Kære Carl,
Mange tak for at indsende din klage. Jeg er ked af at høre om dit problem.
Jeg vil gerne advare dig, at hvis din indbetaling aldrig er blevet krediteret din kasinokonto, er det eneste du kan gøre at kontakte din betalingsudbyder. De skal undersøge, men husk, at det er en langvarig proces, der tager cirka en måned. I disse tilfælde har kasinoet sine hænder bundet. I mellemtiden vil jeg kraftigt anbefale ikke at deponere flere midler, før problemet er sorteret.
Kan du venligst videresende betalingskvitteringen sammen med relevant kommunikation til petronela.k@casino.guru ? Hvem har givet dig adressen, hvor betalingen skal sendes?
Som jeg nævnte tidligere, hvis casinoet ikke er krediteret din konto, har casinoet sine hænder bundet, da kun afsenderen kan spore transaktionen, ikke modtageren.
Jeg håber, vi vil være i stand til at hjælpe dig med at løse dette problem. På forhånd tak for dit svar.
Med venlig hilsen,
Dear Carl,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
I would like to warn you, that if your deposit has never been credited to your casino account, the only thing you can do is to contact your payment provider. They need to investigate, but bear in mind, that it’s a lengthy process which takes approximately one month. In these cases, casino has its hands tied. Meanwhile, I would strongly recommend not to deposit any more funds until the issue is sorted.
Could you please forward the payment receipt along with any relevant communication to petronela.k@casino.guru? Who provided you the address where to send the payment?
As I mentioned earlier, if deposit hasn’t been credited to your account, the casino has its hands tied as only the sender can track the transaction, not the beneficiary.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
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