeton Wallet is a standardised compliance measure for anti-money laundering (AML), know your customer (KYC), and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) laws and regulations. The process consists of a submitting supporting documentation. Processing times for verification can take up to 12 hrs, depending on the level of public interest."
it just says rejected at 22 bet (earlier it said "denied by operator")