Jeg har spillet og har aldrig haft et problem, men pludselig, efter at have foretaget en udbetaling, blokerer de min konto. De hævder, at det er fordi jeg har en anden konto, hvilket var en fejl, som jeg har indrømmet, men den er aldrig blevet brugt til udbetalinger eller indbetalinger. Uanset hvad, nægter de at fjerne blokeringen af min konto, og mine penge forbliver utilgængelige. Ifølge deres 5.5-regel kan hver kunde kun åbne én konto på hjemmesiden. Eventuelle ekstra konti åbnet af en kunde vil blive betragtet som dubletkonti. De forbeholder sig retten til at lukke sådanne konti, anmode om dokumenter for at bekræfte kundens identitet og standse enhver aktivitet på de formodede konti, indtil kunden har bekræftet deres identitet. Hvis en duplikatkonto utilsigtet er blevet brugt af en enkelt kunde til at udføre flere kontoaktiviteter, og forudsat at de relevante vilkår og betingelser ikke er blevet overtrådt, kan de tillade den pågældende kunde at hæve eventuelle midler indsat på duplikatkontoen minus ethvert beløb tidligere trukket tilbage, forudsat at alle væddemål placeret fra nævnte konto annulleres. Hvis der findes tegn på svindel, vil alle væddemål blive annulleret, og de formodede konti vil blive blokeret, uden at der hæves penge.
Deres vilkår anerkender fejl, hvis det er klart og tydeligt, at det skete, hvilket er tilfældet her, da det aldrig blev brugt til at spille eller foretage udbetalinger.
I've been playing and never had an issue, but suddenly, upon making a withdrawal, they block my account. They claim it's because I have another account, which was a mistake that I've admitted to, but it has never been used for withdrawals or deposits. Regardless, they refuse to unblock my account, and my money remains inaccessible. According to their 5.5 rule, each customer can only open one account on the website. Any extra accounts opened by a customer will be considered duplicate accounts. They reserve the right to close such accounts, request documents to confirm customer's identity, and halt any activity on the suspected accounts until the customer has confirmed their identity. If a duplicate account has been unintentionally used by a single customer to carry out multiple account activities, and provided the relevant terms and conditions have not been breached, they may permit the concerned customer to withdraw any funds deposited in the duplicate account, less any amount previously withdrawn, provided that all bets placed from said account are canceled. If any signs of fraud are found, all bets will be nullified and the suspected accounts will be blocked without any funds being withdrawn.
Their terms acknowledge mistakes if it is clear and evident that it happened, which is the case here as it was never used for playing or making withdrawals.
Har spelat och aldrig någonsin haft problem, helt plötsligt så vid ett uttag så blockerar dom mitt konto och enligt deras mening att jag har ett annat konto, detta har skett av misstag och hänvisar till det , aldrig använt eller används vid uttag och insättningar ,men deras syn att inte öppna mitt konto och mina pengar på kontot inte är tillgängliga, 5.5. Each customer can only open one account on the website. Any additional accounts opened by a customer will be deemed duplicate accounts. We reserve the right to close such accounts, request documents from the customer to confirm their identity, and stop any activity on the accounts in question until the customer has confirmed their identity. In the event that a duplicate account has not been used intentionally to carry out activities using multiple accounts by a single customer, and provided that the relevant terms and conditions have not been breached, we may, at our discretion, allow the customer in question to withdraw any funds deposited to a duplicate account, minus any amount previously withdrawn, provided that all bets placed from said account are canceled. In the event that evidence of fraud is discovered, all bets will be voided and the accounts in question will be blocked without any funds being withdrawn.
Deras egna terms godkänner misstag om klart och tydligt här har skett då det aldrig använts för spela. Eller uttag.
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