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22bet withdrawal issues (side 6)

4 år siden af giseryd
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2 år siden

I have played at 22bet for nearly one year. Previously the withdrawl for me is excellent: always finished in 10 mintues. But this time, two withdrawls are stucked. Just as the past, they were approved very fast. But then, now one order is 4 days and another 2 days, the money is still not in my account.

Could anyone give me some suggestions or tell me some experiences? Can it still be with problems when the withdrawls are approved?

2 år siden

Hi, I moved your post into this thread because it's all about 22bet casino withdrawal issues. You can start reading from here: https://casino.guru/forum/complaints-discussion/22bet-withdrawal-issues

2 år siden

Thanks. Actually in the beginning I saw the talkings here and then registered. A good news is now I have received money from one withdrawl (the one with less money). But the other requst with more money is still not received.

2 år siden

Hello, it's a good sign. Just for example, if the sum won is higher, the casino may slip the money into several payments. I would wait a bit.

2 år siden

Two more days has passed and the money is still not received.

2 år siden

Well, it's obviously a bit too long. Are they in touch with you? The second withdrawal has been approved?

2 år siden

It is firstly approved and after around 7 days rejected. Yesterday I had very bad mood and I used the moeny for betting and didn't have luck. The money was lost in games. Finally the problem is "solved" in such a frustrating way. I fell sorry for the Casino, which uses this kind of way to keep palyer winnings in their company.

2 år siden

Oh no,... I'm sorry you lost the money. It's better to forget now, I guess 🙁.

2 år siden

I'm not really sure. Many players say this is the casino's strategy, but I believe that it's not always the casino's strategy. The casino can be simply bad, too slow, bugged, they can have issues with payment providers...there are many options.

2 år siden

Hello, I'm sorry but I think it is up to the casino if they will accept your mistake and pay you any winnings 🙁 in some act of goodwill. I find it strange that you passed KYC with a different holder name for the credit card and as well for the bank account - but maybe I got it wrong. You should contact the support, explain the situation to them and if everything goes well they may even return deposits. Just do not register foreign names to other payment methods, you can only create a bigger problem.

2 år siden

For some Reason I am not allowed to withdraw trough any method. Everytime I go to the withdrawel window it just shows as "unavailable services" and it gives me no options.

I spoke to one of the chat helpers and they told me to send my ID and my account number to the email "security@22bet.com" but that was almost 2 weeks ago and I still have no answer from them. On top of that I have have no acess to the chat when I got to the website

Can someone help me please?

2 år siden


this is not the first case of the same sort, I'm afraid.

I suggest you submit a complaint here and we will try to contact the casino and learn what seems to be the problem there.

Feel free to use this link: https://casino.guru/complaints/create

I'd also try to contact their security dept. on a regular basis.

2 år siden

Generally speaking, we gave the casino a very bad rating and this is exactly what you can expect from a bad casino. It's still possible that you'll get paid, but it will take some time.

2 år siden

God morgen! I 22bet sker der noget, hvis jeg bruger visum, som navnet på kontoen ikke er til? Så kan jeg tjekke det?

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

Hello there.

I'm sorry I do not understand your question.

What seems to be the problem or what would you like to check, please?

2 år siden

Jeg har registreret mig i 22bet, og jeg har brugt et visa-kort som ikke står i mit navn, jeg har foretaget ind- og udbetalinger uden problemer, men nu beder de mig om at bekræfte kontoen, jeg har sendt et identitetsdokument og nu har jeg at sende visa-kortet, men visa-kortet er ikke i navnet på brugerregistreringen på 22bet-siden, er der noget problem?

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

In some casinos it is against their rules to make deposits and withdrawals on a card that is different from the name registered. It is possible that they may close your account and confiscate any winnings associated with that card. Is there a reason why you didn’t deposit using your own card? You will have to wait and see what course of action they take,

2 år siden

Årsagen er, at jeg ikke har et kort, kan jeg hæve det samme?

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

men de indtastede penge bliver returneret? Det er ikke en fordel

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

Have you made a withdrawal using a card not in your name? If not for verification send in your own debit card with the rest of your documents for verification

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