Kære Genshin,
Efter en omfattende diskussion og omhyggelig evaluering af alle relevante oplysninger er vi nået frem til følgende konklusion:
Selvom det er rigtigt, at en uoverensstemmelse i dit gameplay er blevet identificeret af spiludbyderen, som er blevet klassificeret som korttælling, overholder denne klassifikation de tidligere nævnte regler. Men i betragtning af at korttælling ikke anses for ulovlig i forskellige lande, inklusive USA og Storbritannien, kan vi ikke fuldt ud støtte kasinoets handlinger, hvis dette er den eneste begrundelse for deres beslutning.
I traditionelle kasinoer, når en spiller anerkendes som en korttæller, kan virksomheden vælge at nægte service og forbyde spilleren at vende tilbage, men de er stadig forpligtet til at udbetale eventuelle gevinster, hvis ingen andre regler er blevet overtrådt.
Vi har udgivet en artikel om korttælling i blackjack, forfattet af min kollega, en tidligere professionel spiller, som dykker ned i dette emne: Korttælling i Blackjack – Hvordan fungerer det, og kan du bruge det? (casinoguru-en.com) .
Som der står i artiklen: "Korttælling er en legitim metode til at vinde mod et kasino. Men når en spiller opdages i at øve det, har kasinoet ret til at stoppe spillet og forbyde spilleren fra fremtidig adgang."
Jeg anerkender, at sandsynligvis alle online casinoer har regler mod korttælling; Men i vores forpligtelse til at opretholde retfærdighed og integritet for både spillere og kasinoer, går vi ind for implementering af etablerede bedste praksis fra landbaserede kasinoer i online-miljøer under disse omstændigheder.
På trods af mine bestræbelser på at afklare vores holdning og søge en passende løsning med casinoteamet, fastholdt de desværre deres oprindelige beslutning. Derfor har vi været nødt til at klassificere denne klage som uløst, hvilket kan have en negativ indvirkning på kasinoets vurdering.
Jeg forstår, at dette ikke er en tilfredsstillende løsning på dit problem. Faldet i vurderingen forårsaget af uafklarede klager kan dog være med til at ændre casinoets tilgang. Hvis casinoet beslutter sig for at reagere, vil vi genåbne klagen, og du vil blive underrettet via e-mail. Hvis du stadig ønsker at tage din klage videre, anbefaler jeg, at du kontakter kasinoets udpegede Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)-tjeneste CasinoReviews.com og indsender en klage til dem. Det næste skridt ville være at indgive en klage til Malta Gaming Authority ved at bruge klageformularen, der findes her - Indgiv en klage - Malta Gaming Authority (mga.org.mt) ADR og MGA har muligvis flere muligheder og værktøjer til at hjælpe spillere.
Fortæl mig venligst, hvordan de reagerede ( michal.k@casino.guru ).
Jeg beklager, at jeg ikke kunne være til mere hjælp ved denne lejlighed.
Venlig hilsen,
Casino Guru
Dear Genshin,
Following a comprehensive discussion and careful evaluation of all relevant information, we have reached the following conclusion:
While it is true that a discrepancy in your gameplay has been identified by the game provider, which has been classified as card counting, this classification adheres to the previously mentioned regulations. However, given that card counting is not deemed illegal in various countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, we cannot fully endorse the casino's actions if this is the sole justification for their decision.
In traditional casinos, when a player is recognized as a card counter, the establishment may opt to refuse service and prohibit the player from returning, yet they are still obligated to pay out any winnings if no other rules have been breached.
We have published an article on card counting in blackjack, authored by my colleague, a former professional player, which delves into this subject: Card counting in Blackjack – How does it work and can you use it? (casinoguru-en.com).
As stated in the article: "Card counting is a legitimate method of winning against a casino. However, when a player is discovered practicing it, the casino has the right to stop the game and prohibit the player from future entry."
I acknowledge that probably all online casinos have regulations against card counting; however, in our commitment to uphold fairness and integrity for both players and casinos, we advocate for the implementation of established best practices from land-based casinos in online settings under these circumstances.
Despite my efforts to clarify our stance and seek an appropriate resolution with the casino team, they regrettably upheld their original decision. Consequently, we have had to classify this complaint as unresolved, which may adversely impact the casino's rating.
I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in the rating caused by unresolved complaints might help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint, and you will be notified by email. If you still want to take your complaint further I recommend you contact the casinos designated Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service CasinoReviews.com and submit a complaint to them. The next step would be to file a complaint to the Malta Gaming Authority by using the complaints form found here - Lodge a Complaint - Malta Gaming Authority (mga.org.mt) The ADR and MGA might have more options and tools to help players.
Please let me know how they responded (michal.k@casino.guru).
I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion.
Best regards,
Casino Guru
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