HjemForumSpillemaskinerBook of Dead is crap!!

Book of Dead is crap!! (side 3)

 af Anonymized417
30.865 visninger 72 svar |
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Stargames, casinoet jeg nævnte ovenfor, lader også østrigere spille. Men jeg fraråder at indsætte penge der. Selvfølgelig er novolinerne gammeldags, så jeg er glad. Greentube har også udviklet nye spil. De gamle fik kun en opdatering ultra HD og Dolby Surround. Som den første n 3 StarWars tilbage i 90'erne

Automatisk oversættelse:

I seen them when I lived in the UK . But never in Germany. I don't no why but looking at it my guess is they couldn't come up with a clear definition for it. It's not a slot really, not a lottery or betting game . An illegal bitcoin mining company? No correct definition means no correct tax income 🤷🏼‍♂️

Actually the first time I've seen them was in 2001 in London 😀 So you're right with the UK 🙂 When I'm thinking about it, I should try to find out what the rules are for this in my country. I'd enjoy renting out these machines 😀


Nej, StarGames er kun tilgængelig for spillere fra Tyskland.

Automatisk oversættelse:
StarGames Casino

Hi, since you're an official casino representative, I edited your account so next time you'll write a post here, it will be clearly visible that you're a casino representative including your logo.

Redigeret af forfatter

Thanks a lot for your help, Daniel!

StarGames Casino

You're welcome. I'm glad you joined the discussion here 🙂Every casino representative is welcome. It's always better to have information right from the source instead of speculating about "how it might be".


Ja desværre!

Virkelig spillet i over 20 år! Onlinekasinoer i omkring 15 år. Og udbetalingsraten på win2day er langt den værste, jeg nogensinde har set. Du kan sige hvad du vil, det er bare min personlige mening efter år.

Jeg har været hos Win2day i omkring 13 år, og jeg har kun haft 1 udbetaling, der var rimeligt bemærkelsesværdig uden sjov.

Jeg spiller stadig mindst en gang om ugen og vinder bare ikke noget og har været det i 13 år. Det virker også på andre casinoer, så hvorfor ikke med dem? Du kan mene, hvad du vil 🙂 men jeg synes, det er rigtig heftigt, hvor dårligt spillene betaler.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Actually, when I look at the results of our last competition, many people named Book of Dead as the slot they like the most. It's a phenomenon that's hard to beat 🙂


Yeah your right I will give you an example of my last time playing it. I was given 150 free spins for depositing twice. The spins were 10p the first one no bonus I got 8.90 so If I was playing for £1.00 that would have been £150.00 with an £89.00 return. The second one I got 2 bonus features which I did quite well but in the end my total was £17.90 so that equates to £170.90 for £150 so a £21 profit not very good IMOP for 2 bonus features that appeared to pay quite well.


Have you tried playing in the free mode? I wonder what a conclusion you can make if you compare both experiences.


But still, you managed to reach a certain amount of profit in the 2nd case so that's success I guess 🙂

I played Book of Dead for many times and sometimes I get some big, big wins. I almost get a full of pharaons on a medium bet, but generally it pays to me.


Can you paste some screenshots? I'd love to see those pharaons!



Do you always play it in the same casino or do you play in different casinos?

Er jeg den eneste, der tror, at udbetalingsraten for Playngo og især Book of Dead eller andre bogspil er faldet? De betaler næsten ingenting. Du får næsten ikke brugbare billeder - så jeg får næsten altid kun det mindste antal tegn for at vinde på gratis spins

Automatisk oversættelse:

After finding one I like, I play in different casinos to change the environment and have more games to choose from. When new games come out, it's always a race to see who can get their casino. But since online casinos are now available to everyone, the competition is getting more challenging, and finding new games is harder so sticking to one casino is more advantageous.


The thing is that some casinos can decrease RTP on their games (even some game providers provide tools for it) so you could have success on a game in a specific casino, but the same game could be a nightmare for you in another casino.


Yeah I’d love to see the pharaohs also. I have been trying playing book 📕of dead quite a lot because Goldwin casino has been offering 3x no wagering 1 spin for every €1 deposited and although I got a few bonus wins I never so far have I got a picture on the bonus at any time. I would say that my opinion of the slot has changed but I still think it’s mighty difficult to win a substantial amount


So it sounds like what Daniel mentioned earlier, that the game can be more rewarding to play in one casino and a nightmare elsewhere. I must say that even the bonus sounds quite nice.

I checked YouTube and got the impression that the biggest wins were approx. 3-2 years back. A coincidence?



you just got unlucky dude )

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